1. Country Data: Area: 124,500 square miles (322,500 sq. kms) Population: 13.2 million (1993). About one-third of C te d'Ivoire's population is non-Ivorian, most of them immigrant workers from neighboring countries such as Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso, and Ghana. They have been attracted to C te d'Ivoire by the country's economic prosperity and its hospitality toward them, reflected in its relatively open immigration policies. Population Growth Rate: 3.8% Religions: Animists 15-30%; Christians 26% and Moslems 38%. Government System: Unitary republic. The legal system is based on the 1960 constitution and the Code Napoleon. President (Head of State): Henri Konan Bedie. He became President following the death of President Houphouet Boigny on December 7, 1993 as stipulated in the constitution. The next presidential election will be held in November, 1995. Prime Minister: Daniel Kablan Duncan, formerly the Minister of Finance and the Economy. Cabinet: The appointed Council of Ministers consists of nineteen Ministers sworn in December, 1993. Key Ministers: Economy and Finance: N'Goran Niamien Commerce: Ferdinand Kacou Angora Mines and Energy: Admiral Lamine Fadika Equipment, Transport, and Telecommunications: Ezan Akele Foreign Affairs: Amara Essy Defense and Marine: Leon Konan Koffi Agriculture: Lambert Kouassi Konan National Assembly: 175 elected members Charles Bauza Donwahi, President Political Parties represented: Parti Democratique de C te d'Ivoire (PDCI-RDA): 165 Front Populaire Ivoirien (FPI): 9 Parti Ivoirien des Travailleurs (PIT): 1 Note: There are twenty-six registered political parties Languages: French (official), Baoule, and over 65 ethnic dialects. Work Week: Monday-Friday Business Hours: 7:30-12:00 and 14:30-18:00 Some offices and shops are open the same hours on Saturdays Major Cities: Abidjan (2.5 million) on the coast, the economic capital, Bouake (494,000) in the center, Daloa (182,000) in the midwest, Man (134,000) in the West, San Pedro (80,000) second seaport, on the coast, north of Abidjan, Korhogo (164,000) in the North, and Yamoussoukro (160,000) two and a half hours north of Abidjan, the political capital. C te d'Ivoire Flag: Orange/White/Green, Vertical Stripes Climate: Tropical. In Abidjan, the hottest weather is February-April; the coldest month is August; the driest month is January; the wettest month is June. Currency: CFA franc=100 centimes. The current exchange rate is approximately 540 CFA to USD 1. Time: Abidjan time is 0 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), five hours ahead of Washington, D.C. - four hours during daylight savings time. Electric Current: 220 volts, 50 cycles Measures: Metric system 2. Domestic Economy: (USD millions, except as noted) 1993E 1994E 1995E GDP (current)* 9,200 6,600 6,800 GDP Growth Rate (%) -1.0 1.0 4.0 GDP per capita (USD) 700 475 490 Government spending as percentage of GDP (percent) 35 32 30 Inflation (percent) 1 35 6 Unemployment-1988 Census (pct) 7 7 7 Foreign Exchange Reserves** < 0 < 0 < 0 Average Exchange Rate for USD 1 283 570 600 Foreign Debt 19,000 15,000 N/A Debt service ratio (ratio of principal and interest payments on foreign debt to foreign income - pct) 60 40 40 U.S. Economic Assistance 6.3 3 1 U.S. Military Assistance 1.9 0.2 0.2 * Dollar value of GDP drops sharply because of the January 1994, 50 % devaluation of the CFA franc, posing problems of comparability between 1994 francs and those for 1993. GDP growth rate is embassy's estimate of constant price growth rate. ** Reflects a gross position of a negligible amount and an overdrawn position in the Central Bank/French Treasury operations account. Sources: U.S. Embassy estimates Institute National de Statistique World Bank IMF 3. Trade (USD million except where noted) 1993E 1994E 1995E Total Country Exports 2,640 2,900 3,100 Total Country Imports 1,570 1,600 1,700 Exports to the U.S. 146 162 179 Imports from the U.S. 101 68 76 U.S. share of the host country imports (percent) 4 4 4 Imports of mfgd. goods (for harmonized system (HS) 488 425 475 1993E 1994E 1995E Imports of Agricultural Goods --Total 410 390 380 --From the U.S. 25 30 30 --U.S. Share (percent) 7 8 8 Agricultural Goods Trade Balance with the U.S. 75 80 85 Trade Balance with its leading partners in 1992: (Ranked by imports) Country Imports Exports Trade Balance France 887 477 (410) Nigeria 497 < 0 (497) Netherlands 108 233 125 USA 96 187 91 Italy 93 241 148 Germany 74 313 239 Sources: C te d'Ivoire Customs Statistics - December, 1991 and 1992 (provisional). U.S. Department of Commerce Principal U.S. Exports: Kraft paper, rice, tobacco, phosphates. Principal U.S. Imports: Coffee, cocoa products, wood, crude petroleum, and natural rubber.