TABLE OF CONTENTS PART Page I. Commercial Overview (Executive Summary) 1 II. Leading Trade Prospects for U.S. Business 6 III. Economic Trends and Outlook 7 - Major Trends and Outlook - Principal Growth Sectors - Government Role in the Economy - Balance of Payments Situation - Trade and Investment Barriers - Labor Force - Infrastructure Situation - Major Infrastructure Projects IV. Political Environment 29 V. Marketing U.S. Products and Services 34 - Distribution and Sales Channels - Use of Agents/Distributors; Finding a Partner - Franchising - Direct Marketing - Joint Ventures/Licensing - Steps to Establishing an Office - Selling Factors/Techniques - Advertising and Trade Promotion - Pricing Product - Sales Service/Customer Support - Selling to the Government - Protecting your product from IPR infringement - Need for a local Attorney VI. Trade Regulations and Standards 45 - Tariffs and Import Taxes - Customs Valuation - Import Licenses - Export Controls - Import/Export Documentation - Temporary Entry - Labeling, Marking Requirements - Prohibited Imports - Standards - Free Trade Zones/Warehouses - Special Import Provisions - Membership in Free Trade Arrangements VII. Investment Climate 50 - Openness to Foreign Investment - Conversion and Transfer Policies - Expropriationa nd Compnsation - Dispute Settlement - Performance Requirements - Right to Private Ownership - Protection of Property Rights - Regulatory System - Capital Markets and Portfolio Investment - Bilateral Investment Agreements - OPIC and other Investment Insurance Programs - Labor - Foreign Trade Zones and Free Ports - Capital Outflow Policy - Major Foreign Investors VIII. Trade and Project Financing 60 - Banking System - Foreign Exchange Controls - Financing Availability - Local Banks with U.S. Correspondent Relationship IX. Business Travel 64 - Business Customs - Travel Advisory and Visas - Holidays - Business Infrastructure (e.g. Transportation, Language, Communications, Housing, Health, Food) APPENDICES Appendix A: Country Data 66 Appendix B: Best Prospects for Industry and Agriculture 68 Appendix C: U.S. and Country Contacts 76 - Country Government Agencies - Country Trade Associations - Country Market Research Firms - U.S. Embassy Trade Personnel - Washington-Based USG Country Contacts - U.S. Based Multipliers Relevant for Ecuador Appendix D: Market Research 91 Appendix E: Trade Event Schedule 92