IX. Business Travel Sir Seretse Khama Airport, located 10 miles from downtown Gaborone, is served by hotel vans; request the hotel meet you when you make your room reservation. A valid U.S. passport is required for entry into Botswana. No visa is required, however, for temporary business visits. Transportation: Gaborone does not have door-to-door taxi service. Major hotels do provide periodic shuttle bus service to the downtown area, but arranging transfers between business appointments is often difficult. Renting a car is recommended if you have a busy appointment schedule in Gaborone (see "Important Addresses" for car rental agencies). Traffic moves on the left, however, so some care must be taken when driving. Hotels: First Class business hotels in Gaborone include a recently opened Sheraton, the Gaborone Sun, and the President Hotel. The Cresta Lodge is a mid-range business hotel. (see "Important Addresses"). The Business Meeting: Reconfirm your meeting twenty-four hours beforehand directly with the person you are to meet, if possible. Even carefully arranged meetings may sometimes start late, and it is not unusual for colleagues of your Motswana (citizen of Botswana) counterpart to enter the meeting unannounced, engage in animated discussion, and then abruptly depart -- after which your host will continue the meeting as if nothing had happened. Similarly, business meetings are often interrupted by lengthy telephone conversations. Although odd for an American business person, these occurrences are not indications of a lack of respect or interest in your business offer. Business Protocol: Although friendly and well-disposed towards Americans, Botswana business and government counterparts tend to be more reserved and formal than in the U.S. business world. The use of first names generally takes longer; it is a good idea to wait until your Motswana contact initiates the practice. A gentle handshake is appropriate upon meeting and departing. Batswana often seem to be non-assertive to Americans; this should not be mistaken for naivete or disinterest in your business proposal. Conversational Gambits: Still largely a rural culture, in Botswana many mid-and upper-level business and government people leave Gaborone on the weekends to retire to their rural family homesteads. Batswana like to talk about their special attachment to their "cattle post" (although it is considered impolite to ask how many head of cattle one owns!). Many government officials and businessmen and women have visited or studied in the U.S. and enjoy discussing the experience. Conversation about family is much less common than among Americans. Dress: Shirtsleeves and tie are appropriate for most business meetings during the hot summer months (October - April); suits should be worn during the short winter (June - August) or with senior government officials and business leaders. Women may wear business attire appropriate in the U.S., although jackets will be uncomfortably hot most of the year. Personal Security: There is little violent street crime in Gaborone, although one should be aware of pickpockets when walking through crowded markets or bus stops. Security at all major hotels is good, but occasional thefts do occur in lobbies, restaurants, etc. It is wise to exercise the same level of caution one would employ visiting any major U.S. city. Language: English is the official language of Government and business in Botswana. Health: Inoculations are not required for visitors to Botswana. Business people remaining in the Gaborone area do not need malaria prophylaxis. Tap water in the major towns is safe to drink. Good primary health care is available in the Gaborone Private Hospital ("Important Addresses"). International Courier Service: DHL has offices in Gaborone and Francistown. Federal Express operates through a local agent in Gaborone. ("Important Addresses") Video Format: Promotional video tapes should be in the PAL format. IMPORTANT ADDRESSES Hotels Sheraton International Gaborone Telephone: Country Code (267) 312999 FAX: (267) 312989 Front Office manager: Robert Krygsman Gaborone Sun International Telephone: (267) 351111 FAX: (267) 302555 President Hotel Telephone: (267) 353631 FAX: (267) 351840 Cresta Lodge Telephone: (267) 375375 FAX: (267) 375376 Transportation AVIS Car Rental Telephone: (267) 375469 FAX: (267) 312205 HERTZ Car Rental Telephone: (267) 353970 FAX: (267) 314894 Health Gaborone Private Hospital Telephone: (267) 301999 FAX: (267) 301998 International Courier Services DHL Worldwide Express Gaborone: Telephone (267) 312000 FAX: (267) 374168 Francistown: Telephone (267) 214752 No Fax Federal Express Agent: XPS Services Botswana Telephone: (267) 373588 FAX: (267) 351390