Appendix D. MARKET RESEARCH List of Upcoming ISAS and STRs: ISAS, STRs Due date - Environmental protection and control equipment - Opportunities for U.S. companies - STR 11/94 - Civil aircraft and parts - STR 12/94 - Integrated circuits - ISA 01/95 - Waste management, waste treatment and recycling - ISA 02/95 - Medical electronics - ISA 03/95 - Video-on-Demand - ISA 03/95 - Computer peripherals - ISA 04/95 - Tourism to the United States - 05/95 ISA update - Finland's liberalized telecommunications sector creates opportunities for U.S. companies - STR 08/95 USDA/FAS/Commodity reports and market briefs - Agricultural situation 09/94 - Dairy annual 11/94 - Meat import act 02/95 - Sugar annual 04/95 - Information division's country report 04/95 - Grain and feed annual 06/95 - Tobacco annual 06/95 - Forest products annual 07/95 FCS reports available on the National Trade Data Bank and FAS reports available from Reports Office/USDA/FAS, Washington, D.C. 20250.