D. MARKET RESEARCH List of Upcoming Industry Subsector Analysis (ISAS) (1) 1. Industry subsector: Electromedical Equipment 2. Three letter ITA industry code: MED 3. Due date: November 1994 4. Country: Portugal 5. Researcher: Casimiro de Jesus (2) 1. Industry subsector: Road Construction Equipment 2. Three-letter ITA industry code: CON 3. Due date: January 1995 4. Country: Portugal 5. Researcher: Carmen Neves (3) 1. Industry subsector: Automotive Parts and Service Equip. 2. Three-letter ITA code :APS 3. Due date: February 1994 4. Country: Portugal 5. Researcher: Celeste Conde 6. Estimate of workdays needed for research: 4 weeks 7. Previous ISA Title and date: Franchising (Automotive Maintenance and Repair Service) (4) 1. Industry subsector: Waste Recycling and Recovery Equipment 2. Three letter ITA industry code: POL 3. Due date: March 1995 4. Country: Portugal 5. Researcher: Carmen Neves 6. Estimate of workdays needed for research: 4 weeks 7. N/A (5) 1. Industry subsector: Telephone Switching Equipment and Telephone sets 2. Three letter ITA industry code: TEL 3. Due date: March 1995 4. Country: Portugal 5. Researcher: Casimiro de Jesus (6) 1. Industry subsector: Filters: Industrial 2. Three letter ITA industry code: POL 3. Due date: April 1995 4. Country: Portugal 5. Researcher: Adolfo Coutinho 7) 1. Industry subsector: Business Applications Software 2. Three letter ITA industry code: CPT 3. Due date: April 1995 4. Country: Portugal 5. Researcher: Casimiro de Jesus (8) 1. Industry Sector: Chemical Analysis Instruments 2. Three letter ITA industry code: LAB 3. Due date: June 1995 4. Country: Portugal 5. Researcher: Adolfo Coutinho List of Upcoming International Market Insight reports (IMIS) The six sectors to be so reported are: Telecommunications, Health, Environment, Textiles, Banking and Finance, and Tourism. The major projects are : Expo '98, the Gas Pipeline, the new airport, the Alqueva Dam.