7. Trade Event Schedule Technical seminars for AfDB staff and borrowers: Event Name: Seminar Event Date: October 1994 Industry Theme: Mining and Extractive Technologies Type of Event: Technical seminar to the AfDB Location: Abidjan, C te d'Ivoire Recruiter's Name: Emmanuel Morrison Tel: (225) 21-09-79, 21-46-16 Fax: (225) 22-32-59, (Direct Line): 22-24-37 This technical seminar will feature the expertise and equipment of three to six U.S. firms specializing in mining and extractive industries. The audience in Abidjan will consist of AfDB officials, visitors from the borrowing countries of the AfDB, and representatives of local organizations interested in solutions to mining and extractive industries. Regional Foreign Buyer Program (FBP) Trips: Event Name: Comdex/Fall '95 Event Date: November 15-19, 1994 Industry Theme: Computers Type of Event: Foreign Buyer Program Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Recruiter's Name: Gerard Amangoua Tel: (225) 21-09-79, 21-46-16 Fax: (225) 22-24-37, 22-32-59 Over the last five years the African Development Bank has sent several computer specialists to attend the fall Comdex trade show in the U.S. Foreign buyers travelling to this event include Ivorians looking for distributorship or agency agreements, as well as other West Africans from the private and public sectors. Event Name: California Farm Equipment Show Event Date: February, 1995 Industry Theme: Agriculture Type of Event: Foreign Buyer Program Location: Tulare, California Recruiter's Name: Emmanuel Morrison Tel: (225) 21-09-79, 21-46-16 Fax: (225) 22-24-37, 22-32-59 This new Foreign Buyer Program trip is intended to bring AfDB officials and others in the agricultural sector in the region to California's Central Valley to see the latest technological developments in the U.S. agricultural sector. Ivorian and other West African agricultural specialists will visit the exhibition and contact directly U.S. manufacturers of agricultural equipment and U.S. agricultural consultants, extension workers, and training experts. Event Name: PC Expo '95 Event Date: June 1995 Industry Theme: Computers Type of Event: Foreign Buyer Program Location: New York, New York Recruiter's Name: Adjoa Imboua-Niava Tel: (225) 21-09-79, 21-46-16 Fax: (225) 22-24-37, 22-32-59 PC Expo has been a very popular Foreign Buyer Program destination for buyers throughout West and Central Africa over the last four years. The African Development Bank has included this program in its annual outreach activities for its computer specialists. Those attending each year buy products and equipment, place advance orders, inform themselves of the latest innovations, and market their companies as possible agents and distributors for U.S. products in Africa. Outreach seminar for U.S. suppliers: Event Name: Business Opportunities at the AfDB Event Date: May, 1995 Type of Event: Outreach seminar for U.S. companies Location: U.S. cities (TBD) Recruiter's Name: Nikki Brajevich Tel: (225) 21-09-79, 21-46-16 Fax: (225) 22-24-57, 22-32-59