APPENDIX E Trade Event Schedule 1. Salon International du Batiment "SIB" (Casablanca)* (Exhibition of building supplies and equipment), Oct. 25-30, 1994 (Post offers best prospect facilitation services for U.S. firms wishing to participate) 2. Salon International de la Sante (Casablanca)* "Medical Expo", Oct. 6-9, 1994 (Post offers best prospect facilitation services for U.S. firms wishing to participate) 3. Moroccan Buyers trip (Los Angeles) Food Processing Show, Nov. 3-6, 1994 (organized by Post) 4. Moroccan Buyers trip (Las Vegas) "COMDEX/FALL" Computer Show, Nov. 13-17, 1994 (organized by Post) 5. Moroccan Buyers trip (Atlanta) "COMDEX/SPRING and Windows World 95, May 22-25, 1995 (organized by Post) *For more detailed information on these or other local exhibitions contact the Casablanca Fair Authorities at Fax: (212) [2] 26-49-49; Phone: (212) [2] 22-28-13 or contact US&FCS in Casablanca at Fax: (212) [2] 22-02-59; Phone: (212) 26-45-50.