Table of Contents I. Economic/Commercial Overview.......................2 II. Leading Trade Prospects for U.S. Business..........4 III. Foreign Economic Trends and Outlook................7 IV. Political Environment.............................15 V. Marketing U.S. Products & Services................17 VI. Trade Regulations and Standards...................24 VII. Investment Climate................................26 VIII. Trade and Project Financing.......................43 IX. Business Travel...................................45 X. Appendices........................................50 A. Country Data 1. Profile 2. Domestic Economy 3. Trade for 1993-1995 4. Investment B. Data on Best Prospect for Agriculture and Industry Sector Exports C. U.S. and Country Contacts -Country Government Agencies -Country Trade Associations -Country Market Research Firms -Country Commercial Banks -U.S. Embassy Trade Personnel -Washington-based U.S. Government Country Contacts -U.S.-based Multipliers Relevant for Country D. Market Research (Not available at present) E. Trade Events Schedule