V. Marketing U.S Products and Services Distribution and Sales Channels - Product distribution in Malawi can be problematic since rural areas are often not easily reached. Some local companies - Press Corporation, Lever Brothers - have established a network of rural distributors, but many firms opt to reach rural markets through wholesale arrangements with local entrepreneurs. Establishing Business Relations - The new GOM campaigned on pro-business policies. It has publicly declared poverty alleviation through economic growth as its core goal, and has cast itself as the preeminent supporter of private industry. U.S. businesses interested in establishing agency, franchise, joint venture, or licensing relationships should find the Government of Malawi (GOM) very supportive. In 1991, Malawi enacted an "Investment Promotion Act." The Malawi Investment Promotion Agency (MIPA), created by the act, is now a functioning organization which, earlier this year, published a promotional guide entitled "A Roadmap for Investors." The guide can be obtained free of cost upon request. MIPA is fast becoming a one-stop-shop for exploring investment possibilities in Malawi. It has, or will research, information on government regulations and requirements effecting any proposed investment. MIPA can also identify joint venture business opportunities and partners. Since MIPA's broad mandate includes ensuring a favorable investment climate within Malawi, it is likely to enjoy long-term access to the GOM. Other Malawian organizations which can provide information on establishing commercial links with Malawi are: the Malawi Chamber of Commerce, the Malawi Development Corporation (MDC), and the Malawi Export Promotion Council. The U.S. embassy in Lilongwe has a resident economic/commercial officer and a local commercial specialist. The embassy maintains a small commercial library. U.S businesses with questions concerning Malawi or commercial visitors to Malawi are encouraged to contact the embassy. Advertising/Trade Promotion - Since Malawi adopted a multiparty, democratic system of governance, the country has witnessed the emergence of several newspapers/periodic commercial publications. Some are proving to be more financially solvent then others. Before placing an advertisement, potential advertisers should ascertain the last date an issue of the publication appeared. The following domestic publications currently circulate in Malawi: The Daily Times The Malawi News The Malawi Democrat Michiru Sun The Independent The Computer Monitor The Nation The Malawi Financial Post The Financial Observer Woman Now Magazine Malawi's only radio station, the Malawi Broadcasting Company (MBC), is also available for advertising purposes. With English language, Chichewa language, and Chitumbuka language broadcasts, the MBC reaches significantly more Malawians then the print media. Malawi presently has no television broadcasting facility. Satelite dishes and the use of video cassette recorders are, however, not uncommon within the business community in urban areas. Product Pricing -- There are only a handful of products - sugar, maize, motor vehicle spare parts, petrol, diesel, parrafin - over which the GOM retains price controls. No other legitimate commodities are subject to GOM pricing approvals. Selling to the Government -- The GOM issues periodic tender notices for supplies and services. The notices normally appear in local publications approximately 15 to 30 days before the date bids are due. Post transmits information on tenders to the Department of Commerce. The procurement agency of the GOM is the "Central Government Stores." The Central Government Stores can, and do, authorize acquisition by other government agents. GOM purchases are normally transacted through Local Purchase Orders (LPO). Payment should be made within one month, but can take longer. International Patent Right protection -- Malawi has legislation in place for the protection of patents and copyrights. A Copyright Association of Malawi was established in 1992 to enforce the legal provisions. Local Attorneys -- Competent local attorneys are available to take up legal matter that arise in Malawi. The Embassy consular section maintains a list of English speaking local attorneys which is available to U.S. citizens or businesses upon request.