Appendices A. Country data 1. Profile - Population: 8.646 million (1993) - Population growth rate: 2.1 percent/year - Religions: Muslims 94 percent; Christians: 4 percent; - Animists: 2 percent - Government system: Unitary, multi-party constitutional System with executive, legislative and judicial branches. - Languages: Bambara: 33 percent; Peul: 10 percent; - Senoufos: 9 percent; Saracole: 8 percent; Songhai:7 - Percent; Malinke: 6 percent; Touareg: 5 percent; other - 22 percent. French is also widely understood. - Work week: 40 hours in formal sector. 2. Domestic economy: 1 U.S. dollar = cfa 600; figures in millions of USD 1993 1994 - GDP 1,180 1,290 - GDP growth rate 5% - GDP per capita 136 146 - government spending 16.9 48.4 As percent of GDP - unemployment (percent) 28 30 - foreign exchange reserves - average exchange rate 275 590 ( for USD 1.00) - foreign debt 1,787 - - debt service ratio (ratio of 10.8 - Principal and interest payments On foreign debt/foreign income - U.S. Economic/military assistance 0.23 0.13 3. Trade 1993 1994 - total country exports 221.127 249.010 - total country imports 389.700 402.067 - U.S. Exports 2.130 n.a. - U.S. Imports Import of manufactured goods For harmonized system (HS) Total (from world) 166.728 188.058 1991 1992 1993 Imports of agricultural goods Total (from the world) 15.168 8.155 2.993 -From the states 2.235 - - U.S. Share of agr. Imports 14.7 - - - Principal U.S. Exports (top 5): Cigarettes Used Clothing and Textiles Agricultural equipment Plastics Machinery B. Principal U.S. Import: Textiles