APPENDIX C: U.S. AND COUNTRY CONTACTS COUNTRY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES The Italian Embassy Commercial Section 1601 Fuller Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 Tel: (202) 328-5500 Italian Government Tourist Board (ENIT) 630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1565 New York, NY 10111 Tel: (212) 245-4822 The Italian Trade Commission (Assists in locating Italian suppliers and products.) Offices are located in the following cities: 2301 Peachtree Center 233 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30343 Tel: (404) 525-0660 401 North Michigan Avenue Suite 3031 Chicago, IL 60611 Tel: (312) 670-4360 1090 Natural Gas Tower 3050 Post Oak Boulevard Houston, TX 77056 Tel: (713) 626-5531 1801 Avenue of the Stars Suite 700 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Tel: (213) 879-0950 299 Park Avenue New York, NY 10022 Tel: (212) 980-1500 Dipartimento della Dogana (Department of Customs) Viale delle Province 103 00162 Roma Tel: 39-6-427-1043 Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero (IEC) Viale Liszt, 21 00144 Rome Tel: 39-6-59921 Ufficio Italiano dei Cambi (UIC) (Italian Exchange Office ) Via Quattro Fontane 123 Rome 00184 Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione (UNI) (Italian National Bureau of Standards) Piazza Armando Diaz 2 20123 Milan Tel: 39-2-876-914 Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano (Electrical standards and certification) Viale Manza, 259 20126 Milan Tel: 39-2-255-0641 Ministero dell'Industria e Commercio Ufficio Centrale Brevetti per Invenzioni (Patent and trademark applications and inquiries) Modelli e Marchi Via Molise, 19 00187 Rome, Italy Tel: 39-6-488-4450 Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Ufficio del Propriet Letteraria, Artistica e Scientificia (Applications and inquires concerning copyrights) Via Boncompagni, 15 00187 Rome, Italy COUNTRY TRADE ASSOCIATIONS Confederazione Generale dell'Industria (Confindustria) (Confindustria is the general confederation of Italian industry and principal trade association in Italy acting as an umbrella organization covering numerous industry trade associations.) Viale dell'Astronomia, 30 00144 Rome Tel: 39-6-59031 Confederazione Generale Italiana del Commercio e del Turismo (Confcommercio) (Confcommercio is an umbrella trade association affiliated with industry groups in commerce and tourism.) Pazza G. G. Belli, 2 00153 Rome Tel: 39-6-58661 Confederazione Generale Italiana dell'Artigianato (General confederation of handicrafts associations.) Piazza Venezia, 11 00187 Rome Tel: 39-6-679-1420 Associazione Bancaria Italiana (Association of Italian Banks) Piazza del Gesu, 49 00186 Rome Tel: 39-6-67671 Associazione Nazionale fra le Imprese Assicuratrici (National Association of Business Insurance) Via della Frezza, 70 00186 Rome Tel: 39-6-322 7141 Confederazione Italiana della Piccola e Media Industria (CONFAPI) (Industry confederation serving small- and medium-size firms.) Via della Colonna Antonina, 52 00186 Rome Tel: 39-6-678-2441 Confederazione Generale dell'Agricoltura Italiana Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 101 00186 Rome Tel: 39-6-65121 Lega Nazionale Cooperative e Mutue (National Cooperative and Mutual League) Via Guattani, 9/13 00161 Rome Tel: 39-6-884-1371 Unione Italiana delle Camere di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura (responsible as umbrella organization for all chambers of commerce in Italy) Piazza Sallustio, 21 00187 Roma Tel: 39-6-47041 Associazione Nazionale del Commercio con l'Estero (ANCE) (National Association for Foreign Trade) Corso Venezia, 47/49 20121 Milan Tel: 39-2-7750 American Chamber of Commerce in Italy Via Cesare Cantu' 1 20123 Milan Tel: 39-2-869-0661 Fax: 39-2-805-7737 COUNTRY MARKET RESEARCH FIRMS Addressvitt Montaldi Via Anna Kuliscioff 38 20152 Milan Tel: 39-2-48301334 Fax: 39-2-48301300 Contact: Ms. Marida Cagnoli Commark - Communicazione e Marketing S.r.l. Via Isonzo 25 00198 Rome Tel: 39-6-8558748 Fax: 39-6-8416677 Databank Corso Italia 8 20122 Milan Tel: 39-2-866641 Fax: 39-2-865579 Contact: Mrs. Daniella Bosio Directa S.r.l. Via Solari 8 20144 Milan Tel: 39-2-48193581 Fax: 39-2-48102277 Contact: Dr. Giorgio Calo' Executive Services Business Centres S.r.l. Via V. Monti 8 20123 Milan Tel: 39-2-3452211 Fax: 39-2-48013233 Loverso Dr. Alfredo Via Morosini 39 20135 Milan Tel: 39-2-55011554 Fax: 39-2-72002889 Nielson Via G. di Vittorio 10 20094 Milan Tel: 39-2-451971 Fax: 39-2-45101068 Palandri Horwath S.r.l. Piazza Navona 49 00186 Rome Tel: 39-6-6867841 Fax: 39-6-6896075 Contact: Dr. Aldo Sanchini Reseau Ricerche e Studi su Elettronica & Automazione Via S. Vittore 39 20123 Milan Tel: 39-2-481983800 Fax: 39-2-4390535 Serin S.r.l. Viale Beatrice d'Este 37 20122 Milan Tel: 39-2-59900326 Fax: 39-2-59900326 COUNTRY COMMERCIAL BANKS SEE SECTION VIII FOR LISTING U.S. EMBASSY TRADE PERSONNEL 1) Robert Smolik Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs tel. 39-6-4674-2107 fax. 39-6-4674-2230 2) Keith R. Bovetti Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs tel. 39-6-4674-2202 fax. 39-6-4674-2113 3) Frank Padovano Minister Counselor for Agricultural Affairs tel. 39-6-4674-2617 fax. 39-6-4788-7008 4) Todd Minnies Economic Counselor tel. 39-6-4674-2233 fax. 39-6-4674-2389 5) Michael Frisby Commercial Counselor tel. 39-6-4674-2382 fax. 39-6-4674-2113 6) Gay Hoar Treasury Attache tel. 39-6-4674-2371 fax. 39-6-4674-2398 CONSULATE PERSONNEL 1) George Ruffner Principal Commercial Officer American Consulate Milan Tel. 39-2-498-2241 fax. 39-2-481-4161 2) Richard Rothman Commercial Officer American Consulate Milan tel. 39-2-498-2241 fax. 39-2-498-2241 3) Alessandra Gola Commercial Assistant American Consulate Florence tel. 39-55-211-676 fax. 39-55-283-780 4) Susanna Lezzi Commercial Specialist American Consulate Genova tel & fax 39-10-543-877 5) Cristiano Sartorio Commercial Specialist American Consulate Naples tel. 39-81-583-8206 fax. 39-81-761-1592 6) Carol Ross USTTA (United States Travel and Tourism Administration) c/o American Consulate General 2/10 Via Principe Amadeo 20/21 Milano tel. 39-2-659-5559 fax. 39-2-659-5908 WASHINGTON-BASED USG COUNTRY CONTACTS Boyce Fitzpatrick--Italy Desk Officer (Serves as a national consultant to assist American firms develop a solid commercial export strategy and sales.) Room H-3043 U.S. Department of Commerce 14th Street and Constitution Ave, NW Washington, DC 20230 Tel: (202) 482-2177 Fax: (202) 482-2897 Office of European Community Affairs (Duty rates/ EU standards information) U.S. Department of Commerce Room H-3036 Washington, DC 20230 Tel: (202) 482-2905 and 482-5279 Bureau of Export Administration (Export licensing information) Room H-1099D U.S. Department of Commerce Washington, DC 20230 Tel: (202) 482-4811 Standards Information Service National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Building 411, Room A163 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Tel: (301) 975-4040 National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA) (Exporting seafood) 1335 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 rade Services Division Tel: (301) 713-2379 Inspection Services Division Tel: (301) 713-2355 U.S. Small Business Administration Office of International Trade 1441 L Street, NW, Room 501-A Washington, DC 20416 Tel: (202) 634-1500 U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Washington, DC 20228 Duties/quotas on agricultural goods Tel: (202) 720-1312 Food regulations and labeling Tel: (202) 720-9408 Trade issues and markets Tel: (202) 720-1301 U.S Bureau of the Census (Publishes a wide variety of trade statistics. Check local municipal or any university library for details. Census also provides computer print-outs of trade data.) U.S. Department of Commerce Suitland, MD 20233 Tel: (301) 763-7754 U.S. Department of State Italy Desk Officer Washington, DC 20232 Tel: (202) 647-5669 U.S. Department of Treasury Western European Office 15th Street and Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20230 Tel: (202) 622-2000 Internal Revenue Service International Tax Treaty Division P.O. Box 23598 Washington, DC 20026 Tel: (202) 874-1540 U.S. Department of Labor (Labor reports and statistics) Bureau of Labor Statistics 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20212 Tel: (202) 606-7828 Export-Import Bank of the United States 811 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20571 Tel: (202) 566-4490 American National Standards Institute 11 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 Tel: (212) 642-4900 U.S. International Chamber of Commerce 156 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 Tel: (212) 206-1150 Italy-America Chamber of Commerce (IACC) (Facilitates bilateral trade in products, services, and investments. The IACC provides a data service through an information bank developed by the Italian Chambers of Commerce as well as a joint-venture referal service.) 730 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10019 Tel: (212) 279-5520 Foreign Credit Insurance Association 40 Rector Street New York, NY 10006 Tel: (212) 306-5000 U.S. - BASED MULTIPLIERS RELEVANT FOR COUNTRY National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) (NIAF conducts cultural and educational events, sponsors exchange programs, works to enhance cultural, political, and economic relations between the United States and Italy and serves as an ad- vocacy group.) 666 Eleventh Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20001 Tel: (202) 638-0220 U.S. Council for International Business (Carnets to simplify Italian customs clearance with business samples) 1212 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036-1689 Tel: (212) 354-4480 (There are offices in Houston, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami, and Schaumburg, IL.) Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. Technical Assistance to Exporters 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062 Tel: (708) 272-8800 American National Standards Institute 11 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 Tel: (212) 642-4900 American Chamber of Commerce in Italy Via Cesare Cantu' 1 20123 Milan Tel: 39-2-869-0661 Fax: 39-2-805-7737 US International Chamber of Commerce 156 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 Tel: (212) 206-1150 Italia-America Chamber of Commerce 730 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10019 Tel: (212) 279- 5520 European Community Information Service 2100 M Street NW Washington, DC 20037 Tel: (202) 862-9500 U.S. AND ITALIAN CONTACTS FOR AGRICULTURE Organization Address Phone Fax & Contact name ITALIAN GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Azienda Tabacchi Via C. Pascarella 7 (39)(6) (39)(6) Italiani S.p.A. 00153 Rome 58691 5869288 (Tobacco Assoc) Antonio Truzzi ICE Via Liszt 21 (39)(6) (39)(6) (Ital Trade 00144 EUR-Rome 59921 5910508 Commission) Gabriele Gasparre Director Food & Agriculture Product Division Ministero delle Via XX Settembre 20 (39)(6) (39)(6) Risorse Agricole Alimentari 00187 Rome 4884293 4819580 e Forestali (Min of Agric) Pasquale Mainolfi Director Agr. Production Ministero della Piazzale Marconi 25 (39)(6) (39)(6) Sanita' Palazzo Italia 5926780 59943217 (Min of Health) 00144 Eur-Rome Public Veterinary Romano Marabelli Director General Nutrition & Food, Public Veterinary Health Dept. ITALIAN TRADE ASSOCIATIONS/CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE APTI Via Collina 48 (39)(6) (39)(6) (Tobacco 00187 Rome 4744886 482776 Packer Assoc) Fabio Parboni Director Associazione Via Tomassetti 9/11 (39)(6) (39)(6) Italiana 00161 Rome 44237871 44249286 Allevatori (Breeders) Alessandro Nardone General Consultant Assoc Ital Via del Governo (39)(6) (39)(6) Indus Olearia Vecchio 3 6883251 6896176 (Veg Oil) 00186 Rome Giorgio Cilenti Director General A.I.S.S. Piazza della (39)(51) (39)(51) (Seed Industry Costituzione 8 503081 355166 Assoc) Galleria del Reno Marco Nardi Scala C Secretary 40128 Rome Assoc Nazionale Via Locatelli 20 (39)(30) (39)(30) Allevatori 37122 Verona 364280 364280 Bovini della Razza Bruna (Bovine Breeders) Giuseppe Santus, Director Assoc Nazionale Via Bergamo 292 (39)(37) (39)372) Allevatori Razza 21626 Cremona 412521 474203 Frisona Italiana (Holstein Freisian Breeders) Giancarlo Lanari, President Assoc Nazionale Via G.B. De Rossi 3 (39)(6) (39)(6) Allevatori Suini 00161 Rome 8449106 8443471 (Swine Breeders) Giancarlo Cintoli Assoc Nazionale Via D'Azeglio 48 (39)(51) (39)(51) Bieticoltori 40123 Bologna 334884 331403 (Beet Growers) Francesco Guarneri Director General Assoc Nazionale Via Po 102 (39)(6) (39)(6) Cerealisti 00198 Rome 8416554 8840877 (Grain Traders) Lorenzo Fineschi Director ASSALZOO Via Lovanio 6 (39)(6) (39)(6) (Compound Feed) 00198 Rome 8541641 8541641 Emilio Minetti Secretary General ANEIOA Via Sabotino 46 (39)(6) (39)(6) (Nat'l Imp/Exp 00195 Rome 37515147 3723569 Hort Assoc) Ennio Pizzoli, Presdient ANIPO Largo Brindisi 5 (39)(6) (39)(6) (Nat'l Imp 00182 Rome 7004428 7004428 Hort Assoc) Fausto Ratto, Secretary Gen. FEDECOMLEGNO Via Guido d'Arezzo 16 (39)(6) (39)(6) (Wood Trade Federation) 00198 Rome 8417195 85301785 Alfonso Froncillo, Pres. FEDERORTOFRUTTA Via de Gigli d'Oro 21 (39)(6) (39)(6) (Fruit Trade Assoc) 00186 Rome 6893414 6893409 Paolo Antenore FEDERVINI Via Mentana 2B (39)(6) (39)(6) (Wine Trade Assoc) 00185 Rome 4469621 4941566 Federico Castellucci ITALMOPA Via dei Crociferi 44 (39)(6) (39)(6) (Millers Assoc) 00187 Rome 6785409 6783052 Fabrizio Vitali, Sec. Gen. UNA Via Vibio Mariano 58 (39)(6) (39)(6) (Poultry Union) 00189 Rome 3651681 33254015 Rita Pasquarelli, Sec. Gen. UNAPROL Via Ostiense 131L (39)(6) (39)(6) (Olive Oil 00154 Rome 5745032 5745039 Producers Assoc) Moreno Bambi, President UNICEB Via dei Campioni 13 (39)(6) (39)(6) (Livestock Meat Traders) 00144 Rome 5921241 5921478 Meat Traders) Renzo Fossato, Director UNIPI Via Po 101 (39)(6) (39)(6) (Pasta Traders Assoc) 00198 Rome 8543262 8415132 Giuseppe Menconi, Director Western Wood Products Via Leonida Rech (39)(6) (39)(6) Association 00156 Rome 8293614 821977 Massimo Pasanisi, Consultant Italy-America Chamber Via Rava' 106 (39)(6) (39)(6) of Commerce 00142 Rome 5032066 5433365 Claudio Guerrini, Gen. Agent U.S. BASED MULTIPLIERS RELEVANT FOR ITALY Alaska Seafood P.O. Box DX (907) Marketing Institute Juneau, Alaska 586-2902 Institute 99811-0800 J.C. Power, Exec. Dir. American Hardwood Suite 200 (202) (202) Export Council 1250 Conn Ave, NW 463-2720 463-2785 Kathleen Landauer Washington, DC 20037 Exec. Dir. American Quarter 2701 I-40 East (806) (806) Horse Association P.O. Box 200 376-4811 376-8112 Gary Griffith Amarilly, Texas 79168 Director of Field American Seed Suite 964 (202) (202) Trade Association 1030 15th St, NW 223-4080 293-2617 Jack W. Wells Washington, DC 20005 Int'l Marketing American Soybean P.O. Box 27300 (314) (314) Association St. Louis, MO 576-1770 576-2786 Tom Brennan 63141-1700 Div Manager Europe California Prune 103 World Trade Ctr (415) Advisory Board San Francisco, CA 986-1452 Peterson, Exec. Dir. 94111-4293 California Walnut 1540 River Park (916) Commission Drive, Suite 101 646-3807 Turner L. Oyloe Sacramento, CA 95815 Chief Executive Cotton Council Suite 964 (202) (202) International 1110 Vermont Ave NW 833-2943 331-0622 K. Adrian Hunnings Washington, DC 20005 Exec. Dir. Hardwood Plywood P.O. Box 2789 (703) (703) Manufacturers Reston, Virginia 435-9200 435-2537 Association 22090 E.T. Altman, President Leather 1000 Thomas (202) (202) Industries of America Jefferson Street 342-8086 342-9063 Charles Myers, Pres. N.W., Suite 515 Washington, D.C. 20007 MIATCO 820 Davis Street (708) (708) Drayton C. Mayers Suite 212 8667300 8667413 Exec. Dir. Evanston, IL 60201 Michigan Bean P.O. Box 473 (517) (517) Shippers Association Leslie, MI 49251 589-5540 589-9688 James E. Byrum Mohair Council P.O. Box 5337 (915) (915) of America San Angelo, TX 655-3161 655-4761 Brian J. May, Exec. Dir. 76902 Nat'l Association P.O. Box 1033 (314) (314) of Animal Breeders Columbia, MO 65205 445-4406 446-2279 Breeders Gordon A. Doak, Pres. National Dry Suite 700 (202) (202) Bean Council 1101 Conn Ave, NW 857-1169 429-5154 Philip Kimball Washington, DC 20026 National Honey Board 421 First St (303) (303) Mary R. Humann, Exec. Dir Suite 203 776-2337 776-2337 Longmont, CO 80501-1421 National Forest Suite 200 (202) (202) Products Assoc 1250 Conn Ave, NW 463-2723 463-2785 Steve Lovett, Vice Pres. Washington, DC 20036 National Peanut 1500 King Street (703) (703) Council Suite 301 838-9500 838-9508 Jeannette Anderson Alexandria, VA 22314 Director Northwest P.O. Box 570 (509) (509) Horticultural Yakima, Washington 453-3193 453-4880 Council 98907 Christian Schlect, Pres. Southern U.S. World Trade Center (504) (504) Trade Association Suite 1540 568-5986 568-6010 Scott Hansen 2 Canal Street Tobacco 1725 K St, NW (202) (202) Associates Suite 512 828-9144 828-9149 Kirk Wayne, President Washington, D.C. 20006 USA Dry Pea & 5071 Hwy West (208) (208) Lentil Council Moscow, ID 882-3023 882-6406 Harol Blaine 83843-4023 Administrator USA Rice Council PO Box 740123 (713) (713) Bill J. Godsmith Houston, TX 270-6699 270-1146 Exec. V.P. 77274 U.S. Hide, Skin & Leather 1700 North Moore (703) Association Street, Suite 1600 8415485 Jerome J. Breiter, Pres. U.S. Wheat 1620 I St, NW (202) (202) Associates Suite 801 463-0999 785-1052 Winston L. Wilson Washington, DC 20006 President Western Wood 522 SW Fifth Ave (503) (503) Products Association Yeon Building 224-3930 224- 3934 H.A. Roberts 4th Floor President Portland, OR 97204-2122 Wine Institute 425 Market St (415) (415) John A. De Luca Suite 1000 512-0151 442-0742 President San Francisco, CA 94105