II. LEADING TRADE PROSPECTS FOR U.S. BUSINESS Construction Equipment: The Highlands Water Project continues to require large-scale construction equipment. Phase 1A included need for U.S.-built tunnel boring machines (TBMs); additional tunnel boring technology may be required for Phase 1B. Other public sector construction projects include roads rehabilitation and maintenance; basic equipment almost certainly will be available locally, but specialized equipment needs may arise. Health Care Equipment: The Lesotho Government is rehabilitating and upgrading a number of rural hospitals, with African Development Bank support. These projects may require basic health care equipment in addition to consulting engineering services. Renewable Energy Technology: The Lesotho Government has expressed interest in a joint effort with the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. renewable energy industry for a pilot program involving rural applications of renewable energy technologies. Small-scale residential and industrial applications are targeted. Engineering and Consulting Cervices: The LHWP involves substantial engineering requirements; most are contracted out, with a minority being met in-house. Phase 1B engineering consulting contracts to be let over the next 12 months include a water transfer tunnel, a new dam, and a diversion weir. Wheat and Wheat Flour: Lesotho produces approximately 50 percent of its annual cereal consumption requirements and imports the remainder. Although the 1991-93 drought led to substantial grant aid support in meeting food needs, a return to normal crop patterns and a healthy government surplus means that needs will be met largely on commercial import terms. Lesotho is eligible under the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Export Enhancement Program for wheat.