VIII. TRADE AND PROJECT FINANCING The Dutch Banking Sector The sector is dominated by three giant Dutch banks -- ABN Amro, Rabo Bank, and ING Bank -- which have about 75 percent of total lending. US financial services providers in The Netherlands play on a level legal field. The Finance Ministry and Central Bank grant full national treatment to foreign banks. According to the Finance Ministry, Dutch legislation implements all existing EU law and regulations on the provision of financial services. Banks organized in The Netherlands as branches of a US parent cannot benefit from the EU single banking passport and are subject to Dutch regulation. Foreign financial services providers face no special conditions or restrictions, and receive full national treatment. However, one provision of the Dutch 1992 Banking Act does reflect the EU Banking Directive's "reciprocity" provision. The Finance Ministry says this section has never been used, and that all applications from non-EU parent banks are handled on a national treatment basis. To locate Dutch banks with correspondent US banking arrangements, contact: The Netherlands Bankers' Association (NVB), Postbus 19780, 1000 GW Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Tel: (31) 20 550- 2888, Fax: (31) 20 623 97 48. Foreign Exchange Controls There are no foreign exchange controls in The Netherlands. Financing Available Banking facilities for international transactions available in The Netherlands generally meet or exceed US standards. Financing Exports/project financing/methods of payment Financing is provided at market rates by commercial banks and (for a small part) by a specialized export financing company -- NV Export Financiering Maatschappij, set up by the large commercial banks. Types of available export financing and insurance The Nederlandsche Credietverzekering Maatschappij NV (NCM), a private company owned by the Dutch banks, and a number of insurance and export finance companies, provides export credit insurance. NCM can be contacted at: Nederlandsche Credietverzekering Maatschappij NV, Keizergracht 271-287, 1016 ED Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Tel: (31) 20 553-9111, Fax: (31) 20 553-2811. List of banks with U.S. correspondent U.S. banking The Dutch banking sector is dominated by three big Dutch banks: ABN-Amro, ING, and Rabobank. Nonetheless, US and foreign banks are represented. Important banks to contact are: ABN-Amro Holding NV Postbus 283 1000 EA Amsterdam tel: 31-20-628 98 98 fax: 31-20-628 77 40 Internatioanle Nederlanden Bank NV Postbus 1800 1000 BV Amsterdam tel: 31-20-563 91 11 fax: 31-20-563 57 00 RaboBank Nederland Postbus 17100 3500 HG Utrecht tel: 31-30-90 91 11 fax: 31-30-90 26 72 American Express Bank Ltd Postbus 10046 1001 EA Amsterdam tel: 31-20-540 01 11 fax: 31-20-642 23 25/642 57 05 Citibank NA Postbus 2055 1000 CB Amsterdam tel: 31-20-551 59 11 fax: 31-20-551 52 34 Foreign Bankers' Association Postbus 19870 1000 GW Amsterdam tel: 31-20-550 28 88