VII. Investment Climate Investment Practices: Foreign direct investment in Barbados has taken place in most of the areas of activity in which private individuals (as opposed to Government) are allowed to invest. Foreign investors may not invest in certain areas of activity, subject to the discretion of the Government. Barbados welcomes foreign investment in areas which do not compete with local investment. Foreign investment should be registered with the Central Bank so that profits and capital may be freely repatriated. Currency Conversion and Transfer The Central Bank of Barbados administers exchange control regulations under the Exchange Control Act. Individuals may convert the equivalent of U.S. $2,500 per year without special permission if they are traveling outside the country by applying to a local bank. Amounts in excess of U.S. $2,500 may be obtained upon application to the Central Bank. Profits and capital from foreign direct investment usually may be repatriated if the investment was registered with the Bank at the time the investment was made. The Central Bank may limit or delay conversions depending on the level of international reserves under the Bank's control. Investment Incentives: Incentives for manufacturing are available under The Fiscal Incentives Act (1974), which does not discriminate between foreign and national ownership. Any manufacturer may qualify for a maximum 10-year tax holiday by satisfying a value-added criterion or as a so-called "enclave" (International Business Company) that, by definition, exports 100 percent of its output. Under Section 14A of the Income Tax Act, any manufacturing company in Barbados can enjoy tax reductions which are based on the percentage of its profits derived from export income. Again, no distinction is made between locally- and foreign-owned companies. The scale is as follows: Export Profits Effective Rate as % of Total Profits of Taxation Up to 20 percent 26.0 percent More than 20 and up to 40 percent 22.0 percent More than 40 and up to 60 percent 14.4 percent More than 60 and up to 80 percent 8.4 percent Above 80 percent 2.8 percent An International Business Company, which must by the terms of its incorporation export 100 percent of its manufacture, enjoys an even more-advantageous tax structure; the rate of tax is as follows: For gains and profits up to $10 million 2.5 percent More than $10 million and up to $20 million 2.0 percent More than $20 million and up to $30 million 1.5 percent More than $30 million 1.0 percent An IBC is entitled to import into Barbados machinery and equipment free from certain taxes and duties. An IBC also enjoys exemption from Withholding Tax and Transfer Tax on the transfer of its assets. An IBC also may effect certain foreign exchange transactions for which other types of companies would need permission from the Central Bank of Barbados which administers the Exchange Control regulations. The Training Grant Scheme, which makes modest reimbursements toward training costs at the time of company start-up, is similarly to both locally- and foreign-owned companies. The Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC) administers this program. The BIDC administers two programs that do discriminate against foreign investment. One is an Export Grant and Incentive Scheme, which helps locally-owned companies defray export costs such as the preparation and shipment of samples, the development of marketing materials, the cost of booths at international expositions, and the sponsorship of trade missions. The second is a Technical Assistance Program under which technical consultants can be provided to help companies solve a range of problems. Local small businesses can also use the services of the BIDC's Small Business Development Centre, which offers conference room facilities, communications services, short-term office space, and access to a commercial library, among other services. Expropriation and Compensation: Like most governments, the Government of Barbados reserves the right to compulsorily acquire property for public uses, but the Embassy is not aware of any disputes involving the Government's exercising this right. Dispute Settlement: The United States and Barbados are both parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, under which disputes involving that agreement may be subject to dispute resolution by an arbitral panel. There is no forum available to private disputants, other than courts of appropriate jurisdiction in both countries. Barbadian law is based on the British "common law" system. Barbados is a member of the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID, also known as the Washington Convention). However, Barbados has not yet ratified the New York Convention (1958) on the Negotiation and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, although the New York Convention's provisions have been written into Barbados' domestic law. Political Violence: Political violence is unknown in Barbados. Performance requirements and incentives: Other than reductions on income tax rates for exporting manufacturers, there are no performance requirements or incentives in Barbados. Right to Private Ownership and Establishment: Foreign investment is subject to the approval of the Government (normally, the Minister of Trade or the Minister of Finance). Please refer to sections on franchises and on investment practices. Protection of Property Rights: Liens can be placed on property, including chattel property; mortgage claims can be pursued in court. Bilateral Investment Arrangements: Barbados has not signed bilateral investment arrangements with any country. Major U.S. Investors: [List may not be complete] American Airlines ANCO Caribbean, Inc. (joint venture) Atlantic Manufacturing Barbados Children's Wear Barbados Flight Kitchen Ltd. (joint venture) Bondhus Corp. Caribbean Cabinets (joint venture) Caribbean Data Services Ltd. Caribbean Electronics Mfg. Charles T. Gamble Industries Cirrus Logic Clifford Electronics (joint venture) David Seaham Associates Donnelley Caribbean Graphics Doyle Offshore Sails (joint venture) Ecolab Barbados Ltd. (joint venture) EDI (Barbados) Inc. Galt Controls Inc. Gas Products Ltd. IRC Barbados Ltd. Island Furniture Ltd. (joint venture) McCann-Erickson Ltd. N A L Data Services Ltd. NDL International (B'dos) Ltd. Offshore Keyboarding