A. Country data 1. Profile - Population: 8 459 723 - Population growth rate: - 0,003 % - Religion(s): Bulgarian Orthodox 85% Muslims 13% Jewish 0.8% Roman Catholic 0.5% Protestant 0.5% - Government system: Parliamentary Democracy - Languages: Bulgarian; Turkish; Gypsy and other - Work week: Monday - Friday (8:30 am - 5:00 pm) 2. Domestic Economy (in millions USDOLs) 1993 1994 1995 GDP: 7160 7160 7340 GDP growth rate: -5.0% 0% 2.5% GDP per capita: 842 842 863 Government spending as % of GDP: 36.3% 35.9% 35.4% Inflation: 70% 100% 30% Unemployment: 15.5% 15.0% 22% Foreign Exchg. Reserves: 1000 1100 1000 Average exchange rate for USD 1.00: 32 52 75 Foreign debt**: 1240 1060 1090 Debt service ratio**: 11.0 14.0 17.1 U.S. Economic/Military Assistance (in Fy year - millions USDOLs): 27.6 45.9 N/A ** Figures do not reflect recent "London Club" negotiations (Spring 1994) wherein significant amounts of debt were settled 3. Trade (in Millions of USDOLs) 1993 1994 1995 Total Country Exports: 4700 5100 5600 Total Country Imports: 5400 5400 5700 U.S. Exports: 115 125 160 U.S. Imports: 159 178 195 U.S. Share of Host Country Imports: 2% 2.3% 2.8% Imports of Manufactured Goods (in Millions of USDOLS) per HS Chapters Defined in Guide 1993 1994 1995 1996 Total (from world): 2160 2160 2280 From the U.S.: 46.2 50 75 U.S. Share of Manf. Imports: 2.1% 2.3% 3.2% Projected Avg. Annual Growth Rate from World: - 0% 5.5% 8.0% from U.S. : - 8% 20% 20% Imports of Agricultural Goods (in Millions of USDOLS) 1993 Total (from World): 350 From the U.S.: 24.5 U.S. Share of Agricultural Imports 7% Agricultural Trade Balance +40 (in Bulgaria's Favor) Trade Balance with Three Leading Partners in 1993 CIS (Former Soviet Union): - 742.0 Germany: - 244.0 Italy: - 0.25 Principal U.S. exports: HS: 2701 (Coal); 1005 (Corn); 8473 (Computers); 1101 (Wheat); 9903 (Airplane Parts) Principal U.S. imports: HS: 2401 (Tobacco); 3102 (Urea/Mixtures); 7402 (Copper); 6203/6204 (Men's/Boys/Women's/Girl's Clothing); 0406 (Cheese) 4. Investment - Direct Foreign Investment by Year (in U.S. $): 1991 1992 1993 1994** Total 9,347,165 51,340,300 140,180,100 83,420,000 284,500,000 (** As of August, 1994) Direct Foreign Investment by Sector Sector Number Value Industry 216 92,999,987 Transport 41 54,906,184 Construction 38 56,328,624 Trade 1,583 39,543,832 Petroleum 11 11,379,520 Telecommunications 13 6,827,712 Service (incl. tourism) 32 6,543,224 Natural Resource Extraction 11 4,267,732 Consulting 135 3,698,344 Agriculture 19 284,500 Electronics 23 857,500 Other 197 2,275,900 Total 2,319 284,500,000 *Source: Bulgarian Foreign Investment Commission