C. U.S. and Country Contacts 1. Country Government Agencies Council of Ministers Prime Minister Ljuben Berov 88-56-20 Dep. Prime Minister Evgeni Matinchev 887-27-50/88-30-65 Dep. Prime Minister Kiril Tsochev 887-20-86 Advisors Valentin Georgiev 887-20-69/87-43-94 World Bank Advisor Gerhard Reis 87-08-80 Trandafil Dimitrov 80-22-45 Special Advisor Evgeni Milchev 80-22-40 Special Advisor Atanas Kupribashiev 87-44- 11/887-27-48 Ministries Ministry of Agriculture 55 Khristo Botev Blvd. 1000 Sofia Minister Georgy Tanev 88-55-57 Head of Min.Office Maria Lazarova 88-17-90 Protocol Deninska 51-89-45 Deputy Minister Juri Petrov 87-75-64 Deputy Minister Ventseslav Stoyanov 88-36-39 Deputy Minister Roumen Hristov 88-31-88 Land Priv. Office Dimitur Dinkov 51-06-74 Ministry of Environment 67 William Gladstone Str. 1000 Sofia Minister Valentin bosevsky 88-25-77 Deputy Minister Branimir Natov 88-14-46 Deputy Minister Venko Beshkov 54-30-84 Chief Secretary Ivan Filipov 83-23-89 Water Resources Georgi Karagjozov 87-89-51 Int'l Relations Kliment Dilianov 81-00-87 Protocol 87-61-51 Int'l Dept Office Zheko Spiridonov 87-61-51 Ministry of Finance 102 Rakovsky Str. 1000 Sofia Minister Stoyan Alexandrov 869-211/870-622 Deputy Minister Svetoslav Gavriisky 869-335 Deputy Minister Dimitur Radev 869-295/867-848 Deputy Minister Dimitur Kostov 869-381 Head of Tax Dept. Biser Slavkov 803-247 General Secretary Stamen Tassev 869-317/803-498 Protocol 869-574 Director Int'l rel. Plamen Gogov 869-219/870-945 Expert Int'l Rel Mariana Touhchieva 869-395/869-223 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2 Al. Zhendov Str. 1000 Sofia Minister Stanislav Daskalov Minister's Office 7143-217 Protocol 87-09-36 First Dep. Minister Valentin Gatzinsky 80-37-37 Deputy Minister Todor Churov 7143-244/80-38-07 Desk Officer for USA, Canada Ivan Danchev 70-32-68 Counsellor Vesselin Petrov 70-34-94 Chief of Protocol Dimitur Dimitrov 7143-353 Ministry of Health 2 Sveta Nedelia Square 1000 Sofia Minister Tancho Gugalov 87-50-51 Chief Dep. Minister Semerdjiev 88-40-64 Deputy Minister Gerginsky 87-50-53 Deputy Minister Kumanov 87-83-79 Head Int'l Rel. Dr. Kurtev 88-08-01 Int'l rel. Expert Petur Stoyanov 87-53-19 Ministry of Housing & Construction 17 Kiril and Methodius Str. 1000 Sofia Minister Khristo Totev 80-39-69 Deputy Minister Petko Evrev 88-20-20 Deputy Minister Daniel Leviev 88-18-49 Int'l Relations Stoyanov 83-53-29 Privatizations Mollov 87-69-61 Ministry of Industry 8 Slavianska Str. 1000 Sofia Ministry of Industry 8 Slavianska St. 1000 Sofia Minister Plamen Bikov 80-10-06 Deputy Minister Racho Petrov 88-32-20 Deputy Minister 88-52-46 Deputy Minister Matei Mateev 87-20-27 Deputy Minister Grigorii Vazov 88-01-62 Privatization Office 87-80-26 Head Int'l Rel. Titorenko 89-99-23 Int'l Relations Buzov 87-88-85 Protocol 88-55-33 Head Privat. Dept. Emil Vanchev 87-25-37 Int'l Integration & Coordination Dept. Vera Khristova 87-88-85 Ministry of Justice 2 Dondukov Str. 1000 Sofia Minister Petur Kornadjev 87-55-20/87-40-58 Deputy Minister Petur Stoyanov 88-33-69 Int'l Law Coop. Dept. Vasil Velev 867-32-09 Ministry of Labor Ministry of Labor 2 Triaditsa St. 1000 Sofia Minister Evgeni Matinchev 87-65-08 Deputy Minister Jordan Hristoskov 80-35-78 Deputy Minister Dimitur Shopov 867-24-59 Deputy Minister Dukhomir Minev 87-65-67 Int'l Relations Stoimen Velev 83-37-12 Int'l Relations Ilian Ignatov 89-78-54 Protocol 867-27-37 Ministry of trade 12 Battenberg str. 1000 Sofia Minister Kiril Tsochev 87-03-87 Deputy Minister Ivan Kolev 88-41-90 Deputy Minister Stanimir Burzashky 87-12-87 Deputy Minister Kiril Velev 87-45-82 Chief Secretary Ivan Dochev 87-42-62 Advisor on Ext. Rel. Marin Todorov 88-20-11 Head of Priv Dept. Assen Petrov 88-06-45 2. Country Trade Associations/Chambers of Commerce: Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bojidar Bojinov, President Maria Petrunova, U.S. Desk Officer 11-a, Al. Stamboliiski Blvd. Sofia 1000 Tel: (359 2) 872-528 Fax: (359 2) 873-209 Bulgarian Industrial Association Bojidar Danev , Chairmam 16-20 Alabin Str. Sofia 1000 Tel: (359 2) 545-066 Fax: (359 2) 872 604 Union for Private Economic Enterprise Petjo Bluskov, Chairman 2a Suborna Str. Sofia 1000 Tel: (359 2) 659-371 Fax: (359 2) 659-411 3. Country Market Research Firms Advertising International Network Ltd. 36, Dragan Tzankov Blvd., suite 613 B Tel:(359 2) 703-328 Fax: (359 2) 704-577 Continental Information Mr. Philip Bay 32 Skobelev Blvd. Tel: (359 2) 511-84 Fax: (359 2) 541-284 Expocenter 37, Ekzarch Jossif 1000 Sofia Tel: (359 2) 803-603 Fax: (359 3) 801 201 Institute for Marketing and Research MBMD 26 A, Sabi Dimitrov St. Sofia 1111 Tel/Fax: (359 2) 739-919 Trade Institute 165 3A Street Liv. Quarter "Izgreva" 1797 Sofia Tel: (359 2) 700-100 Fax: (359 2) 700-346 Snelling & Snelling Amy Gorin 23 V, San Stefano Str. Suite 34 Tel: (359 2) 466-057 Fax: (359 2) 443-404 4. Country Commercial Banks (see VIII, G.) 5. U.S. Embassy Trade Personnel: U.S. Embassy Sofia No. 1 Suborna St. Sofia, Bulgaria Tel.: (359) (2) 88-48-01 Fax : (359) (2) 80-19-77 Commercial Attache U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service U.S. Embassy Sofia Tel: (359) (2) 65-94-64, 65-02-64 Fax: (359) (2) 80-38-50, or Embassy Fax APO Mailing Address: U.S. Embassy Sofia Unit 1335, APO AE 09213-1335 6. Washington, D.C. Based USG Country Contacts Brian Toohey, Bulgaria Desk Officer International Trade Administration U.S. Department of Commerce 14th & Constitution Aves. Washington, D.C. 20230 Tel: (202) 482-2630 Fax: (202) 482-4505 Susan Blackman Director, East European Business Information Center address same as above Tel: (202) 482-2645 Fax: (202) 482-4473 Mr. Gordon Nicks Acting Area Officer for Eastern Europe U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, Room 5080s US Department of Agriculture 14th and Independence Avenue S.W. Washington D.C. 20250 Tel: (202) 720-3080 Fax: (202) 720-6063 7. U.S.-Based Multipliers Relevant for Country Michaela D. Platzer Director International Division U.S. Chamber of Commerce 1615 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20062-2000 Tel: (202) 463-5480 Fax: (202) 463-3114 Commercial Attache Embassy of Bulgaria 1621 22nd St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel: (202) 387-7969 Fax: (202) 462-8051