C. U.S. AND COUNTRY CONTACTS - Country Government Agencies Ministerio das Financas (Ministry of Economy and Finance) Av. Infante D. Henrique, 1 1100 Lisbon Tel: 888 46 75 Ministerio da Industria e Energia (Ministry of Industry) Rua da Horta Seca, 15 1200 Lisbon Tel: 52 54 19 Ministerio do Emprego e Seguranca Social (Ministry of Labor) Praca de Londres, 2 1000 Lisbon Tel: 847 04 30 Fax: 80 11 12 Secretaria de Estado das Comunidades Portuguesas (Secretary of State for Portuguese Communities) Largo do Rilvas 1300 Lisbon Tel: 396 50 41 Fax: 60 59 27 Secretaria de Estado da Integracao Europeia (Secretariat of European Integration) Av. Visconde Valmor, 66-6 1000 Lisbon Tel: 76 05 30 Fax: 86 73 73 Direcao Geral do Tesouro (General Directorate for Treasury) Rua da Alfandega, 2 1200 Lisbon Tel: 87 93 81 Fax: 87 75 80 Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura (Secretary of State for Agriculture) Praca de Commercio 1100 Lisbon Tel: 346 31 51 Fax: 32 03 71 Secretaria de Estado do Comercio Externo (Secretary of State for Foreign Trade) Av. da Republica, 79 1000 Lisbon Tel: 793 40 49 Fax: 793 28 31 Secretaria de Estado das Pescas (Secretary of State for Fishing) Av. Brasilia, (Alges, Praia) 1400 Lisbon Tel: 61 63 61 Fax: 61 65 16 Direccao de Servicos Regional de Lisboa Divisao de Combustiveis (Fuel Division) Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 26 - 2 1000 Lisbon Tel: 57 11 20 Fax: 57 10 80 Direccao Geral das Alfandegas (Director General of Customs) Rua da Alfandega 1100 Lisbon Tel: 878 785 Fax: 878 335 Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial (High-Tech Laboratory) Rua de S. Pedro de Alcantara, 70 1200 Lisbon Tel: 346 88 56 Fax: 324 636 Direccao Geral das Minas e Servicos Geologicos (Director of Mines and Geological Services) Rua Antonio Enes, 7 1000 Lisbon Tel: 546 126 Fax: 525 913 Secretaria do Estado das Obras Publicas (Secretary for Public Works) Rua da Prata 8, 2 1100 Lisbon Tel: 878 541 Fax: 871 873 Secretaria do Estado da Habitacao (Secretary for Housing) Rua da Prata, 8 - 3 1100 Lisbon Tel: 878 541 Fax: 875 709 Secretaria de Estado dos Transportes (Secretary for Transports) Praca do Comercio 1100 Lisbon Tel: 877 141 Fax: 879 741 Direccao Geral de Aeronautica Civil (Director General for Civil Aeronautics) Av. da Liberdade, 193 1000 Lisbon Tel: 573 517 Fax: 523 214 Dirrecao General dos Portos (Director General for Ports) Av. Elias Garcia, 103 1000 Lisbon Tel: 766 135 Fax: 772 517 Gabinete da Area de Sines (Sines Area Project Office) Rua Artilharia 1, 33 1200 Lisbon Tel: 658 102 Fax: 684 110 Instituto National de Estatistica (National Institute of Statistics) Av. Antonio Jose de Almeida 1078 Lisbon Codex Tel: 847 00 50 Fax: 848 94 80 Junta Nacional de Investigao Cientifica e Tecnologica (National Scientific and Technology Research Board) Rua de D. Carlos, I, 126 1200 Lisbon Tel: 679 021 Fax: 607 481 Direccao de Servicos de Direitos de Autor (Copyright Office) Palacio Foz - Restauradores 1000 Lisbon Tel: 373 481 Fax: 373 482 Secretaria de Estado da Industria (Secretary for Industry) Rua da Horta Seca, 15 1200 Lisbon Tel: 346 30 91 Fax: 346 98 16 Secretaria de Estado da Energia (Secretary for Energy) Rua da Horta Seca, 15 1200 Lisboa Tel: 346 30 91 Fax: 346 98 16 Banco de Portugal Rua do Comercio, 148 1100 Lisboa Tel: 365 291/364 843 Instituto do Comercio Externo de Portugal - ICEP Av. 5 de Outubro, 101-3 1016 Lisboa Codex Tel: 793-01-03 Fax: 793-50-28 Conselho, Gestao e Investimentos, S.A. Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 43- r/c Esq 1000 Lisboa Tel: 559 976/562 793 Direccao-Geral do Comercio Externo (Directorate-General of External Commerce) Av. da Republica, 79 1600 Lisboa Tel: 733 002/730 993 Telex: 13418 Servico de Estrangeiros Rua Conselheiro Jose Silvestre Ribeiro, 22 - Carnide 1600 Lisboa Tel: 714 10 27 Telex: 18353 IFADAP - Instituto Financeiro de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento da Agricultura e Pescas Rua D. Estefania, 77 1000 Lisboa Tel: 575 349/577 049 Telex: 13022 Direccao-Geral da Industria Av. Conselheiro Fernandes Sousa, 11 1100 Lisboa Tel: 659 171/659 161 Direccao-Geral de Turismo Av. Antonio Augusto de Aguiar, 86 1000 Lisboa Tel: 575 50 86/68 Fax: 556 917 Fundo de Turismo Av. Antonio Augusto de Aguiar, 122 - 10 1000 Lisboa Tel: 554 338/554 356 Companhia de Seguros de Credito, EP-COSEC Av. da Republica, 58 1000 Lisboa Tel: 760 131/763 468 Registo Nacional das Pessoas Colectivas Av. Oscar Monteiro Torres, 39-A 1600 Lisboa Tel: 735 034 Telex: 62555 IAPMEI - Instituto de Apoio as Pequenas e Medias Empresas e ao Investimento (Industrial Small Business Institute) Rua Rodrigo da Fonseca, 73/73-AQ; (57,2) 1200 Lisboa Tel: 52 54 19 Fax: 52 09-00 Madeira Development Company Rua Imperatriz D. Amelia P.O. Box 4164 9052 Fuchal Codex Madeira, Portugal Tel: 91-25-466 Fax: 91-28-950 Sociedade de Desenvolvimento da Zona Franca de Santa Maria, S.A. Avenida Infante D. Henrique Edificio Solmar 10, Frente Apartado 1416 9502 Ponta Delgada Codex Tel: 96-255-73 Fax: 96-255-30 Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa (Lisbon Stock Exchange) Praca do Comercio 1100 Lisboa Tel: 87 37 88 Bolsa de Valores do Porto (Oporto Stock Exchnage) Palacio da Bolsa 4000 Porto Tel: 32 20 84 - Country Trade Associations/Chambers of Commerce Associacao Comercial de Lisboa Rua das Portas de Santo Antao, 89 1100 Lisboa Tel: 327 179 Fax: 324-304 Associacao Comercial do Porto Palacio da Bolsa Rua Ferreira Borges 4000 Porto Tel: (02) 24497 Associacao Industrial Portuguesa Praca das Industrias 1399 Lisboa Codex Tel: 362-0130 Fax: 362-9048 R. Oliveira Monteiro, 453 4000 Porto Tel: (02) 699 236/699 246 Associacao Industrial Portuense Av. da Boavista, 2671 4100 Porto Tel: (02) 672 257/672 275 Confederacao dos Agricultores de Portugal (CAP) Calcada Ribeiro Santos, 19 - r/c 1200 Lisboa Tel: 676 820/675 171 Confederacao do Comercio Portugues (CCP) Rua Saraiva de Carvalho, 1 - 2 1200 Lisboa Tel: 668 539/668 552 Confederacao da Industria Portuguesa (CIP) Av. 5 de Outubro, 35 - 1 1000 Lisboa Tel: 547 454 American Chamber of Commerce in Portugal Rua D. Estefania, 155-5 1000 Lisbon, Portugal Tel. 57-25-61, or 57-82-08 Telex: 42356 - Country Market Research Firms A.C. Nielsen Co. Rua D. Filipa Vilhena 38-3 1000 Lisboa Tel: 793 73 42 Fax: 793 72 87 Consulmark - Gabinete Consultor de Marketing Lda. Rua Pascoal de Melo 67-4 1000 Lisboa Tel: 352 88 84 Fax: 352 88 83 Ecotel Portugal - Estudos de Mercado SA Av. Almirante Reis 59-4 1100 Lisboa Tel: 352 09 31 Fax: 352 65 59 ESEO - E M Estudos de Mercado Lda. Rua dos Anjos 66-1 1100 Lisboa Tel: 57 87 77 Fax: 57 86 77 MARKTEST - Marketing, Organizacao e Formacao Lda. Rua de Sl Jose 183-2 1100 Lisboa Tel: 342 32 12 Fax: 346 08 94 NEDRO-NIELSEN-ESEO - Estudos de Mercado Lda. Rua D. Filipa Vilhena 38 1000 Lisboa Tel: 793 73 42 Fax: 793 72 87 PLURITESTE - Marketing e Estudos de Mercado Lda. Rua do Campo 98-4E 1200 Lisboa Tel: 342 34 91 Fax: 342 34 91 TEAM - Meios de Publicidade e Estudos de Mercado SA Av. Dq. D'Avila 24-1 1000 Lisboa Tel: 57 75 33 Fax: 315 19 19 - U.S. Embassy Trade Personnel Lisbon - American Embassy Av. das For as Armadas Sete Rios 1600 Lisbon Phone: (351-1) 726 6600 Telex: 12 528 AMEMB P Fax: (351-1) 726 8914 or Commercial Section American Embassy PSC 83 Box FCS APO AE 09726 - Miguel Pardo de Zela Commercial Attache Ext. 2526 - Carmen Neves Senior Commercial Specialist Ext. 2529 - Casimiro de Jesus Commercial Specialist Ext. 2207 - Celeste Conde Commercial Specialist Ext. 2527 - Ana Paula Vila Commercial Assistant Ext. 2525 - Maria Em lia Carrasco Secretary Ext. 2528 Oporto - American Business Center - Oporto Pra a Conde de Samod es, 65 4100 Oporto Phone: (351-2) 606 3094 / 5 / 6 Fax: (351-2) 600 2737 - Adolfo Coutinho Commercial Specialist - WASHINGTON-BASED USG COUNTRY CONTACTS Ms. Mary Beth Double Portugal Desk US Department of Commerce 14th & Constitution Ave., N.W. Room 3044 Washington, D.C.20230 Phone: (202) 482-4508 Mr. Mark Danson Portugal Desk US Department of State Washington, DC 20520 Phone: (202) 647-1412 Foreign Agricultural Service European Union Desk US Department of Agriculture Washington, DC Phone: (202) 720-7014 - U.S.-BASED MULTIPLIERS RELEVANT FOR COUNTRY Embassy of Portugal 2125 Kalorama Road, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel. (202) 328-8610 Telex: 64363 Fax: (202) 462-3726 Portuguese Consulate 630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 655 New York, NY 10020 Tel. (212) 246-4580/2 Fax: (212) 459-0190 Portuguese Consulate 899 Boylston Street, 2nd Floor Boston, MA 02115 Tel. (617) 536-8740 No Fax Portuguese Consulate 3298 Washington Street San Francisco, CA 94115 Tel. (415) 346-3400 No Fax Portuguese Consulate 1180 Raymond Boulevard, Suite 222 Newark, NJ 07102 Tel. (201) 622-7300/1 Fax. (201) 622-5655 Portuguese Consulate 628 Pleasant Street, Room 201 New Bedford, MA 02740 Tel. (508) 997-6151 Fax: (508) 992-1068 Portuguese Consulate 56 Pine Street, 6th Floor Providence, RI 02903 Tel. (401) 272-2003/4 Fax: (401) 273-6247 Portuguese Trade and Tourism Commission 1900 L Street, N.W., Suite 310 Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel. (202) 331-8222 Fax: (202) 331-8236 Portuguese Trade Commission 590 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10036 Tel: (212) 354-4610 Fax: (212) 575-4737 Portugal-U.S. Chamber of Commerce 590 Fifth Ave., 3rd Floor New York, NY 10036 Tel. (212) 354-4627 Fax: (212) 575-4737 The Portuguese National Tourist Office 548 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10036 Tel.: (212) 354-4403. Fax: (212) 764-6137 Portuguese-American Leadership Council in the United States (PALCUS) 1899 L Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202)466-4664 Fax: (202) 466-4661 Publications: The following publications are useful sources of economic and commercial information: Area Handbook for Portugal Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 TOP Export of Portugal (English-Portuguese) Jovitur, Lda. Av. Infante Santo, 23 3 B 1300 Lisboa Estatisticas Industrias (Industrial Statistics) Annuario Estatistico (Statistical Yearbook) Estatisticas do Comercio Externo (Foreign Trade Statistics) Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Av. Antonio Jose de Almeida 1000 Lisboa OECD Economic Surveys--Portugal OECD Publications Center 1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 International Customs Journal--Portugal International Customs Tariff Bureau Rue de l'Association, 38 B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Background Notes--Portugal U.S. Department of State Washington, D.C. 20250 Business Report Portugal-U.S. Chamber of Commerce 5 West 45th Street New York, NY 10036