A. Country Data 1. Profile Population in 1993: 10.03 million. Population growth rate: 2.9 percent per year. Religions: Roman Catholic, Protestant, Traditional Mayan. Government System: Constitutional Democratic Republic. Languages: Spanish, 23 Mayan languages (e.g, Quiche, Cakchiquel and Kekchi). Work Week: 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday thru Friday. 2. Domestic Economy 1993 1994 1995 GDP/1 11,275 12,006 12,928 Real GDP growth (percent) 4.0 4.0 5.0 GDP per capita (dollars) 1,124 1,163 1,217 Govnt Spending (percent of GDP) 10.8 10.2 N/A Govnt Deficit (percent of GDP) 2.7 1.1 N/A CPI growth (percent) 11.6 10.0 8.0 Unemployment Rate (percent)/2 5.5 4.6 3.6 Foreign Reserves 716 716 681 Average Exchange Rate (Q/$)/3 5.67 5.8 6.0 Foreign Debt (percent of GDP)/4 20.4 N/A N/A Debt Service Ratio (percent) 14.4 15.7 12.6 US Bilateral Aid (fiscal year, millions) 59.0 54.7 46.6 Balance of Payments: Exports (FOB) 1,424 1,547 1,731 Imports (CIF) 2,542 2,631 2,800 Trade Balance -1,118 -1,084 -1,069 Services and Remittances 385 500 500 Current Account -713 -873 -814 Capital Account 870 522 613 - Public Capital -3 62 142 - Private Capital 874 460 472 Balance of Payments 188 21 35 3. 1993 Trade/5: US Share of Imports 45 percent Imports of Manufactured Goods $1.94 billion - From the United States $881.2 million - U.S. Share of Manufactured Imports 45.3 percent - Manufactures Trade Balance with U.S. -$840.4 million Imports of Agricultural Goods $307 million - US Share of Agricultural Imports 59 percent - Agricultural Trade Balance with US $315 million Trade Balances with three leading partners - United States -671.2 - El Salvador 52.3 - Mexico -121.1 Principal US Exports (FAS)/6 - 2710 Oil from petrol & bitum mineral 114.1 - 6204 Women's/girls' suits, ensemb. 59.0 - 1001 Wheat and meslin 41.2 - 6203 Men's/boy's suits, ensemb. 30.5 - 3901 Polymers of Ethylene 29.9 Principal US Imports (Customs Value)/6 - 6204 Women's/girls suits, ensemb. 119.8 - 0901 Coffee, coffee husks 152.9 - 0803 Bananas and plantain 118.2 - 6205 Men's/boy's suits, ensemb 95.6 - 1701 Cane or beet sugar 90.8 Notes All figures are based on Bank of Guatemala data and are in millions of dollars, unless otherwise noted. /1 GDP in quetzales divided by average nominal exchange rate. /2 Projections of Guatemalan Planning Agency, SEGEPLAN (underemployment is estimated to exceed 50 percent). /3 Based on BANGUAT projections of zero real appreciation in the quetzal. /4 consolidated public sector foreign debt. /5 Based on Guatemalan Customs Data. /6 US Department of Commerce. 4. Foreign Direct Investment For the past five years, foreign direct investment (FDI), as a percentage of GDP, has remained about 0.9 percent. During that time, FDI in Guatemala has fallen below the average for Latin America, as other countries in the region have benefited more from the recent boom in foreign investment throughout the hemisphere. In 1993, FDI was estimated to be approximately $99 million. In 1992, FDI was estimated at $91 million. An accurate breakdown of investment is not available in Guatemala. When investors register, they are required only to list an initial investment of $5,000. Most investors list only the minimum initial amount. Subsequent investment flows, along with export earnings, are reflected only as net changes in dollar holdings by the banking system.