TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 * Commercial Overview * Business Trends and Opportunities * Trade and Investment Climate II. LEADING TRADE PROSPECTS FOR U.S. BUSINESS 2 * Leading Agricultural Sector Exports * Leading Industrial Sector Exports III. ECONOMIC TRENDS AND OUTLOOK 4 * Major Trends and Outlook * Principal Growth Sectors * Government Role in the Economy * Balance of Payments * Trade and Investment Barriers * Labor Force * Major Local and Third Country Competitors * Infrastructure Situation * Major Infrastructure Projects Underway IV. POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT 11 V. MARKETING U.S. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 12 * Distribution and Sales Channels * Use of Agents/Distributors; Finding a Partner * Franchising * Direct Marketing * Joint Ventures/Licensing * Steps to Establishing an Office * Selling Factors/Techniques * Advertising and Trade Promotion * Pricing a Product * Sales Service/Customer Support * Government Procurement * Intellectual Property Rights * Registering Your Products * Contacting a Local Attorney VI. TRADE REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS 16 * Tariffs and Import Taxes * Customs Valuation * Import Licenses PAGE * Export Controls * Import Documentation * Export Documentation * Temporary Entry * Labeling, Marking Requirements * Prohibited Imports * Standards (ISO 9000) * Free Trade Zones/Warehouses * Special Import Provisions * Membership in Free Trade Arrangements VII. INVESTMENT CLIMATE 22 * Openness to Foreign Investment * Conversion and Transfer Policies * Expropriation and Compensation * Dispute Settlement * Performance Requirements/Incentives * Right to Private Ownership and Establishment * Protection of Property Rights * Regulatory System * Capital Markets and Portfolio Investment * Bilateral Investment Agreements * OPIC Investment Insurance Program * Labor Code * Foreign Direct Investment Statistics * Major U.S. Investors VIII. TRADE AND PROJECT FINANCING 31 * Banking and Financing * List of Panamanian Banks with Correspondent U.S. Banks IX. BUSINESS TRAVEL 34 * Business Customs * Visas * National Holidays * Specific Business Information LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A: COUNTRY DATA * Country Profile * Domestic Economy * Trade APPENDIX B: DATA ON BEST PROSPECT SECTORS/AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRY SECTOR EXPORTERS * Best Prospects for Agricultural Sector Exports - Agricultural Consumer Oriented Products - Bulk Agricultural Products - Intermediate Agricultural Products * Best Prospects for Industry Sector Exports - Building Products - Computers and Peripherals - Apparel - Automotive Parts and Service Equipment - Medical Equipment - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration - Food Processing and Packaging Equipment - Telecommunications Equipment - Agricultural Machinery and Equipment - Security and Safety Equipment APPENDIX C: LIST OF CONTACTS * U.S. Embassy Trade Personnel * Washington-based USG Country Contacts * U.S. Based Multipliers Relevant for Country * Ministries and Government Owned Agencies in Panama * Local Trade Associations/Chambers of Commerce * Country Commercial Banks * Major Advertising Agencies APPENDIX D: MARKET RESEARCH - LIST OF 1993-1995 REPORTS * Agriculture Sector Reports - U.S. Dept. of Agriculture * Industry Sector Analyses(ISA) - U.S. Dept. of Commerce APPENDIX E: TRADE EVENT SCHEDULE 1995 COUNTRY COMMERCIAL GUIDE: PANAMA