APPENDIX C U.S. AND COUNTRY CONTACTS 1. COUNTRY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL TRADE, EXTERNAL INVESTMENT, & HANDICRAFTS 63, Avenue Moulay Youssef 10 000 Rabat, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 70-33-63 Fax: (212) (7) 73-50-23 MINISTRY OF FINANCE Ancien Quartier Administratif Rabat, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 76-09-43 Fax: (2212) 7) 76-40-81 CUSTOMS AND INDIRECT TAXES ADMINISTRATION Place Mohammed V Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 22-41--16 Fax: (212) (7) 26-07-06 MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY Quartier des Ministeres Rabat-Chellah, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 76-18-78 Fax: (212) (7) 76-01-92 EXCHANGE OFFICE Place Moulay Hassan Rabat, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 73-19-12 Fax: (212) (7) 72-20-74 STATISTICS DIRECTION Blvd. Maa El Aynain Agdal-Rabat, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 77-36-06 Fax: (212) (7) 77-30-42 OFFICE NATIONAL DE L'ELECTRICITE (ONE) Driss Benhima, General Manager 65, Rue Othman Ben Affane Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 22-41-65 Fax: (212) (2) 22-00-38 OFFICE NATIONAL DES POSTES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS (ONPT) Jilali Antari, Director of Telecommunication 6, Rue Oqbah Rabat, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 70-64-64 Fax: (212) (7) 70-20-22 OFFICE NATIONAL DES CHEMINS DE FER (ONCF) Moussa Moussaoui, General Manager 8, Zankat El Ghafiki Rabat, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 77-45-75 Fax: (212) (7) 77-43-76 OFFICE NATIONAL DE L'EAU POTABLE (ONEP Lahoucine Tijani, General Manager 6, Bis Rue Patrice Lumumba Rabat-Chellah, Casablanca Phone: (212) (7) 72-65-15 Fax: (212) (7) 73-13-55 OFFICE CHERIFIEN DES PHOSPHATES (OCP) Mohamed Fettah, General Manager Route d'El Jadida Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 23-01-25 Fax: (212) (2) 23-06-35 2. COUNTRY TRADE ASSOCIATIONS/CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE CONFEDERATION GENERALE ECONOMIQUE MAROCAINE (CGEM) Abderrahman Sminres, President 23, Rue Mohamed Abdouh Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 25-26-96 Fax: (212) (2) 25-38-39 MOROCCAN TRADE AND INDUSTRY CHAMBER FEDERATION (FCCIM) 6, Rue Arfoud Hassan Rabat, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 76-70-51 Fax: (212) (7) 76-70-76 OFFICE NATIONAL INTERPROFESSIONEL DES CEREALES & LEGUMINEUSES (ONICL) Abdelhai Bouzoubaa, Director General 3, Avenue Moulay El Hassan, RABAT, MOROCCO Phone: (212) [7] 701366 Fax: (212-7) 701393 GRAINS, PULSES, RICE, TENDERS, GOVERNMENT SOCIETE d'EXPLOITATION DES PRODUITS OLEAGINEUX (SEPO) Hamadi El Oufir, Director 2, Rue Caporal Corbi, CASABLANCA (05), MOROCCO Phone: (212) [2] 354329 Fax: (212) [2] 354097 ASSOCIATION DES FABRICANTS d'ALIMENTS COMPOSES (AFAC) Idrissi Abbes Touzani, President c/o INAM 149/151 Route de Ouled Ziane,CASABLANCA (05), MOROCCO Phone: (212-2) 242808/248188 Fax: (212-2) 403536 FEED MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, GRAIN & FEED IMPORTS AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Jaloul Ayed, President 18, Rue Colbert Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 31-14-48 Fax: (212) (2) 31-66-07 WORLD TRADE CENTER c/o Sheraton Casablanca Hotel 100, Avenue de l'Armee Royale Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 31-78-78 Fax: (212) (2) 31-51-36 GROUPEMENT PROFESSIONNEL DES BANQUES DU MAROC 71, Avenue de l'Armee Royale Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 31-16-24 Fax: (212) (2) 31-49-03 CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D'INDUSTRIE DE CASABLANCA Abdellah Azmain, President 98, Blvd. Mohammed V Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 26-84-36 Fax: (212) (2) 26-43-27 3. COUNTRY MARKET RESEARCH FIRMS CREARGIE MAROC Dominique Schwartz, General Manager 106, Rue Abderrahmane Sahraoui Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 27-96-57 Fax: (212) (2) 29-36-66 KILMER INVESTMENTS Robert Jennings, General Manager 205, Rue Beni Garfati-Les Ambassadeurs Rabat, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 73-09-88 Fax: (212) (7) 73-09-88 MULTITECH MOROCCO Robert Behrens, General Manager 12, Place des Alaouites Rabat, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 70-68-68 Fax: (212) (7) 70-40-86 M.T.D.S. James Lowenthal, General Manager 43, Rue Oukaimeden, No. 2 Rabat-Agdal, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 67-48-61 Fax: (212) (7) 67-48-62 O.T.I. MAGHREB Maclain Ramsey, Administrator 95, Blvd. El Massira Khadra Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 23-37-22 Fax: (212) (2) 25-40-11 4. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL BANKS CITIBANK-MAGHREB Jaloul Ayad, Managing Director 52, Avenue Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 22-41-68 Fax: (212) (2) 27-54-34 BANQUE COMMERCIALE DU MAROC Abdelaziz ALAMI, President 2, Blvd Moulay Youssef Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 22-41-69 Fax: (212) (2) 22-38-25 BANQUE MAROCAINE DU COMMERCE EXTERIEUR Abdellatif Jouahri, President 140, Blvd. Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 20-00-60 Fax: (212) (2) 20-04-90 BANQUE MAROCAINE POUR LE COMMERCE ET L'INDUSTRIE Mohamed Benkirane, President 26, Place Mohammed V Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 22-41-61 Fax: (212) (2) 26-57-57 WAFABANK Abdelhak Bennani, Vice-Chairman 163, Avenue Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 22-41-05 Fax: (212) (2) 26-62-02 CREDIT DU MAROC Jamal Lemridi, Director Int'l Affairs 48-58 Blvd. Mohammed V Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 22-41-42 Fax: (212) (2) 27-71-27 SOCIETE GENERALE MAROCAINE DE BANQUES Omar Squali, General Manager 55 Blvd. Abdelmoumen Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 27-92-69 Fax: (212) (2) 26-28-51 BANQUE CENTRALE POPULAIRE Rachid Bennani-Smires, Director Int'l Affairs 101 Blvd Mohammed Zerktouni Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 20-25-33 Fax: (212) (2) 22-26-99 5. U.S. MISSION TRADE PERSONNEL EMBASSY RABAT 2, Avenue de Marrakech Rabat, Morocco Phone: (212) (7) 76-22-65 Fax: (212) (7) 76-56-61 Jack AUBERT, Economic Counselor John Wilson, Agricultural Attache Don Koran, Economic Officer Alexander Shapleigh, Private Sector Officer, USAID Karima Hammoud, Commercial Assistant, US&FCS CONSULATE GENERAL CASABLANCA US AND FOREIGN COMMERCIAL OFFICE 8, Blvd. Moulay Youssef Casablanca, Morocco Phone: (212) (2) 26-45-50 Fax: (212) (2) 22-02-59 or 20-41-27 Frederic Gaynor, Commercial Counselor Michael Ratney, Economic Officer 6. WASHINGTON-BASED USG COUNTRY CONTACTS U.S. Department of Commerce Regional Director: Benjamin Brown, ANESA/US&FCS Washington, D.C. Phone # (202) 482-4836; Fax # 482-5179 Deputy Regional Director: Russell Smith Morocco Desk Officer: Claude Clement, IEP/ANESA Washington, D.C. Phone # (202) 482-5545; Fax # 482-5179 U.S. Department of State Morocco Desk Officer: Edouard Vasquez, NEA/MAG Washington, D.C. Phone # (202) 647-4675; Fax # 736-4458 U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) Director Grain & Feed Division: Donald Novotny, Washington D.C. Phone # (202) 720-6219; Fax # 720-0340 U.S.A.I.D. Center for Trade & Investment Services USAID, G/EG/CTIS SA-2, Rm 100 Phone # 1-800-872-4348 (outside Washington) (202) 663-2660; Fax # 663-2770 U.S. Trade Development Program Regional Director Africa/Middle East: John Richter Phone # (703) 875-4357; Fax # 875-4009 U.S. Export Import Bank (EXIM) Africa and Middle East Division 811 Vermont Avenue, NW, Washington D.C. 20571 Phone # (202) 566-8859; Fax # 566-7524 Office of Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Vice-President Finance Department Overseas Private Investment Corporation 1100 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20527 Phone # (202) 336-8799 Toll-free # (800) 424-OPIC (6742) 7. U.S.-BASED MULTIPLIERS RELEVENT FOR COUNTRY Arab-American Chamber of Commerce (NewYork) Phone # (212) 986-8024 Fax # (212) 996-0216 Moroccan Embassy 1601 21st Street NW Washington, D.C. 20009-1002 Phone # (202) 462-7979 Fax # (202) 265-0161