B. Data on Best Prospects for Agriculture and Industry Sector Exports 1. Matrix of best prospects for agriculture and industry sector exports Not applicable per reftel instructions, please refer to para. 2 below. 2. Comments The following are best prospects for U.S. Exporters in the agriculture and industry sectors: (A) agricultural machinery and equipment: Paraguay imports a variety of agricultural equipment and agricultural products from neighboring countries. Nevertheless, Paraguay would be a potential market for U.S. Farm equipment and machinery, including tractors, combines, and irrigation equipment. Given the small market, imports of agricultural commodities come primarily from Argentina and Brazil. Occasionally Paraguay has acquired cotton seed from the United States, however, the amounts are negligible. (B) Computer hardware, software, and network products: U.S. exports in this category continue to show steady growth. A sizable percentage of the automatic data processing equipment and other electronic equipment imported into Paraguay is sold in Ciudad del Este, a commercial center located on the border with Brazil and Argentina, or re-exported through non-registered trade channels, mainly to Brazil. The potential for U.S. software products in the Paraguayan market is limited by widespread piracy. The market for these products could expand rapidly if the government of Paraguay continues to show progress on the protection of intellectual property rights. (C) Home entertainment equipment: Including television receivers, home video recording and reproducing apparatus, records, tapes and other recorded sound media, turntables, record and cassette players. (D) Communications equipment: --cellular telephone equipment: In 1991, Telecel S.A., a joint venture between U.S. Millicom and a Paraguayan partner, won the bid to operate a mobile cellular phone service in Asuncion. The company plans to invest USD 13 million within the first five years. Recently, Telecel operations extended coverage to Ciudad del Este, and it is planning to service Encarnacion in the near future. --satellite communications: Antelco, the national telephone company, recently obtained a USD 29 million loan from the Japanese government for the upgrading of the satellite ground station at Aregua and the construction of a second station. This project could offer business opportunities to U.S. telecommunications consultants and manufacturers of telecommunication equipment if the loan conditions allow the GOP to issue an international tender for its procurement. (Note: U.S. companies or their subsidiaries abroad may be eligible to participate in OECF--Japanese loan/grants--tenders.) --telephone lines: Antelco has plans for the installation of up to 200,000 new telephone lines in the largest urban centers including Asuncion and Ciudad del Este. Given that Antelco does not have the financial resources to implement the project, the company might seek lease-buy arrangements with private companies. (E) Office machines and equipment: Including parts, etc., for typewriters and other office machines, calculating and account machines, cash registers, etc. (F) Air traffic control: The government of Paraguay intends to acquire a new radar system for the international airport in Asuncion. The government would prefer to work with a supplier able to provide financing for this project.