Appendix A COUNTRY DATA PROFILE Population: 10.4 million Population growth rate: 0.4 percent Religion (s): Greek Orthodox 98.5%; Muslim 1.5% Government System: Presidential Parliamentary Republic Languages: Greek Work Week: Monday - Friday DOMESTIC ECONOMY (USD Million, except as noted): 1993 1994 1995 Source GDP 90,595 91,247 90,804 (a) GDP growth rate 1995 (percent) 0.2 1.1 1.2 (a) GDP per capita Government spending as percent of GDP - Excludes interest payments 31.4 31.2 30.8 (a) - Includes interest payments 43.7 45.1 44.4 (a) Inflation (percent) 14.4 11.0 8.0 (a) Unemployment (percent) 9.8 10.1 10.4 (a) Foreign exchange reserves 8,694 8,000 8,000 (b,c) Average exchange rate for USD 1.00 229.3 255 280 (b,c) Foreign debt (Public & State guaranteed) 26,857 28,000 29,000 (b,c) Debt service ratio (ratio of principal and interest payments on foreign debt to foreign income) 31.7 31 30 (b,c) U.S. Economic/military assistance (if applicable) n/a n/a n/a TRADE (USD Million): 1993 1994 1995 Source Total country exports 5,034 5,000 5,100 (b,c) Total country imports 17,615 18,500 19,000 (b,c) U.S. exports 896 884 912 (f) U.S. imports 377.2(d) 433.7 434.4 (c,f) U.S. share of host country imports (percent) 5.1 4.8 4.8 Imports of manufactured goods Total (from world) 14,615 15,800 17,000 (c,d) From the U.S. 729 772 818 (f) U.S. share of manufactured imports (percent) 5.0 4.9 4.8 Manufactured goods trade balance with U.S. (536) (f) Projected average annual growth rate from world through 1996: 8 percent (c) Projected average annual growth rate from U.S. through 1996: 6 percent (c) Trade balance with three leading partners in 1993 (Jan.-Sept.) (e) a. Germany (1,251.2) b. Italy (1,333.3) c. France (860.8) Principal U.S. exports (1993 Top 5 by SITC tariff item) (f) 792 Aircraft and associated equipment 891 Arms and ammunition 764 Telecommunications equipment 749 Non-electric parts and accessories of machinery 874 Measuring/checking/analyzing instruments Principal U.S. imports (1993 Top 5 by SITC tariff item) (f) 334 Oil (not crude) 661 Construction materials 845/848 Apparel 673/674 Iron and steel 696 Cutlery Imports of agricultural goods ($M) 1993 1994 1995 Source Total (from world) 2,900 3,200 3,200 (d) From the U.S. 160 165 165 (d) U.S. share of agricultural imports (percent) 6 6 6 (d) Greek Trade Balance with U.S. +45 +40 +40 (d) Greek Trade Balance with three leading partners in 1993 Denmark (157) (g) Holland (7) (g) Germany +105 (g) Principal U.S. Imports 2400 - Tobacco 60.7 (d) 0800 - Fruits and Vegetables 29.5 1500 - Animal and Vegetable Fats 7.9 0400 - Dairy Products 6.3 1900 - Preparations of Cereals 2.6 Principal U.S. Exports 1200 - Oilseeds 61.1 (d) 4400 - Forestry products 21.0 2300 - Animal Feed 20.5 0800 - Fruits and Vegetables 13.0 1000 - Cereals 11.7 Source s (a) Ministry of National Economy (b) Bank of Greece (c) U.S. Embassy estimates (d) National Statistical Service of Greece (e) Greek customs - excludes military related items (f) U.S. Department of Commerce (g) Country Data