II. LEADING TRADE PROSPECTS FOR U.S. BUSINESS A. Industrial Products 1. Computers and Peripherals (CPT) 2. Computer Software (CSF) 3. Architectural/Construction/Eng. Services (ACE) 4. Travel and Tourism Services (TRA) 5. Apparel (APP) 6. Oil and Gas Field Machinery (OGM) 7. Telecommunications Equipment (TEL) 8. Electrical Power Systems (ELP) 9. Pollution Control Equipment (POL) 10. Medical Equipment (MED) 11. Sporting Goods and Recreational Equipment (SPT) 12. Laboratory Scientific Instruments (LAB) 13. Building Products (BLD) 14. Automotive Parts and Service Equipment (APS) 15. Aircraft and Parts (AIR) B. Agricultural Products Wines Dry Nuts Breakfast Cereals Turkey Meat Sweet Corn, Frozen Cantaloupe and Other Melons Popcorn