II. LEADING TRADE PROSPECTS FOR U.S. BUSINESS Overview of Import Market Mauritania's imports have increased both in value and in quantity, passing from USD 404.6 million in 1992 to USD 579.6 million in 1993. This increase is due primarily to the liberalization of import and trade controls. Mauritania imports a large quantity of food as well as petroleum, vehicles, spare parts, machinery, clothing, and most manufactured items. In 1993, Mauritania imported goods worth nearly USD 46.8 million from the U.S.A., an 8.1 percent share of total Mauritanian imports in that year. This percentage allowed the U.S.A. to rank as Mauritania's third-largest supplier in 1993, after France and Germany. As a former French colony, Mauritania retains strong commercial ties with France. The French maintain a strong commercial presence through exports credits, loans and economic assistance. The proximity of the Canary Islands makes Spain an important trading partner as well. Mauritanian imports 1990 - 1993 (in million of US Dols): 1990 1991 1992 1993 Total Imports 391.1 423.3 404.6 579.6 U.S. Share of total imports (percent) 6.3 5.1 14.4 8.1 Mauritanian imports from major trading partners by value and percentage of imports (in millions of US Dols) are as follows: 1990 1991 Country Value P/C Rank Value P/C Rank France 150.2 38.4 1 129.6 30.6 1 Belg-Luxemb 32.2 8.2 2 Germany 29.8 7.6 3 36.2 8.5 3 U.S.A. 24.3 6.3 4 25.9 6.2 5 Spain 23.9 6.2 5 30.4 7.2 4 Algeria 19.8 5.0 6 61.9 14.6 2 1992 1993 Country Value P/C Rank Value P/C Rank France 145.1 35.2 1 186.9 32.4 1 U.S.A 59.4 14.4 2 46.7 8.1 3 Spain 35.2 8.5 3 37.1 5.8 5 Algeria 27.2 6.7 4 44.4 7.6 4 Germany 26.7 6.4 5 47.7 8.2 2 Annual exchange rates used (based on Mauritanian Central Bank figures) are: 1990: USD 1 to UM 80.09 1991: USD 1 to UM 82.12 1992: USD 1 to UM 85.72 1993: USD 1 to UM 102.20 Sources: National Statistical Office and Mauritanian Customs Bureau. This data differs from that published by USDOC and other international agencies. The differences are mainly due to calculation methods used and problems associated with data collection in Mauritania. Mauritanian Customs figures include shipment, insurance, and other costs. Comments: A. In 1993, commercial activity increased considerably, due to liberalization of import controls under World Bank and IMF conditionalities. B. Mauritanian imports from the USA increased steadily from 1990 to 1992, with a slight reduction in 1993. Main products imported from the U.S. In 1993 are: - Machinery parts and supplies - Vehicles (dump trucks) and spare parts - Mining equipment - Grain (wheat) - Office equipment and supplies - Cigarettes - Miscellaneous chemical products During 1993, Mauritania's major import items were: - Foodstuffs - Fuel - Vehicles and equipment - Machinery and spare parts - Clothing These items represented about 80 percent of total country imports in 1993.