APPENDIX A Country Data A. Profile and Contacts Population: 38.4 Million Religion: 90% Roman Catholic Government: Parliamentary Democracy Language: Polish Work Week: 42.5 Hours B. Poland's Domestic Economy (USDOL Millions, Except as Noted) Category 1993 1994(E) 1995(F) GDP Current (USDOL Billions) 85.8 86.5 87 GDP Growth Rate (real % change) 4% 4.5% 5% GDP Per Capita (in current USDOL) 2227 2238 2240 Gov't Spending (% of GDP) 27 26.5 26 Inflation (% change Dec-Dec) 35% 27% 22% Unemployment (Percent) 15.7% 16% 16% Foreign Exchange Reserves, NBP 4230 4180 4100 Average Exchange Rate (*) 18145 22000 22400 Foreign Hard Currency Debt 49753 47000 46100 Foreign Debt Service (&) 47 47.4 47.6 U.S. Econ. Assistance (@) 130 100 100 ------------ Notes Central Office of Statistics Data (GUS), Unless Otherwise Noted E = Estimated, Unless Otherwise Noted F = Forecast N/A = Data Not Available, No Projection Available * = Polish Zloty Per USDOL @ = U.S. Agency for International Development # = Percent Change & = As a Percent of Exports, Principal and Interest Due D. Trade Data for Poland (USDOL Millions, except as noted) 1993 1994* 1995** Total Poland Exports (@) 13,600 16,000 18,500 Total Poland Imports (@) 15,900 16,500 18,500 U.S. Imports from Poland ($) 454 650 800 U.S. Exports to Poland ($) 917 960 1000 U.S. Share of Polish Imports 5.8% 5.8% 6.0% Total Polish Imports of Manufactured Goods (@) 12,240 12,870 14,600 Imports of Manufactured Goods from U.S. (@) 557 624 650 -------------------------------------------------------------- Projected Average Annual Growth Rate for Imports of All Manufactured Goods into Poland through 1996 (@) 1% Projected Average Annual Growth Rate for Imports of U.S. Manufactured Goods into Poland through 1996 (@) 2% -------------------------------------------------------------- 1993 Total Polish Agriculatural Imports: 2,240 1993 Agricultrual Imports from the U.S.: 248 1993 U.S. Percent of Import Market: 11% 1993 Agricultural Trade Balance with U.S.: -189 -------------------------------------------------------------- Trade Balance with Three Leading Partners in 1993: Germany Italy U.K. Five Principal U.S. Exports (HS) in 1993: Commercial Aircraft (8802), Yellow Corn (1005), Boring and Sinking Machinery (8430), Chicken (0207), Wheat (1001) Five Principal U.S. Imports (HS) in 1993: Hams (1602), Casein (3501), Berry Juice (2009), Lamps (8539), Agricultural Tractors (8701) ------------------- Notes Polish Central Office of Statistics Data, Unless Noted * = Estimate ** = Forecast @ = USDOC Estimate $ = U.S. Census Data D. Investment Data Note: Poland's State Agency for Foreign Investment (PAIZ) tracks foreign investment in Poland by "major" investments, or those made by "large" foreign investors, totaling $1 million or more. These companies represent 1.5% percent (225) of the registered 16,355 joint- ventures in Poland. It is estimated 75% of the equity of the remaining companies that invested less the $1 million did not exceed $50,000 per company. Three thousand of these registered joint- ventures are German. The following investment information in Poland is taken from PAIZ data and is cumulative to-date listed. Foreign Investment through June 1994: $3,741 mln Foreign Investment, year-end 1993: $3,041 mln Foreign Investment, year-end 1992: $1,409 mln Major Investments by Country of Origin, Number of Companies, Total Value, (Percent Share of Total), through June 1994: 1. United States, All 48 companies, $1,270 million (34%) 2. United States, Top 10 Companies, $961 million (26%) 3. So-Called "Internationals," 8 firms, $606 mln (16%) 4. Italy, 4 companies, $366 million (10%) 5. Germany, 41 companies, $314 million (8%) 6. France, 19 companies, $263 million (7%) Industrial Structure of Foreign Investment in Poland: 1. Electronics and Machinery 2. Food Processing 3. Fuel and Energy 4. Telecommunications 5. Banking and Finance Sectoral Breakdown of U.S. Investments in Poland: 1. Food/Food Processing (27%) 2. Consumer Goods (18%) 3. Paper Industry (17%) 4. Banking and Finance (16%) 5. Construction and Engineering (8%) 6. Telecommunications (7%) 7. Other (7%)