6. Market Research List of available and upcoming US&FCS Industry Sector Analyses and International Market Insight reports: The U.S. Mission in Abidjan files reports describing notable, ongoing efforts such as privatization and its implications for U.S. investments, the impact of the devaluation and implications for U.S. businesses, e.g., update of business costs, and changes in the business environment. Reports produced by the Office of Agricultural Affairs, Abidjan. --Oilseeds & Products Annual --Cocoa Annual & Semi-Annual --Coffee Annual & Semi-Annual --Cotton Annual --Grain & Feed Annual --Forest Products Annual --Agricultural Situation Annual --Annual Marketing Plan Information Report --Foreign Buyer List Annual These reports are available for purchase from: Reports Office, Rm 6072 South USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service 14th & Independence Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250 Tel: (202) 720-6136 Fax: (202) 720-7729