Appendix B. DATA ON BEST PROSPECTS FOR AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRY SECTOR EXPORTS Agriculture ----------- Pineapple Juice Concentrate (1000 liters) 1993 1994 1995 Total market size 400 420 440 Total local production 0 0 0 Total exports 0 0 0 Total imports 328 344 360 Total imports from U.S. 31 34 35 Comment: Pineapple juice concentrate is imported primarily from Thailand. It is used by food processing companies as a base for blending fruit juices for local and export markets. With local processing moving toward the production of ready-to-drink products, imports of pineapple juice concentrate should increase in the long run. Pineapple juice concentrate receives preferential duty rates when imported as a raw material. Wheat (1000 metric tons) 1993 1994 1995 Total market size 207 211 214 Total local production 0 0 0 Total exports 0 0 0 Total imports 207 211 214 Total imports from U.S. 20 50 50 Comment: Jamaica has traditionally been a good market for U.S. wheat. Consumption of wheat-based products - particularly bread and flour - is high. There is no local production of wheat. Since the mid-1993, however, the U.S. share of Jamaica's wheat market has fallen dramatically. This has been due to increased activities in the market by European Union suppliers and their success in using extremely attractive (subsidized) prices to attract the Jamaican importer. With aggressive marketing and price support programs, the U.S. could easily reclaim this market. Wines (1000 liters) 1993 1994 1995 Total market size 1779 2200 2450 Total local production 900 1300 1500 Total exports 373 450 500 Total imports 879 200 250 Total imports from U.S. 155 200 250 Comment: The market for wines in Jamaica has been growing steadily for the past five years. The primary market segments are the hotel and restaurant industry and households. The bulk of imported wines are from France, Germany and Italy. Imports from the U.S. are mainly California wines, which are perceived to be the best quality American wine. Wine imports into Jamaica face a rigid tariff system designed to afford some protection to local production as well as to provide revenue to the government. Despite this, total imports have increased some 37 percent from 1992 to 1993. Major Local and Third Country Competitors ----------------------------------------- Local - food, beers, sodas, soaps and detergents, tobacco, cement, concrete, steel, garments, tires, distributive and utility services. Third country - petroleum, machinery, motor vehicles and parts, certain chemicals, and manufactured goods.