IX. Business Travel, Languages, Business Days and Hours, and Holidays -- Business travel Every U.S. traveler to Georgia must be in possession of a valid passport. A business visa must be obtained in the Consular Section of the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs upon arrival. For multiple-use visas, the charge is USD 90, and for single-use visas -- USD 30. The address is: 4 Nine April St, 380018 Tbilisi Republic of Georgia. Tel: (7-8832)98-94-25, (7-8832)98-94-22; Fax: (7-8832)98-94-56; Telex: 212184 SLAVA SU. There are several regular flights to Tbilisi, but no direct flights from the United States. There are daily flights from Moscow and weekly flights from Frankfurt and Vienna. Currently there are also weekly flights from Istanbul, Cairo, Teheran, Tel- Aviv, Prague, Thessaloniki, Larnaka, and Cologne. The most popular hotel is the Metekhi Plaza (four- star), located in Tbilisi. (Reservations: tel: 0049-5151-130-59 ext 133, fax: 0049-5151-130-66 ext 132, telex: 64212248) -- Languages Although the official language is Georgian, almost all business executives are fluent in Russian. English is the most widely used after Russian; however, English-language ability is still not widespread among the business community. Most of those involved in international business hire interpreters, who are widely available in Georgia. -- Business Days and Hours Offices and organizations in Georgia usually operate on a five- day week. A working day starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 5:00 or 6:00 p.m.. However, because of electricity and transportation problems, the best contact time is from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Government and many business offices generally close at 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. on the day before major holidays. -- Holidays Georgia has 10 national holidays: January 1, New Year's day; January 7, Christmas; January 19, Baptism Day; March 3, Mother's Day; April 9, Memorial Day; May 2, Recollection of the Deceased; May 26, Independence Day; August 28, August Day of the Virgin; October 14, Svetitskhovloba; and November 23, St. George's Day. Sources of information: Georgian Cabinet of Ministers. 7 Ingorokva St, 380034 Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. Tel: (7-8832)93-17-66, (7-8832)98-24-53, (7-8832)99-60-85; Fax: (7-8832)93-17-66; Telex: 212917 ERGI SU Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 11 Chavchavadze Ave, 380079 Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. Tel: (7-8832)22-25-54, (7- 8832)23-00-45, (7-8832)22-20-09, (7-8832)22-07-09; Fax: (7- 8832)23-57-60; Telex: 212183 INTER SU Georgian Committee of Foreign Economic Relations. 12 Kazbegi St, 380060 Tbilisi, republic of Georgia. Tel: (7-8832)22-37-64, (7- 8832)22-51-86; Telex: 212343 SFMV SU Georgian Customs Department. 24 Akhvlediani St, 380003 Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. Tel: (7-8832)96-96-38, (7-8832)96-96-27; Fax:(7-8832)96-96-21. Georgian Trade Representative in the United States. 641 Lexington Ave, Pace International, New York, NY 100022. Fax: (212)751-35-43 Small Business Development Center in Tbilisi (U.S. AID). 5 Zandukeli St, 380008 Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. Tel: (7- 8832)98-73-67; Fax: (7-8832)98-73-67 Publications: International Monetary Fund. Georgia--1994 Article IV Consultation Discussions, Concluding Statement. On the Social and Economic Situation in The Republic of Georgia. Georgian Committee of Social and Economic Information. 1993 On the Social and Economic Situation in The Republic of Georgia. Georgian Committee of Social and Economic Information. January- March, 1994. Privatization Program. Republic of Georgia. September 1992. Report on State Property Privatization by February 1, 1994. Georgian Ministry of State Property. Approved: Date: Norma Harms, DCM, Ameembassy Tbilisi