V. Marketing U.S. Products and Services -- Distribution and Sales Channels, and use of Agencies/Distributors Several GOG ministries and organizations, including the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, and Tourism Department, have commodity distribution and sales functions. The leading trade organization is the Georgian Cooperative Union. There are no yellow pages, companies' catalogs or well- organized commercial centers (agencies) providing information on local distributors and sellers. However, U.S. companies may contact the USDOC Commercial Service in Tbilisi at the U.S. Embassy, the Georgian Trade Representative in the United States in New York, the Committee of Foreign Economic Relations, and the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry to inquire concerning distributors or sellers in Georgia. -- Franchising Franchising has not been developed in Georgia yet. -- Steps to Establishing an Office, Joint Ventures/ Licensing A company/person planning to establish an office in Georgia must apply for registration with the local district government - "Gamgeoba." The type of documents to be attached to the application depends upon the type of entity to be established (e.g. branch of a foreign company, joint venture company, etc.). The "Gamgeoba," upon receiving all required documents, will notify the applicant of the date of the "Gamgeoba" special commission meeting in which the application will be considered. If the application is approved, "Gamgeoba" grants a temporary registration certificate to allow for preparation of the firm's seal and letterhead, opening of a bank account, and investment required by the firm's charter or agreement with the local partner. In the case of joint ventures, the required initial investment is 50 percent of corporate capital; the other 50 percent may be transferred within the next two years. After these procedures are completed, the business will be officially registered. If a foreign firm finds the registration procedure complicated or time-consuming, there are special registration- service companies in Georgia that can be reached through the "Gamgeoba." Licenses are required for several business activities, such as mining, banking, health care, sale of medicines, and communications. (Note: the list of businesses requiring a license is subject to amendment. End note.). Licenses can be obtained from appropriate GOG ministries. -- Advertising and Trade Promotion The most popular and effective advertising channels in Georgia are TV and newspapers. Television channel #1 has the largest audience. TV channels #2 and Ibervisia are also very popular, especially among the young and mid-age population. However, Ibervisia reaches only the Tbilisi region. There are few other cable and satellite channels with limited audiences. The three most popular daily newspapers in Georgia are "Sakartvelos Respublika," "Svobodnaya Gruzia" (in Russian), and "Tbilisi". Among businessmen, popular newspapers are also "Bank," "Business Courier," and "Privatization News". Also available for purposes of trade promotion: exhibition, marketing, and special sales facilities (e.g. universal shops) located in Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi and other cities. Foreign companies usually organize their trade promotion events through the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.