COUNTRY COMMERCIAL GUIDE A. COUNTRY DATA I. Profile 1. Population 5.98 million (not including 0.5 mn for Macau) 2. Population Growth Rate 1 percent 3. Religion(s) Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, small numbers of Moslems, Hindus, Jews, and Sikhs. 4. Government Colonial administration by the United Kingdom; territory reverts to Chinese sovereignty July 1, 1997. 5. Language(s) English and Cantonese are the languages of administration and commerce. Mandarin Chinese speakers are increasing. 6. Work Week Business hours are 9 to 5, Monday thru Friday. Saturday has traditionally been a half day but, due to the competition to keep staff, many companies now advertise a 5 day workweek. II. Domestic Economy (US$ Millions, unless otherwise noted) Projected Projected 1993 1994 1995 1. GDP (current) 114,738 130,818 149,133 2. Real GDP Growth 5.9 5.7 5.5 3. GDP Per Capita (dollars) (current prices) 19,385 21,711 23,882 * 4. Government Expenditure as percent of GDP (FY) 17.1 18.7 18.1 5. Inflation (percent) 8.5 8.5 8.5 * 6. Unemployment (percent) 2.1 2.0 2.0 * 7. Foreign Exchange Reserves 43,003 -- -- 8. Average Exchange Rate for US$1.00 7.736 7.726 7.720 9. Foreign Debt (US$ millions) 0 0 0 10. Debt Service Ratio N/A N/A N/A 11. U.S. Economic Assistance N/A N/A N/A 12. U.S. Military Assistance N/A N/A N/A * U.S. Consulate General Estimates Source: Hong Kong Government III. Trade (US$ Millions) 1993 1994 1995 1. Total Exports (including re-exports) 135,244 150,121 2. Total Imports 139,052 156,433 3. Exports to the U.S.* (domestic exports) 7,794 7,732 (re-exports) 23,313 26,810 4. Imports from the U.S. 10,266 11,036 5. U.S. Share of Host-country Imports (percent) 7.4 7.4 6. Imports of Manufactured Goods (SITC categories 5-8) Total (from all countries) 125,081 141,342 Projected Growth Rate of Total Imports (percent) 14 13 From the U.S. 8,491 9,679 Growth Rate (percent) 18 14 U.S. Share of Manufactured Imports (percent) 6.8 6.8 Source: Hong Kong Government 7. Trade balances with three leading partners in 1993 (Domestic Exports minus Imports*) China 7,675 Japan -9,824 USA 1,591 * Imports minus re-exports by origin adjusted for mark up. Source: Hong Kong Government 8. Principal U.S. exports (five) (by tariff line item in Million US$) 1993 1994* HS 8542 - Electronic Integrated circuits 1,110 634 HS 8703 - Motor Cars and Vehicles 650 170 HS 8802 - Aircraft 482 261 HS 8471 - Computers 400 226 HS 7102 - Diamonds 337 186 9. Principal U.S. imports (five) (by tariff line item) HS 6110 - Sweaters 898 288 HS 6204 - Women's Suits 705 336 HS 8473 - Office Machinery 510 191 HS 8542 - Electronic Integrated Circuits 495 292 HS 9102 - Watches 386 98 * Remark: 1994 - Data from January - June Source: U.S. Government Statistics Agricultural Trade (US$ Millions) 1993 1994 1995 1. Total Exports 4,300 4,400 4,400 2. Total Imports 8,500 9,000 8,800 3. Exports to the U.S. 400 420 450 4. Imports from the U.S. 1,300 1,700 1,550 5. U.S. Share of Host-country Imports (Percent) 15.5 17 16 6. U.S. Products Projected Growth Rate (percent) 5 7 5 Agricultural Goods Trade Balance with U.S. -900 -1,280 -1,100IV. Investment 1. 1992 total foreign direct investment in manufacturing sector (US$ millions) $4,828 2. 1992 U.S. direct investment in manufacturing sector (US$ millions and percent share) $1,310 27.0 percent 3. 1992 principal foreign investors in manufacturing sector (three countries) US$ Millions USA 1,310 28.0 percent Japan 1,609 33.0 percent China 531 10.9 percent Source: Hong Kong Government Estimate Note: U. S. Department of Commerce estimates total US direct investment position in Hong Kong at historical cost (the book value of U.S. direct investors' equity in, and net outstanding loans to, their foreign affiliates) at yearend 1993 was US$10.5 billion.