APPENDIX A. COUNTRY DATA: A. COUNTRY DATA 1. PROFILE - Population: 10 million - Population Growth Rate: % 0.1 - Religion: Roman Catholic (75%), Protestant and other (25%) - Government: Constitutional monarchy with national parliament, central government and three regional executives. Head of State: King Albert II Head of Gov't.: Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene - Languages : Dutch 57% French 33%, Legally bilingual (Brussels) 9.3%, German 0.7% - Work week : Mondays through Fridays 2. DOMESTIC ECONOMY (USD billions, except as noted)(1) 1993 1994 1995(e) - GDP 207.4 205.6 213.8 - GDP growth rate (percent) (OECD)- -1.3 1.3 2.0 - GDP per capita ($) 20,740 20,597 21,383 - Government spending as % of GNP (2) 53.7 53.0 51.9 - Inflation (% change in CPI) 2.8 2.6 3.0 - Unemployment (percent) (3) 9.5 9.9 9.7 - Foreign exchange reserves ($b)IMF 11.4 n/a n/a - Average exchange rate (USD 1) 34.6 35.8 36.1 - Foreign Debt ($b) IMF 43.9 43.7 n/a - Debt Service ratio (ratio of principal and interest payments on foreign debt to foreign income) Not Applicable (4) - US economic assistance None - US military assistance None (1) Sources for data are National Bank of Belgium, National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the OECD except as noted. (2) National Bank of Belgium. (3) Bureau du Plan, National Bank of Belgium, which produces standardized EU-unemployment figures. (4) Not really applicable since nearly all Belgian debt is domestic and thus not influenced by foreign exchange earnings. 3. TRADE (in billions of U.S. dollars unless noted)(1) 1993 1994 1995(e) - Total exports (2) 111.3 115.6 113.9 - Total imports (2) 114.4 117.5 110.7 - Exports to the U.S. (3) 4.90 n/a n/a - Imports from the U.S.(3) 5.21 n/a n/a - U.S. share of host-country imports(percent)(3) 4.5 n/a n/a - Exports to the U.S. (4) 5.2 n/a n/a - Imports from the U.S. (4) 8.2 n/a n/a (1) Source for most data is statistics for the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union (BLEU). (2) Exports and imports for 1995 show a decrease because of an expected decline in the value of the BF vis-a-vis the $. Values in BF would show an increase. (3) Based on BLEU statistics which exclude in-transit trade and re-exports, but do include goods destined for Luxembourg. (4) Based on U.S. Department of Commerce census data, which include goods destined for Luxembourg but which also include in-transit trade and re-exports. 1993 1994 1995(e) -- Import of manufactured goods (4) -- Total from all countries (5) 100.00 99.83 94.72 -- From the U.S. (5) 4.77 4.30 4.11 -- US share of manufactured imports (percent) (5) 4.77 4.31 4.34 -- Projected average annual growth rate from world through 1996 (percent) 2.0 -- Projected average annual growth rate from US through 1996 (percent) 2.0 1992 1993 1994 --Imports of agricultural goods (7) --Total from world 12.8 13.00 N/A --From the U.S. .365 .366 N/A --U.S. share of agricultural imports (%) 2.9 2.8 N/A --Ag goods trade balance with U.S. (.237) (.237) N/A --Trade balances with leading trade partners in 1993 (4) 1. Germany -1.70 2. Netherlands -5.04 3. France +3.14 4. U.S.A. (4) -0.83 5. U.S.A. (5) -5.3 - Principal U.S. exports (1993) tobacco & tobacco products including cigars & cigarettes HS 2401-2403; gem diamonds HS 7102; coal HS 2701; automotive parts & accessories HS 3819-9403; computer hardware & software HS 8471; and, chemicals HS Chapters 28&29. - Principal U.S. imports (1993) gem diamonds HS7102; passenger motor vehicles HS 8703; petroleum products HS 2709-2715; construction equip. HS 8420-8436; chemicals HS Chapters 28&29; textile machinery HS 8444; and, carpets & other floor coverings HS 5701-5705. (4) Based on BLEU statistics which exclude in-transit trade and re-exports, but do include goods destined for Luxembourg. (5) Imports of manufactured goods show a decline because an anticipated decline in the value of the BF vis-a-vis the $. Actual import values in BF will increase. (6) Based on U.S. Department of Commerce census data, which include goods destined for Luxembourg but which also include in-transit trade and re-exports. (7) National Trade Statistics