APPENDIX C U.S. AND COUNTRY CONTACTS COUNTRY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AGENCY FOR CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT OF ILE DE FRANCE Mr. Jean Maurice Parnet Directeur General 16, Boulevard Raspail 75007 Paris, France phone: 33 (1) 45 44 34 87 fax: 33 (1) 45 48 43 59 FRENCH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY - D.A.T.A.R Mrs. Gabrielle Gauthey Director, Foreign Investment 1 avenue Charles-Floquet 75007 Paris phone: 33 (1) 40 65 12 34 fax: 33 (1) 43 06 99 01 Institut National des Statistiques et des Etudes Economique (INSEE) 195 rue de Bercy 75012 Paris phone: 33 (1) 43 45 70 75 INVEST IN FRANCE MISSION Mr. Jean-Daniel Tordjman French Roving Embassador for Foreign Investments Minist re de l'Economie et des Finances 139, rue de Bercy 75572 Paris Cedex 12 phone: 33 (1) 44 87 70 21-23-28 fax: 33 (1) 44 87 70 36-26 (Most regions have local economic development agencies. For more information, consult with US&FCS France, phone: 33 (1) 42 96 12 02; fax: 33 (1) 42 66 48 27) FRENCH CUSTOMS Centre de Renseignements des Douanes Ministere de l'Economie et des Finances Bat H1 238 quai de Bercy 75572 Paris cedex 12 phone: 33 (1) 42 60 33 00 Statistics : phone: 33 (1) 40 01 02 01 Regulations : phone: 33 (1) 42 01 02 06 FRENCH CONSUMER AGENCY Direction G n rale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Repression des Fraudes Carr Diderot 3-5, Boulevard Diderot 75572 - Paris phone: 33 (1) 44 87 17 17 fax: 33 (1) 45 55 60 97 FRENCH FOREIGN INVESTMENT CONTROL AGENCY Minist re de l'Economie, des Finances et du Budget Direction du Tr sor Service des Participations et Financements Sous-Direction D des Financements Bureau D3 Investissements Etrangers en France Teledoc 267 139, rue de Bercy 75572 - Paris Cedex 12 phone: 33 (1) 40 04 04 04 FRENCH NATIONAL TESTING LABORATORY - L.N.E. Gilbert Revise Chef de Departement 1, rue Gaston-Boissier 75015 Paris phone: 33 (1) 40 43 37 00 fax: 33 (1) 40 43 37 37 FRENCH OFFICIAL GAZETTE - J.O. Bernard Sarazin Directeur 26, rue Desaix 75727 Paris Cedex 15 phone: 33 (1) 40 58 75 00 fax: 33 (1) 40 58 77 80 NATIONAL AGENCY FOR THE VALORIZATION OF RESEARCH - ANVAR Mr. Gilbert Santini Directeur 43, Rue Caumartin 75009 - Paris Cedex 09 phone: 33 (1) 40 17 83 00 fax: 33 (1) 40 17 83 19 NATIONAL FRENCH STANDARDS ASSOCIATION - AFNOR Tour Europe 92049 Paris-La D fense phone: 33 (1) 42 91 55 55 fax: 33 (1) 42 91 56 56 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY - INPI 26 bis, rue de L ningrad 75800 Paris C dex 08 phone: (1) 42 94 55 65 fax: (1) 42 93 59 30 Note: The US & Foreign Commercial Service and the Office of Agricultural Affairs at the American Embassy in Paris maintain up-to-date listings of French Governments contacts by Ministry and subject matter. COUNTRY TRADE ASSOCIATION/CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE Chambers of Commerce: AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr. Barett Dower Directeur 21, Avenue Georges V 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) 47 23 80 26 fax: 33 (1) 47 20 18 62 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF PARIS - CCIP Mrs. Josianne O'Brien North America Desk Officer 2 rue de Viarmes 75001 Paris phone: (1) 45 08 36 00 fax: (1) 45 08 35 80 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF VAL D'OISE - YVELINES Mr. Arnaud Caudrelier North America Desk Officer 21, avenue de Paris 78021 Versailles Cedex phone: 33 (1) 30 75 35 76 fax: 33 (1) 30 38 57 34 FRENCH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE U.S. Mrs. Claudine Serre Directeur, French Chapter 7, rue Jean Goujon 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) 42 56 05 00 fax: 33 (1) 43 59 50 15 (Each district in France has a chamber of commerce and industry. For more information, consult with US&FCS France, phone: 33 (1) 42 96 12 02; fax: 33 (1) 42 66 48 27) Trade Associations: IMPORTERS' ASSOCIATION FOR MECANIC AND ELECTRONIC F d ration des Entreprises Industrielles et Commerciales Internationales de la M canique et de l'Electronique (FICIME) Mr. Michel Grandemange President 25-27 rue d'Astorg 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) 44 51 14 60 fax: 33 (1) 42 65 39 49 APPLIANCE MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION Groupement Interprofessionnel des Fabricants d'Appareils d'Equipement M nager (GIFAM) Mr. Pugliesi-Conti President 39, avenue d'I na 75783 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION F d ration des Industries des Equipements pour V hicules (FIEV) Mr. J. Pag s Director 79, rue J.J. Rousseau 92150 Suresnes phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) BAKERY EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Union des Fabricants d'Equipements pour la Boulangerie et P tisserie (UFFEB) Mr. Jean-Paul Broutin Secretary 13, rue Saint-Lazare 75009 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) BUILDING MATERIAL, COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION Syndicat des Producteurs de "l'Amisi " et de Stratyfi s Mr. Laval Managing Director 11, rue Hamelin 75783 Paris Cedex 16 phone: 33 (1) BUILDING MATERIALS AND QUARRIES INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Union Nationale des Industries de Carri res et Mat riaux de Construction (UNICEM) Mr. Xavier Salmon-Legagneur President 3, rue Alfred-Roll 75849 Paris Cedex 17 phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) BUSINESS GIFTS PROFESSIONALS UNION Syndicat des Producteurs de Cadeaux d'Affaires Mr. Jean Paoli 34, bd Haussmann 75009 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) CHEMICAL INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Union des Industries Chimiques Mr. Pierre Laroche Project Officer 14, rue de la R publique Cedex 99 92909 Paris-La-D fense phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) CYCLE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION Chambre Syndicale Nationale du Cycle Mr. Jean-Marie Caudron General Manager 79, rue J.J. Rousseau 92150 Suresnes phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION F d ration Nationale de la Gestion de l'Equipement de l'Energie et de l'Environement Mr. Paul de Guelhermier President 5, rue de T h ran 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) FARM MACHINERY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Syndicat G n ral des Constructeurs de Tracteurs et Machines Agricoles (SYGMA) Mr. Walter Reber President 19, rue Jacques Bingen 75017 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) FEDERATION OF ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES F d ration des Industries Electriques et ELectroniques (FIEE) Mr. Henri Starck President 11-17, rue Hamelin 75783 Paris Cedex 16 phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) FRENCH FEDERATION OF JEWELRY, GOLDSMITHING, GIFTS, DIAMONDS, GEMS, PEARLS AND RELATED ACTIVITIES F d ration Fran aise de la Bijouterie, Joaillerie, Orf verie, du Cadeau, des Diamants, Pierres et Perles et Activit s qui s'y rattachent Mr. M. Gruson President 58, rue du Louvre 75002 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) FRENCH FEDERATION OF TOY INDUSTRIES F d ration Fran aise des Industries du Jouet Mr. Daniel Aboaf Managing Director 47, bd Berthier, BP 518 75825 Paris Cedex 17 phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) FRENCH FISHING EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Groupement d'Industrie Fran aise d'Articles de P che Mr. Pierre Noreau President 17, rue Arnoux 92340 Bourg-la-Reine phone: 33 (1) FRENCH INTERNATIONAL TRADE ASSOCIATION Conf d ration Fran ais du Commerce de Gros Interentreprises et du Commerce International (CGI) Mr. Bernard Clerc President 31, av. Pierre-1er-de-Serbie 75784 Paris Cedex 16 phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) FOOD PRODUCT INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Association Nationale des Industries Agro-Alimentaires (ANIA) Mr. Victor Scherrer President 52, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honor 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) FRENCH AERONAUTIC AND SPACE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Groupement des Industries Fran aises A ronautiques et Spatiales (GIFAS) Mr. Dassault President 4, rue Galil e 75782 Paris Cedex 16 phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) FRENCH AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURERS COMMITTEE Comit des Constructeurs Fran ais d'Automobiles Mr. H. Streit President 2, rue de Presbourg 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) FRENCH EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATION Conseil National du Patronat Fran ais (CNPF) Bernard Deschamps Secretary General United States Committee 31, avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie 75784 Paris Cedex 16 phone: 33 (1) 40 69 43 89 fax: 33 (1) 47 23 47 32 GAZ AND PETROLEUM INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Groupement des Entreprises Parap troli res et Paragazi res (GEP) Mr. G rard Piketty President 45, rue Louis Blanc La Defense 1 92400 Courbevoie phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) LABORATORY EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Chambre Syndicale des Fabricants et N gociants d'Appareils de Laboratoire (FABRILABO) Mr. Daniel Constant President 39-41, rue Louis Blanc Cedex 72 92038 Paris La D fense phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) MEASURE, CONTROL EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Syndicat de la Mesure du Contr le et de la R gulation Automatique (SYMECORA) Mr. Francis Martinez President 39-41, rue Louis Blanc Cedex 72 92038 Paris La D fense phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION F d ration des Industries M caniques (FIM) Mr. Marc Bay Director 39-41, rue Louis Blanc Cedex 72 92038 Paris La D fense phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) MEDICAL INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Syndicat National de l'Industrie des Technologies M dicales (SNITEM) Mr. Jean-Pierre Ravut President 39-41, rue Louis Blanc Cedex 72 92038 Paris La D fense phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) MINERALS, AND NON-FERROUS METALS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION F d ration des Chambres Syndicales des Minerais, Min raux industriels et des M taux non Ferreux Mr. Yves Rambaud President 30, avenue de Messine 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION F d ration Nationale des Techniques du Film, Cin ma et T l vision Mr. Jean-Fleurent Didier Representative 50, avenue Marceau 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) NATIONAL UNION OF PRODUCT ADVERTISING Syndicat National de la Publicit par l'Objet Mr. Gilles Lef vre President 15, rue de Chateaudun 75009 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) NATIONAL BUILDING FEDERATION F d ration Nationale du B timent Mr. Jean Domange President 33, av. Kl ber 75784 Paris Cedex 16 phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) NATIONAL FEDERATION OF PUBLIC WORKS F d ration Nationale des Travaux Publics (FNTP) Mr. Philippe Levaux President 3, rue de Berri 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) NATIONAL CONFEDERATION WOOD INDUSTRY FOR CONSTRUCTION Conf d ration Nationale des Industries du Bois Mr. Bernard Merceles President 36, av. Hoche 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME REPAIR AND RELATED HOBBIES Union Nationale Industries Bricolage Activit s Loisir Mr. Alain Vicart Representative 14, rue du 8 Mai 1945 75010 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) NATIONAL UNION OF FRENCH FURNITURE INDUSTRIES Union Nationale des Industries Fran aises de l'Ameublement Mr. Philippe Mayer President 28 bis, av. Daumesnil 75012 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) NATIONAL WOOD FEDERATION F d ration Nationale d'Exploitants Forestiers, Scieurs et Industriels du Bois Mr. Roger Lesbats President 1, place Andr Malaraux 75001 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) NAUTICAL INDUSTRY FEDERATION F d ration des Industries Nautiques Mr. Thierry Roulois President Port de Javel-haut 75015 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) OPTICAL INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Groupement des Industries Fran aises de l'Optique (GIFO) Mr. Jean-Claude Mas President 39-41, rue Louis Blanc Cedex 72 92038 Paris La D fense phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) PAINTS & INKS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION F d ration des Industries des Peintures, Encres, Couleurs et Produits Connexes (FIPEC) Mr. Michel Magnan President 42, avenue Marceau 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) PAPER, CARDBOARD, CELLULOSE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Conf d ration Fran aise de l'Industrie des Papiers, Cartons et Celluloses (COPACEL) Mr. F. Blondot President 154, bd Haussmann 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) PERFUM INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION F d ration des Industries de la Parfumerie (FIP) Mr. Mosser President 57, avenue de Villiers 75017 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION F d ration Fran aise des Industries du M dicament (FEFIM) Mr. Mesur President 88, rue de la Faisanderie 75782 Paris Cedex 16 phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) PHOTOGRAPHIC AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Syndicate des Industries du Mat riel Photo, Cin ma substandard, Vid o et des Industries Connexes Mr. Patrick Posso President 5 bis, rue Jacquemont 75017 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) PLASTIC TRANSFORMERS FEDERATION F d ration de la Plasturgie Mr. Jean Heaume President 65, rue de Prony 75854 Paris Cedex 17 phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) PRINTING AND GRAPHIC ARTS FEDERATION F d ration de l'Imprimerie et de la Communication Graphique (FICG) Mr. Jacques Schor President 115, bd Saint-Germain 75006 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) PROFESSIONAL UNION OF PLASTICS MANUFACTURERS Union Professionnelle des Fabricants de Plastique Mr. Pierre Avenas President 14, rue de la R publique Cedex 99 92909 Paris-La D fense phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) RAILROAD INDUSTRY FEDERATION F d ration des Industries Ferroviaires Mr. Guillemard Representative 12, rue Bixio 75007 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) SHIP BUILDERS UNION Chambre Syndicale des Constructeurs de Navires Mr. Alain Grill President 47, rue de Monceau 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) SPORTING GOOD INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION F d ration Fran aise des Industries du Sport et des Loisirs (FIFAS) Ms. Nicole Berthier-Stoops Managing Director 3/5 rue Jules Guesde 92305 Levallois-Perret phone: 33 (1) 47 31 56 23 fax: 33 (1) 47 31 56 32 STATIONARY PRODUCERS' UNIONS F d ration des Syndicats de Fabricants d'Articles de Papeterie Mr. Fran ois Nusse President 71, av. Marceau 75116 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) STATIONARY AND OFFICE PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION F d ration Fran aise d'Articles de Papeterie et des Fournitures de Bureau Mr. Bertand President 9 ter, rue Auguste-Barbier 75011 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) TELECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRY UNION Syndicat des Industries de T l communication (SIT) Mr. Lavenir Representative 64, rue de Monceau 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) TEXTILE INDUSTRY UNION Union des Industries Textiles Mr. G. Jolles President 37-39, rue de Neuilly 92110 Clichy phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) UNION OF PLASTIC AND RUBBER INDUSTRY DISTRIBUTORS Union pour Industries et de la Distribution des Plastiques et du Caoutchouc (UCAPLAST) Mr. Peyronnet President 1, square La Bruy re 75009 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) VETERINARIAN DRUG INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Syndicat de l'Industrie du M dicament V t rinaire (SIMV) Mr. Ghislain Follet President 6, rue de la Tr moille 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) Note: this list is not exhaustive. The US & Foreign Commercial Service at the American Embassy in Paris maintains an up-to-date and comprehensive listing of industry associations. COUNTRY MARKET RESEARCH FIRMS A.C. NIELSEN Mr. C. Charbit 44, boulevard de Grenelle 75732 Paris Cedex 15 phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) ADEGE Mr. G. Saurais 45, boulevard Brotteaux 69006 Lyon phone: 33 fax: 33 ALGOE Mr. J. Clement President and Managing Director 9 bis, route de Champagne 69134 Ecuilly Cedex phone: 33 fax: 33 ARTHUR D. LITTLE FRANCE Mr. Michel d'Halluin, President and Managing Director 230, rue du Faubourg Saint Honor 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) AVISO CONSEIL Mr. B. Vincent President and Managing Director 11, quai Rambaud 69002 Lyon phone: 33 fax: 33 BURKE MARKETING RESEARCH Mr. G. Hustaix Tour Gallieni 1 7880, avenue Gallieni 93174 Bagnolet Cedex phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) B.V.A (Brul Ville Associates) Mr. Michel Brul & Mr. Jean Pierre Ville 191, avenue du General Leclerc 78200 Viroflay phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) CATHERINE DELANNOY & ASSOCIATES Mrs. G. Delannoy 21, rue de Miromesnil 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) CEGOS Mr. Claude Maire Tour Chenonceaux 204, Rond Point de pont de S vres 92516 Boulogne Billancourt Cedex phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) E.S.O.P Mr. Morgensztern 92, avenue d'Ivry 75013 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) E.S.T.E.L 1, rue Alsace Lorraine 94140 Alfortville phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) Mr. J. Poulton EURO-MARKETING ASSOCIATES, INC. European Liaison Office The Heron Building 10, rue de la Paix 75002 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) FRENCH MARKET RESEARCH ASSOCIATION - SYNTEC Comite Etudes de Marches Maison de l'Ingenierie 3, rue Leon Bonnat 75016 Paris phone: 33 (1) 45 24 43 53 fax: 33 (1) 42 88 26 84 GROUPE MV2 Mr. Ferdinand Weisenfeld 89, avenue Aristide Briand 92120 Montrouge phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) IMS S.A.R.L Mr. Philippo, President and Managing Director 9, avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) fax: 33 (1) Note: The U.S. and Foreign Commerical Service and the Office of Agricultural Affairs at the American Embassy in Paris maintain up-to-date and comprehensive listings of market research firms. As functions, contacts, and assigned responsibilities change often, interested exporters are requested to direct specific inquiries to the US & Foreign Commercial Service or to the Office of Agricultural Affairs at the American Embassy in Paris for up- to-date references. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL BANKS French Subsidiaries of U.S. Banks: AMERICAN EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Mr. David Winn President and Managing Director 12-14, Rond-Point des Champs-Elys es 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) 42-25-15-16 fax: 33 (1) 42-25-08-68 BANK OF AMERICA Mr. Christian Bartholin Pr sident and Managing Director 43-47, avenue de la Grande Arm e 75782 Paris C dex 16 phone: 33 (1) 45-02-68-00 fax: 33 (1) 45-01-77-89 BANK OF NEW YORK Mrs. Deidre Perroux President and Managing Director 36, bd Haussmann 75009 Paris phone: 33 (1) 42-46-26-25 fax: 33 (1) 42-47-02-36 CHASE MANHATTAN BANK SA Mr. Philippe Leroy Directeur G n ral 18, bd Malesherbes 75361 Paris C dex 08 phone: (33-1) fax: (33-1) 40-17-15-34 CITIBANK Mr. Claude Jouven Managing Director Citicenter, 19 Le Parvis 92073 Paris La-D fense C dex 36 phone: 33 (1) 49-06-10-10 fax: 33 (1) 47-67-07-04 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON Mr. Robert Ward Managing Director 104, avenue des Champs-Elys es 75008 Paris phone: 33 (1) 40-76-75-00 fax: 33 (1) 40-76-75-95 MANUFACTURERS HANOVER BANQUE Mr. Jean-Olivier Bartholin President and General Manager 16, place de l'Iris Tour GAN 92082 Paris-La D fense 2 C dex 13 phone: 33 (1) 49-06-36-00 fax: 33 (1) 47-76-48-55 MIDLAND BANK SA Mr. Bernard Pouy Chairman of the Board 6, rue Piccini 75116 Paris phone: 33 (1) 44-28-80-80 fax: 33 (1) 44-28-85-99 MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST CO OF NEW YORK Mr. Didier Scherpitel Managing Director 14, place Vend me 75001 Paris phone: 33 (1) 40-15-45-00 fax: 33 (1) 40-15-44-77 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK Mr. Paul Imison President and Managing Director 18, place Vend me 75001 Paris phone: 33 (1) 44-58-53-00 fax: (33-1) 40-15-07-37 PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK Mr. John Knutson Managing Director 231, rue St-Honor 75001 Paris phone: 33 (1) 42-60-21-87 fax: 33 (1) 49-27-95-02 REPUBLIC NATIONAL BANK OF NEW YORK Mr. Robert Sevrin Managing Director 20, place Vend me 75001 Paris phone: 33 (1) 44-86-18-61 fax: 33 (1) 42-60-05-62 French and other Foreign Banks: ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE DES BANQUES - AFB Mr. Michel Freyche President 18 rue Lafayette 75440 Paris Cedex 08 phone: 33 (1) 48 00 52 52 fax: 33 (1) 42 46 76 40 BANQUE INDOSUEZ Mr. Antoine Jeancourt-Galignani President 96, boulevard Haussman 75008 PARIS Phone: 33 (1) 44 20 20 20 fax: 33 (1) 44 20 29 56 BANQUE FRANCAISE DU COMMERCE EXTERIEUR (B.F.C.E.) Mr. Michel Freyche President 21, boulevard Haussman BP 265-09 75427 PARIS Cedex 09 phone: 33 (1) 48 00 48 00 fax: 33 (1) 45 23 10 56 BANQUE NATIONALE DE PARIS Mr. Michel P bereau President and Managing Director 16, boulevard des Italiens 75450 PARIS cedex 09 Phone: 33 (1) 40 14 45 46 fax: 33 (1) 40 14 69 73 BANQUE PARIBAS Mr. Andr L vy-Lang President 5, rue d'Antin 75002 PARIS phone: 33 (1) 42 98 12 34 fax: 33 (1) 42 98 11 42 COMPAGNIE BANCAIRE Mr. Fran ois Henrot President 5, avenue Kl ber 75116 PARIS phone: 33 (1) 45 25 25 25 fax: 33 (1) 45 01 78 05 CREDIT COMMERCIAL DE FRANCE (C.C.F.) Mr. Charles de Croisset President and Managing Director 103, avenue des Champs-Elys es 75008 PARIS phone: 33 (1) 40 70 70 40 fax: 33 (1) 47 23 71 04 CREDIT NATIONAL (C.N.) Mr. Philippe Calavia Directeur General 45, rue St Dominique 75700 PARIS phone: 33 (1) 45 50 90 00 fax: 33 (1) 45 55 89 58 CREDIT AGRICOLE Mr. Marc Bu President and Managing Director 48, rue de la Bo tie 75008 PARIS phone: 33 (1) 49 53 43 23 fax: 33 (1) 49 53 44 81 CREDIT LYONNAIS Mr. Jean Peyrelevade President and Managing Director 19, boulevard des Italiens 75002 PARIS phone: 33 (1) 42 95 70 00 fax: 33 (1) 42 95 59 02 GROUPE DES BANQUES POPULAIRES Mr. Jacques Delmas-Marsalet President and Managing Director 115, rue Montmartre 75002 PARIS phone: 33 (1) 40 39 30 00 fax: 33 (1) 40 26 62 27 SOCIETE GENERALE Mr. Marc Vi not President and Managing Director 29, boulevard Haussman 75009 PARIS phone: 33 (1) 40 98 20 00 fax: 33 (1) 40 98 75 55 UNION EUROPEENNE DE CIC Mr. Jean-Pierre Aubert President 4, rue Gaillon 75107 PARIS Cedex 02 phone: 33 (1) 42 66 70 00 fax: 33 (1) 42 66 78 90 Note: this list is not exhaustive. The US & Foreign Commercial Service at the American Embassy in Paris maintains an up-to-date and comprehensive listing of commercial banks. U.S. EMBASSY TRADE PERSONNEL AMBASSADOR Pamela Harriman American Embassy 2, Avenue Gabriel 75008 Paris Unit 21551, APO AE 09777 phone: 33 (1) 42 96 12 02 fax: 33 (1) 42 66 40 52 DEPUTY CHIEF OF MISSION Avis T. Bohlen American Embassy 2, Avenue Gabriel 75008 Paris Unit 21551, APO AE 09777 phone: 33 (1) 42 96 12 02 fax: 33 (1) 42 66 40 52 ECON John Medeiros Minister-Counselor for Economic Affairs American Embassy 2, Avenue Gabriel 75008 Paris Unit 21551, APO AE 09777 phone: 33 (1) 42 96 12 02 fax: 33 (1) 47 42 21 55 U.S.& FOREIGN COMMERCIAL SERVICE Peter G. Frederick Minister-Counselor for Commercial Affairs, American Embassy 2 Avenue Gabriel 75382 Paris Cedex 08 Unit 21551, APO AE 09777 phone: 33 (1) 42 96 12 02 fax: 33 (1) 42 66 48 27 UNITED STATES TRAVEL AND TOURISM ADMINISTRATION Max J. Ollendorff Director, American Embassy 2, Avenue Gabriel 75008 Paris Unit 21551, APO AE 09777 phone: 33 (1) 42 60 00 66 fax: 33 (1) 40 15 08 74 OFFICE OF AGRICULTURAL AFFAIRS - Foreign Agricultural Service George Pope Minister-Counselor for Agricultural Affairs American Embassy 2, Avenue Gabriel 75008 Paris Unit 21551, APO AE 09777 phone: 33 (1) 42 96 12 02 fax: 33 (1) 42 66 61 06 U.S. CONSULATE - Bordeaux Alan Eastham Consul General 22 cours du Marechal Foch 33080 Bordeaux Cedex Tel: 33 (16) 56 52 65 95 Fax: 33 (16) 56 51 60 42 U.S. CONSULATE - Marseille Jackson McDonald Consul General 12 blvd Paul Peytral 13286 Marseille Tel: 33 (16) 56 51 60 42 Fax: 33 (16) 91 55 09 47 U.S. CONSULATE - Strasbourg Shirley Barnes Consul General 15, avenue d'Alsace 67082 Strasbourg Cedex Tel: 33 (16) 88 35 31 04 Fax: 33 (16) 88 24 06 95 U.S. Commercial Delegation - Lyon Philippe Minard Trade Specialist Lyon Commerce International 69289 Lyon Cedex 02 Tel: 33 (16) 72 40 59 20 U.S. Commercial Delegation - Nice Reine Joguet Trade Specialist Agence Consulaire 31, avenue du Mar chal Joffre 06000 Nice Tel: 33 (16) 93 88 89 55 Fax: 33 (16) 93 87 07 38 U.S. Mission to O.E.C.D. Robin Layton Minister Counselor 19, rue Franqueville 75016 Paris Tel: 33 (1) 45 24 74 37 WASHINGTON BASED USG COUNTRY CONTACTS UNITED-STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of Western European Affairs EUR/SA Anne Carson France Desk Officer Washington, D.C. 20520 phone: (202) 647 1559 fax: (202) 647 3459 UNITED-STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Office of Western Europe - France Desk Elena Mikalis France Desk Officer 14 Street and Constitution Avenue Room 3042 Washington, D.C. 20230 phone: (202) 482 6008 fax: (202) 482 2897 UNITED STATES TRAVEL AND TOURISM ADMINISTRATION Mary Tack Marketing Research Analyst Department of Commerce 14 Street and Constitution Avenue Washington, D.C. 20230 phone: (202) 501-8170 fax: (202) 482-2887 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Foreign Agricultural Service Trade Assistance and Promotion Office (TAPO) 14 Street and Independence Avenue SW Washington, D.C. 20250 phone: 202 720 7420 FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL SERVICE, International Trade Policy 14th & Constitution Avenue, SW Room 5522 Washington, DC 20250 Meritt Chesley, Western Europe Group phone: (202) 720-7014 fax: (202) 690-2079 ENERGY DEPARTMENT, Office of International Energy Relations 1000 Independent Avenue, SW Room 7G-046 Washington, DC 20585 Ken Workman, Western Europe phone: (202) 586-6383 fax: (202) 586-6148 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, International Environmental Policy 401 M Street, SW Room 1135 West Tower Washington, DC 20460 Kelly Jacobs, Western Europe phone: (202) 260-4870 fax: (202) 260-4470 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, International Affairs Staff 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 15A-30 Rockville, MD 20857 Donald Aronson, Europe Desk phone: (301) 443-4480 fax: (301) 443-0235 LABOR DEPARTMENT, Bureau of International Labor Affairs 200 Connecticut Avenue, NW Room S-5006 Washington, DC 20210 William Brumfield, France Desk phone: (202) 219-6234 fax: (202) 219-5613 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, International Affairs 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Room 5050 Washington, DC 20220 Susan Rzemien, France Desk phone: (202) 622-0166 fax: (202) 622-0134 OFFICE OF THE U.S. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE Office of Europe and the Mediterranean Executive Office of the President Washington, DC 20506 Tim Richards phone: (202) 395-3211 fax: (202) 395-3911 U.S. BASED MULTIPLIERS RELEVANT FOR COUNTRY FRENCH EMBASSY Mr. Jean-Daniel Gardere Minister-Counselor for Economic and Commercial Affairs 4101 Reservoir Road, N.W. phone: 202 944 6000 fax: 202 944 63 36 FRENCH-AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE U.S. Mr. Serge Bellanger President, 520, Madison Avenue New-York NY 10022 phone: 212 715 44 44 fax: 212 715 44 41 INVEST IN FRANCE AGENCY (I.F.A.) Mr. Bernard Giraud Director Suite 301 610 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10020 phone: 212 757 9340 fax: 212 245 1568