APPENDIX D: Market Research Currently Available Market Research 1. Telecommunications Equipment 2. Polyethylene Products 3. Electrical Power Systems 4. Paper Recycling Machinery 5. Tractors Upcoming Market Research 1. Consumer Goods March 95 2. Pollution Control Equip(POL) April 95 3. Switching Equipment (TEL) August 95 4. Food Packaging Equip (FFP) September 95 FCS reports are available from the National Trade Data Bank, Economics and Statistics Administration, Office of Business Analysis, Room 4885, HCHB, Washington, D.C. 20230. LIST OF USDA/FAS/COMMODITY REPORTS AND MARKET BRIEFS. - Grain and Feed Annual Report (January each year) - Oilseeds and Products Annual Report (April each year) - Coffee Annual Report (May each Year) - Coffee Semiannual Report (November each year) - Cocoa Annual Report (September each year) - Sugar Annual report (April each year) - Annual Marketing Plan Information Report (July each year) - Agricultural Situation Report (September each year) - Foreign Buyer List Annual Report (March each year) - Foreign Agriculture Article (Every other year) - Market Briefs already done: Dairy Products Report, Cereals Report - AgOffice plans to do in the near future: Red Meats and Poultry Meat Report, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Research, and Dried Fruits Research, - Agoffice performs alert or voluntary reports on agricultural commodities when significant developments occur. Background and current data is filled and kept up-to-date as a key resource for the reporting function.