II. LEADING TRADE PROSPECTS FOR U.S. BUSINESS: (For specific data on trends in the following areas, as well as in other sectors, see Appendix B.) A. TRADE WITH BELGIUM IS EXCELLENT IN MANY INDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE SECTORS: (Data in the following tables is in US$ millions and ranked by two year expected growth rate in U.S. exports) 1. Pollution Control Equipment (POL) a) 1,800 b) 100 2. Telecommunication Services (TES) a) 4,840 b) 668 3. Aircraft and Parts (AIR) a) 720 b) 300 4. Building Products (BLD) a)12,108 b) 61 5. Computer Software (CSF) a) 1,800 b) 778 6. Telecommunication Equipment (TEL) a) 2,795 b) 159 7. Computer Services (CSV) a) 2,132 b) 518 8. Medical Equipment (MED) a) 668 b) 120 9. Travel and Tourism Services (TRA) a) 10,015 b) 350 10. Laboratory Scientific Instruments (LAB) a) 230 b) 127 11. Sporting Goods and Recreational Equipment (SPT) a) 788 b) 8 12. Seafood (MFI) a) 650 b) 15 13. Printing and Graphic Art Equipment (PGA) a) 580 b) 218 14. Computer and Peripherals (CPT) a) 1,858 b) 436 15. Automotive Parts and Services Equipment (APS) a) 3,774 b) 114 16. Textile Fabrics (TXF) a) 2,100 b) 86 17. Plastic Materials and Resins (PMR) a) 2,890 b) 168 18. Apparel (APP) a) 3,050 b) 85 19. Electric Power Systems (EPS) a) 3,229 b) 80 20. Coal (COL) a) 720 b) 293 NOTE: a) 1994 estimated total Belgium market size (US$ M.) b) 1994 estimated imports from the United States (US$ M.) B.) TRADE WITH BELGIUM IN THE FOLLOWING AGRICULTURAL SECTORS IS ALSO EXCELLENT FOR U.S. COMPANIES: (See Appendix B for details.) (Data in the following tables is in dols US millions) (Ranked by two year expected growth rate in U.S. exports) 1. Wine a) 510 b) 1.4 2. Sauces and Preparations a) 19 b) 1.4 3. Grain, and Grain Preparations a) 800 b) 37 4. Animal Feeds a) 1,900 b) 10 5. Fruits and Nuts a) 770 b) 17 6. Citrus Fruits and Juices a) 141 b) 5 7. Forest Products a) 875 b) 120 NOTE: a) 1994 estimated total Belgium market size (US$ M.) b) 1994 estimated imports from the United States (US$ M.) C.) OTHER AREAS OF OPPORTUNITY FOR AMERICAN FIRMS IN BELGIUM INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Partial privatization of Belgacom (the state telecommunications company). 2. Possible further privatization of the Zaventem international airport operation. 3. Location of a European-wide distribution center in Belgium. 4. Location of a European-wide coordination center in Belgium. 5. Development of a strategic alliance with a Belgian firm in one of the following sectors: communications, biotechnology, the environment, energy, chemicals, and electronics. Such a venture could be targeted at Western Europe, Eastern Europe, or the Middle East. 6. Competition for a second cellular license in Belgium due by year's end along with several other major telecommunications purchases upcoming such as one on central switching equipment. 7. Water sewage project. Brussels North sewage treatment plant is the second of two waste water treatment plants planned for Brussels. The first, Brussels South, is already under construction. At present, all waste water from Brussels, a city with a population of 1.5 million, is being discharged into a canal. The Brussels North plant will be designed to treat the effluent of 850,000 inhabitants by the year 2000. This $300 million plant basically will treat household waste water and a minimal amount of industrial waste water. The plant is being planned by the Brussels Environmental Ministry, B.I.M. - I.B.G.E., Gulledelle 100, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium, TEL: 32/2/775-7501, FAX: 32/2/775-7505, CONTACT: Mr. J-P Janssens, Counselor. Later this year, a new agency will be created to design, finance and manage water treatment plants in Brussels. This could be a mixed form of public and private organization, comparable to Aquafin, a company that has been created for the Flemish Region. For Aquafin, Severn Trent, a British group, offered both technology and 49 percent financing (the remaining 51 percent being provided by government funding). Contracts for the Brussels North water treatment plant are expected to be awarded in mid 1996.