APPENDICES Appendix A. Country Data: Source: Central Statistical Organization and other public/private sources. 1. Profile Population: 372,000 (1986 census) Population Growth Rate: 2.8 percent per year Religion: Mainly Islam. Minority Christian expatriate communities Government System: Monarchy Languages: Mainly Arabic. English is widely spoken Work Week: Saturday-Thursday 2. Domestic Economy GDP: US$ 7.4 billion (1992), 7.5 billion (1993), 7.8 billion (1994, estimated), 7.6 (1995, estimated) GDP Growth Rate: 8 percent (1992), 4 percent (1993), 4 percent (1994, estimated), 3 percent (1995,estimated) GDP Per Capita: US$ 18,000 (1992), 16,000 (1993), 15,000 (1994, estimated), 15,000 (1995, estimated) Government Spending as percent of GDP: 46 percent (1990), 44 percent (1991), 43 percent (1992), 41 percent (1993), 38 percent (1994, estimated), 35 percent (1995, estimated) Inflation (Consumer Price Index, Base year 1988 = 100): 3.3 percent (1989), 6.4 percent (1990), 11.1 percent (1991), 14.5 percent (1992), 15.5 percent (1993-1995, estimated) Unemployment: Not applicable Foreign Exchange Reserves: Not available Average Exchange rate for US$ 1.00: 3.64 (as set by the Government of Qatar in 1980 and unchanged since then) Foreign Debt: Not available Debt Service Ratio (Ratio of principal and interest payments on foreign debt to foreign income): Not applicable U.S. Economic/Military Assistance: Not applicable. 3. Trade: Total Exports (All in US$): 3,529 million (1990); 3,106 million (1991); 3,736 million (1992) Total Imports (All in US$): 1,694 million (1990); 1,720 million (1991); 2,015 million (1992); 1,891 million (1993); 2,500 million (1994-1995, estimated) U.S. Exports (All in US$): 160.6 million (1990); 200 million (1991); 230.4 million (1992); 220.2 million (1993); 235 million (1994, estimated); 250 million (1995, estimated) U.S. Share of Imports (All in US$): 9.5 percent (1990); 11.6 percent (1991); 11.5 percent (1992); 11.6 percent (1993); 12 percent (1994, estimated); 12.5 percent (1995, estimated) U.S. Imports (All in US$): 35.5 million (1990); 16 million (1991); 30.9 million (1992); 40 million (1993); 45 million (1994, estimated); 40 million (1995, estimated) Imports of Manufactured Goods: Table A3.1 in the attachment shows the breakdown of Qatari imports and U.S. share in U.S. dollars and percentage share of the Qatari market Table A3.2 shows the breakdown of exports from Qatar, world and the United States. Table A3.3 shows Qatar's exports to the United States, imports from United States, and trade balance Trade Balance with Three Leading Partners in 1993: Data for four leading trade partners are shown in the attached Tables A3.5 and A3.6, for the years 1993 and 1992, respectively. Principal U.S. exports to Qatar in 1992 (latest available figures): Category Amount (in US$) 1. Road vehicles, spares and tires, motor oil: 105,785,945 2. Air conditioning and other electrical equipment 10,032,517 3. Foodstuffs 10,910,500 4. Office Equipment 7,602,494 5. Beverages/Tobacco 5,771,150 6. Perfumes/cosmetic and related items 3,985,887 Principal U.S. imports from Qatar in 1992 (latest available figures): Category Amount (in millions of US$) Crude oil and related products 3.1 Readymade garments 16.5 No other imports were reported. Agricultural Trade: 1993 1994 1995 (in millions of U.S. dollars) Total imports 295 300 305 From U.S.A. 13 14 15 U.S. share(%) 4.4 4.7 4.9 Agricultural trade balance with U.S.A. NA NA NA A3. Trade Data: Table A3.1: Exports from Qatar, 1990-1992 (All amounts are in thousands of U.S. dollars) S.I.T.C. R-3 Sections Total Exports Exports to U.S.A. 1990 1991 1992 1990 1991 1992 (0) Food and Live Animals 911.51 7,384.93 6,944.11 - - - (1) Beverages and Tobacco 377.47 1,615.07 52.60 - - - (2) Crude Materials, inedible, except fuels 6,564.01 4,962.19 6,671.51 - - - (3) Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related 2,967,224 2,640,466 3,191,677 27,864.66 3,914.52 3,020.55 Materials .73 .85 .53 (4) Animal and Vegetable Oils, Fat and Waxes 89.84 13.15 55.89 - - - (5) Chemicals and Related Products 362,834.3 228,893.4 311,455.0 2,473.42 - - N.E.S. 4 2 7 (6) Manufactured Goods, Classified 179,371.7 140,148.4 177,017.8 58.36 - 12.60 Chiefly by Material 0 9 1 (7) Machinery and Transport Equipment 40.66 298.63 493.97 - - - (8) Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 11,509.07 14,731.23 31,467.95 5,167.12 12,105.21 27,919.73 (9) Commodities of transactions not 434.34 84.38 213.70 - - - classified elsewhere in the SITC Total 3,529,360 3,098,071 372,625.4 35,563.56 16,019.73 30,952.88 .16 .51 8 Source: Qatar's Central Statistical Organization (latest available) A3. Trade Data (contd): Table A3.2: Imports into Qatar , 1990-1992 (All amounts are in thousands of U.S. dollars) S.I.T.C. R-3 Sections Total Imports Imports from the U.S.A. U.S. Share of Imports (%) 1990 1991 1992 1990 1991 1992 1990 1991 1992 (0) Food and Live Animals 264,563.1 261,204.9 255,074.1 10,433.24 9,618.13 10,021.43 3.94 3.68 3.93 9 5 8 (1) Beverages and Tobacco 21,382.97 21,453.85 24,157.42 4,492.86 5,195.33 5,771.15 5.77 24.22 23.89 (2) Crude Materials, inedible, except fuels 53,867.03 52,213.19 63,126.65 3,431.04 762.09 879.95 1.75 1.46 1.39 (3) Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related Materials 11,921.43 11,971.15 13,876.65 404.67 556.32 407.97 0.93 4.65 2.94 (4) Animal and Vegetable Oils, Fat and Waxes 7,513.74 9,015.66 10,620.05 56.87 128.57 171.70 0.21 1.43 1.62 (5) Chemicals and Related Products N.E.S. 92,948.90 106,799.7 127,059.3 6,243.13 9,174.45 9,217.31 1.85 8.59 7.25 3 4 (6) Manufactured Goods, Classified Chiefly by Material 308,595.6 327,592.8 366,412.9 16,820.60 25,207.14 25,225.00 1.50 7.69 6.88 0 6 1 (7) Machinery and Transport Equipment 759,139.8 729,792.0 888,162.9 108,018.6 135,181.8 163,732.6 3.91 18.52 18.43 4 3 1 8 7 9 (8) Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 171,148.9 199,143.6 266,350.5 10,676.37 14,109.89 14,918.96 1.71 7.09 5.60 0 8 5 (9) Commodities of transactions not classified elsewhere in the SITC 3,796.15 909.62 557.14 4.95 6.32 35.16 0.04 0.69 6.31 Total 1,694,877 1,720,096 2,015,397 160,582.4 199,940.1 230,381.3 9.47 11.62 11.43 .75 .70 .80 2 1 2 Source: Qatar's Central Statistical Organization (latest available) A3. Trade Data (contd): Table A3.3: Qatar's Trade Balance with U.S.A., 1990-1992 (All amounts are in thousands of U.S. dollars) S.I.T.C. R-3 Sections Exports to U.S.A. Imports from U.S.A. Trade Balance with U.S.A. 1990 1990 1991 1992 1990 1991 1992 1990 1991 1992 (0) Food and Live Animals - - - 10,433.24 9,618.13 10,021.43 -10,433.2 -9,618.13 -10,021.4 (1) Beverages and Tobacco - - - 4,492.86 5,195.33 5,771.15 -4,492.86 -5,195.33 -5,771.15 (2) Crude Materials, inedible, except fuels - - - 3,431.04 762.09 879.95 -3,431.04 -762.09 -879.95 (3) Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related Materials 27,864.6 3,914.52 3,020.55 404.67 556.32 407.97 27,459.99 3,358.20 2,612.58 6 (4) Animal and Vegetable Oils, Fat and Waxes - - - 56.87 128.57 171.70 -56.87 -128.57 -171.70 (5) Chemicals and Related Products N.E.S. 2,473.42 - - 6,243.13 9,174.45 9,217.31 -3,769.71 -9,174.45 -9,217.31 (6) Manufactured Goods, Classified Chiefly by Material 58.36 - 12.60 16,820.60 25,207.14 25,225.00 -16,762.2 -25,207.1 -25,212.4 4 4 0 (7) Machinery and Transport Equipment - - - 108,018.6 135,181.8 163,732.6 -108,018. -135,181. -163,732. 8 7 9 68 87 69 (8) Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 5,167.12 12,105.21 27,919.73 10,676.37 14,109.89 14,918.96 -5,509.25 -2,004.68 13,000.77 (9) Commodities of transactions not classified elsewhere in the SITC - - - 4.95 6.32 35.16 -4.95 -6.32 -35.16 Total 35,563.5 16,019.73 30,952.88 160,582.4 199,940.1 230,381.3 -125,018. -183,920. -199,428. 6 2 1 2 86 38 44 Source: Qatar's Central Statistical Organization (latest available) A3. Trade Data (contd): Table 3.4: Agricultural Import-Qatar 1992 (in thousands of U.S. dollars): Commodity Total Imports From U.S.A. U.S. Share (Percent) 1. Live Animals 41,427 1 0 2. Meat Except Poultry 10,381 282 3 3. Offal & Meat Preparations 2,081 9 0 4. Poultry & Meat 20,075 595 3 5. Milk & Milk Products 25,134 62 0 6. Butter 2,496 21 1 7. Cheeses & Curds 5,217 224 4 8. Other Dairy Products 810 7 1 9. Eggs 2,610 23 1 10. Fish & Fish Preparations 2,470 107 4 11. Wheat 7,599 0 0 12. Rice 12,854 1,391 11 13. Barley 4,615 0 0 14. Corn 2,259 1,305 58 15. Millet 17 0 0 16. Other Unmilled Cereals 151 10 6 17. Cereals & Products 7,640 414 5 18. Potatoes 2,456 0 0 19. Beans, Lentils, Pulses 1,845 64 3 20. Vegetables, Fried, Fzn, Prsvd 24,575 686 3 21. Fruits, Citrus 7,036 3 0 22. Fruits, Non-Citrus 19,703 865 4 23. Fruit, Prepared or Preserved 940 341 36 24. Jams, Jellies, Marmalade 1,237 13 1 25. Fruit Juices 2,769 298 11 26. Edible Nuts 1,760 317 18 27. Sugar & Molasses 4,079 0 0 28. Natural Honey 536 27 5 29. Confectionery 9,549 239 3 30. Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, 8,040 156 2 31. Spices, Condiments 2,463 100 4 32. Feedstuffs 8,082 30 0 33. Cakes & Meals 806 2 0 34. Pet Foods 97 262 7 35. Miscellaneous Food Prepns 11,263 2,247 20 36. Beverages: Non-Alcoholic 6,714 156 2 37. Beverages: Alcoholic 2,327 65 3 38. Tobacco Leaf 37 0 0 39. Hides & Skins 10 0 0 40. Oilseeds, Nuts & Kernels 1,034 116 11 41. Wood, Lumber & Cork 12,138 274 2 42. Cotton & Wool 147 0 0 43. Salt 665 21 3 44. Horticultural Special 2,497 216 9 45. Animal Fats & Oils 7 0 0 46. Veg. Oils Ex Corn Oil 4,276 133 3 47. Corn Oil 6,335 37 1 48. Others 0 0 Total Agricultural Imports 291,261 10,910 4 Source: Qatar's Central Statistical Organization (latest available) A3. Trade Data (contd): Table 3.5: Top three trading partners of Qatar in 1993 (All amounts are in thousands of U.S. dollars) Country Imports into Exports from Balance of Qatar (A) Qatar (B) Trade with Qatar (A) -(B) 1. Japan 310.326 N.A. - 2. U.S.A. 220,268 72,300 147,968.00 3. U.K. 194.548 N.A. - 4. Germany 150,872 N.A. - Table 3.6: Top three trading partners of Qatar in 1992 (All amounts are in thousands of U.S. dollars) Country Imports into Exports from Balance of Qatar (A) Qatar (B) Trade with Qatar (A) -(B) 1. Japan 314,534 307,244 84,153.00 2. U.S.A. 230,381 31,038 5,175.00 3. U.K. 225,206 26,648 79,010.00 4. Germany 146,196 Negligible 146,196 Source: Qatar's Central Statistical Organization (latest available figures) 4. Investment: See Section VII of this report.