IX. BUSINESS TRAVEL Business Customs: There are no special business customs meriting attention by U.S. businesspersons. Safety: Crime in Lesotho is a serious problem. Visitors to Maseru must exercise caution, particularly after dark. The Embassy can provide more detailed and up-to-date information on crime, and on insecurity resulting from lack of discipline in the security forces that surfaced in early 1994, and should be consulted upon arriving in Lesotho. Visas and Travel Advisories: Visas are required. In theory, they must be obtained at a Lesotho diplomatic mission abroad, but in practice Americans arriving without visas have not been inconvenienced and are invited to obtain a visa at the Immigration and Passport Office in Maseru after entering the country. Lesotho maintains diplomatic missions in Washington, DC and in New York, NY. Holidays: The following are business holidays in Lesotho: March 12 (Moshoeshoe Day), March 21 (National Tree Planting Day), Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, July 4 (Family Day), July 17 (King's Birthday), October 4 (Independence Day), December 26 (Boxing Day). Communications: Visitors to Maseru will find several modern, well-equipped hotels with full telephone, telex and fax facilities. Transportation: Car rental services are available, and the road network between major towns generally is good. A U.S. or international driver's license is sufficient to rent a car. There is twice-daily scheduled air service between Maseru and Johannesburg, with weekly service between Maseru and Cape Town, and Manzini, Swaziland. By car, Maseru can be reached in 4-5 hours from Johannesburg. Medical Considerations: Health care facilities are very limited and not recommended for use. General consumables and food are widely available and reasonably priced.