Appendix A Country Data Section 2 - Domestic Economy Indicator 1993 1994 1995 GDP (USD million) 2,002 1,4004 1,653 GDP Growth Rate (percent) 10.8 -6.2 8.5 GDP per capita (USD) 207.3 149.1 158.9 Government Expenditure (percent of GDP 20.43 22.20 21.70 Inflation 22.8 30.0 n.a. Unemployment(3) n.a. n.a. n.a. Foreign Exchange Reserve (USD million) 41.9 38.5 n.a. Average exchange rate for USD 1.00 4.436 7.20 n.a. Foreign Debt (USD million) 1,843 1,695 n.a. Debt Service Ratio 20.7 26.4 n.a. Interest payment on foreign debt 37.89 27.19 n.a. (USD million) U.S.Economic/ Development Assistance 32.2 27.0(4) 40.0 (USD million) Military Assitance (USD million) .24 .26 n.a. 1. Estimate for 1994 2. Projected for 1995 3. "n.a." denotes data not available 4. Figure reflects planned amounts as of June 15, 1994. Additional funds for emergency food assistance and Malawi Railways Restructuring are under discussion. SOURCES: Office of the President and Cabinet, Economic Planning and Development Reserve Bank of Malawi IMF USAID Lilongwe, Malawi USEmbassy Lilongwe, Malawi