1. COUNTRY DATA -Population: 12.5 million -Population growth rate: 2.7 percent -Religion: Christian (40 percent), Muslim (20 percent), indigenous African (40 percent) -Government System: Republic, strong central government dominated by the Presidency. Executive Branch -- Head of State (five-year term); Prime Minister: Head of Government (five-year term). Legislative Branch -- Unicameral National Assembly; 180 members; 5-year term; meets briefly two to four times a year. The Judiciary -- is not a separate branch, but part of the Executive Branch's Ministry of Justice. -Languages: English and French (official), plus 270 indigenous African. -Work Week: Monday - Friday; 7:30 am to 3:30 pm; (one-hour break between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm.) 2. DOMESTIC ECONOMY (STATISTICS) Not available 3. TRADE STATISTICS FOR 1993, 1994 AND 1995 (ESTIMATES): Post is unable to provide statistical data on Cameroon's trade for 1993: the customs computer center in Douala, where trade data are generated for the entire country, is still having financial difficulties. Trade estimates for 1994 may be of no use: just when conclusions were being drawn on the effects of the January devaluation of the FCFA on national consumption, a new tax, the TCA, went into effect and caused price hikes comparable to those experienced after the January exchange rate adjustment. Under these circumstances, trade projections for 1995 are difficuult to make. 4. INVESTMENT DATA: Not available. 5. DATA ON BEST PROSPECTS FOR AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRY EXPORTS: Not applicable.