APPENDIX A COUNTRY DATA 1. PROFILE Population -- 3,264,776 (July 1993 estimate Population growth rate -- 2.38 percent (1993 estimate) Religions -- Roman Catholicism, 90-95 per cent, Protestantism; 5- 10 per cent Government System -- A democratic republic under a constitution established in 1949. The president and the 57-member unicameral legislative assembly are elected every four years. The last election was in February 1994. Members of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Electoral Tribunal serve for renewable eight year terms and are appointed by the Legislative Assembly. The government of Costa Rica has a long history of respect for democratic values and basic political freedoms, strong protections for human rights, and a system of government based on the separation of powers and extensive constitutional checks and balances. The army was abolished in 1949. Languages -- Spanish (official), English is spoken around Puerto Limon and is the most common second language. Work week -- 48 hours. Sources: National Statistical Institute, The World Fact Book, 1993 2. DOMESTIC ECONOMY 1993 1994 1995 a.GDP USD 6 billion USD 6.3 bill USD 6.6 bill b.GDP growth rate 6.5 percent 5.0 percent 5.0 percent c.GDP per capita USD 1,864 USD 1,958 USD 2,056 * d.Gov/GDP 16.0 percent 16.0 percent 16.0 percent e.Prices (CPI) 9.8 percent 17.0 percent 15.0 percent f.Unemployment 4.1 percent 4.1 percent 4.1 percent g.Frgn Exch Reserv USD 1,170 USD 800 USD 800 h.Ave Exch Rate $ 150 col/USD 175 col/USD 200 col/USD i.Foreign Off Debt USD 3,872 mil USD 3,900 mil USD 3,930 mil j.Debt service ratio (Service/export) 26.4 percent 28.0 percent 30.0 percent k.U.S. aid USD 5.5 mil USD 3.3 mil USD 4.42 mil *Does not take into account devaluation of local currency in 1994 and 1995. 3. FOREIGN TRADE 1993 1994 1995 a.Exports (FOB) USD 1,944 mil USD 2,200 mil USD 2,440 mil b.Imports (CIF) USD 2,869 mil USD 3,150 mil USD 3,450 mil c.Exp to USA USD 850 mil USD 950 mil USD 1,050 mil d.Imp from USA USD 1,300 mil USD 1,450 mil USD 1,600 mil e.U.S. Share of imports 45 percent f. Imp of Mfd. Goods - Total USD 2,290 mil USD 2,520 mil USD 2,750 mil - U.S. USD 979.3 mil USD 1,070 mil USD 1,170 mil - U.S. Share 43.4 percent g.Mfd Goods Trade Balance n/a h.Projected Avg. Annual Growth Rate from World 10 percent 10 percent 10 percent i.Projected Avg. Annual Growth Rate from U.S. 10 percent 10 percent 10 percent Source: Estimated from Costa Rican Central Bank statistics Agricultural Imports (in Million US $) Year Total U.S. % Share (from World) 1993 265 160 60% 1994 290 175 60% 1995 305 185 60% Source: 1993 data is estimated based on Jan-Nov data from Costa Rican Statistics and Census Dept. Trade Balance With Three Leading Partners in 1993: 1) U.S.: USD 450 mil deficit (see c & d above) 2) Germany: USD 82 mil surplus (USD 190 mil exports to Germany) (USD 108 mil imports from Germany) 3) Japan: USD 216.3 mil deficit (USD 14.7 mil exports to Japan) (USD 231 mil imports from Japan) Principal U.S. Exports (1993) - Top 5 by 4-digit tariff item* 1) Kraft paper and paper board HS Code 4804 USD 62.5 mil 2) Motor cars & vehicles for transporting persons HS Code 8703 USD 59.1 mil 3) Oil (not crude) from petroleum & bitum mineral HS Code 2710 USD 42.1 mil 4) Corn (maize) HS Code 1005 USD 39.8 mil 5) Soybreans, whether or not broken HS Code 1201 USD 35.7 mil Principal U.S. Imports (1993) - Top 5 by 4-digit tariff item* 1) Bananas and plantains, fresh or dried HS Code 0803 USD 274.4 mil 2) Meat of bovine animals, frozen HS Code 0202 USD 41.1 mil 3) Coffee, coffee husks, etc; substitutes with coffee HS Code 0901 USD 38.9 mil 4) Melons and papayas, fresh HS Code 0807 USD 33.2 mil 5) Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, etc., fresh or dried HS Code 0804 USD 30.9 mil * Excludes offshore assembly (maquiladoras), mainly textile and apparel outputs All figures in U.S. Dollars - Source: U.S. Department of Commerce 4. FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Comprehensive foreign investment data is not available in Costa Rica, but a partial listing of foreign firms with operations in Costa Rica, provided by the Costa Rican Ministry of Foreign Trade is attached. The following 1993 summary of foreign direct investment by sector was provided by CINDE ("Coalicion Costarricense de Iniciativas de Desarrollo"), the Costa Rican institution charged with promoting and facilitating economic development in Costa Rica: USD ------- Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry 14,500,000.00 Consumer Products 4,955,000.00 Electronics 180,517.00 Plastics 1,600,000.00 Tourism 26,665,000.00 Textiles/Apparel 11,911,906.00 ------------- TOTAL 59,812,423.00* *These figures do not reflect total foreign direct investment made in Costa Rica during 1993, but are the most comprehensive data available. The Ministry of Foreign Trade has acknowledged the difficulty of quantifying foreign direct investment in Costa Rica due to the absence of an official foreign investment register, but estimates total foreign investment in Costa Rica at approximately USD 70 million annually, with the U.S. being the main source of investment (other major foreign investors include German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Japanese and Korean companies). A Partial Listing of Foreign Business Firms With Operations in Costa Rica A.G. Siemens Empresas Barcelo Acron Scantronics F.A.M Advanced System for Cellular Fidesplants S.A. Afa Corporation Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Alarmas Hawkran Full Bright Top Priority Altair G.D. Searle Alumiform Concrete Garjjo Inc. American Pheanaseals Gerber, Inc. American Sanitary Gilmore American Standard Glass Gallery Amstel Flor Grupo Sol Bavaria Ario Farms GTE Sylvania Automatic Coil H.B. Fuller Corp. Avon (J.P. Nina S.A.) H.V.A. Baxter Hanes Printables Bayer, AG Harwood Co. Betex S.A. Heineken Brewery, BV BLH Electronics Hi Land Heliconia Boo Hung de Costa Rica Hitachi Sales Corp. of Bourns Co. America Bristol Myers International Holiday Inns, Inc. Group IBM World Trade Group British American Tobacco Industrial Devices Inc. C & K Components Industrias Realtex Canada Dry International Industrias Textico S.A. Carrington Laboratories Industrias Textiles Cartilag Technology Rose Cassidy-Aviel Mfg. Co. International Arquitec- Castle & Cook, Inc. ture Products Cerateck S.A. International Executive Chas Todd de Costa Rica S.A. Service Corp. Chevron International J & S Citicorp J. Walter Thompson Co. Coca Cola Co. JAC Valstar Colgate Palmolive Japan External Trade Comitex Jergens Sukia Cricket Hosiery Jewelmont Corp. Crown Cork Co. Jin Lee Corp. Crystal Brands Jockey Cutler-Hammer Johnson & Johnson Intl. Cynamid Inter-American Corp. Joseph E. Seagram & Daewoo Corp. Sons Dan Howard Industries Judy Bond S.A. Data Development Jung Lin Ltd. Diamond Seafood Kimberly-Clark Document Handling Ltd. KPMG Peat, Marwick, Dragon Link Mitchell & Co. Dynavest L.M. Ericsson Eaton Corp. Telephone Co.LMV, S.A. Schonfeld Neckwear Lee Jeans Scott Paper Co. Levi Strauss & Co., Inc. Sherwin Williams Liz Claiborne Sjerps Boenbollena Maanen & Mantel Rica Maidenform Skyline Marubeni Smart Shirts Matsushita Electric Smith, Kline & French, Matusalem Rum Inc. McCann Erickson Intl. Smithkline Beecham Memory Images Spinnler-Luescher Mennen Co. Southeast Manufacturers Merck, Sharp & Dohme Corp. Sports Products Miles Laboratories Spring City Mills Moore Business Forms Square D Co. Motemtronics Stafford Higgins Motorola, Inc. Sterling Products Muebles Sol S.A. Intl. N & B Jewelry Straelewer Blumen National Gordijnen Ind. Handel Newport Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Sunkyong North & Judd Sunline Industries Old Mission Textiles, Inc. Super Class Tours Olivera & Assoc. Suttle Costa Rica S.A. Omnitel Inc. Team Works de Costa Omni Terminals Rica Oriflame International Tecnical Machinery Ornaflor S.A. Texaco Caribbean Oxford Industries Texeda S.A. Pacific Aquaculture Textile Trend Pacific Exports Textiles Dooha Paul Siegler Textiles Essex Int. Pepsico, Inc. S.A. Permatex Loctite, Inc. Textiles Industrial el Pfizer Roble Phelps Dodge International The Bali Company Phillip Morris International The Lovable Company Pickle's Delight The William Carter Plumrose Company PPI Del Monte Ticaknits PRI Industriales Co. S.A. Tiny Tots Price Waterhouse Todd de Costa Rica Prolex S.A. Tomen Rawlings Sporting Goods Toshiba Reckitt & Colman, PLC Tropiflor Reliability Inc. Ultratime Inc. R.J. Reynolds Industries Unisys Robert Schneider United Brands Co. Roche Laboratories US Magnetics of Korea Rohm & Haas Co. Van Heusen Co. Sachtler VF Corporation Samsung de Costa Rica Warnaco de Costa Rica Savitas Trading Co. Warners S.C. Johnson & Son Inc. West Point Pepperell SCDB S.A. Westex Scantronics, S.A. Widmar S.A. Scholz-Staiger Wrangler de Costa Rica Xerox Corp. YGF de Costa Rica YKK Young & Hat Zeeman Manufacturing Co. 3M