SECTION IX. BUSINESS TRAVEL A. Business Customs Business practice and etiquette is much the same in Austria as it is in America. Austrians are generally well disposed toward Americans. As they expect understanding for their way of doing things, it is well to observe certain unwritten rules of conduct to avoid offense. When making appointments with prospective buyers or clients, it is courteous to meet them wherever it is most convenient for them. Appointments should be made in writing or by phone well in advance. Austrians tend to be tradition-conscious and attach importance to titles and the recognition implied through their use. Correspondence and visits play a significant role in the conduct of business in Austria. Prompt handling of correspondence is very much appreciated and helps to compensate for the distance between the two countries. Prompt response is appreciated at all times. When possible, offers and documentation should be in German. Clarity and continuity in communications is very important. Marketing and sales policies should be oriented toward establishing lasting business relationships. B. Travel Advisory and Visas There have been no travel advisories for Austria. There are no visas necessary for visits to Austria lasting less than three months. C. Holidays The following holidays will be observed in Austria from October 1, 1994, to December 31, 1995: October 26 Wednesday National Day November 1 Tuesday All Saints Day December 8 Thursday Immaculate Conception December 25 Monday Christmas Day December 26 Tuesday St. Stephen's Day January 1, 1995 Monday New Year's Day January 6 Friday Epiphany April 8 Monday Easter Monday May 1 Monday Labor Day May 16 Tuesday Ascension Day May 27 Monday Whit Monday June 6 Tuesday Corpus Christi Day August 15 Tuesday Assumption Day October 26 Thursday National Day November 1 Wednesday All Saint's Day December 8 Friday Immaculate Conception December 25 Monday Christmas Day December 26 Tuesday St. Stephen's Day D. Business Infrastructure Transportation: Austria's transportation system is well-organized. Air travel is speedy and efficient. Overland travel by train is comfortable and very reliable. Major Austrian cities have efficient public transportation systems, most including buses, metros and street cars. Taxi service is readily available and car rental agencies are located in major cities. Language & Communications: The official language of Austria is German. The importance of German language trade literature, catalogs and instructions for the use and servicing of products cannot be overemphasized. The agent or local representative in Austria who has such material is in a far better competitive position than one who must show prospective customers trade literature in English. Most large commercial and industrial enterprises can, however, correspond in English and French in addition to German. Austria has efficient postal and telephone services. Fax machines are widely used and telex facilities may also be available Accommodations and Food: Business accommodations are readily available, provided by a wide variety of hotels and guest houses throughout the country. The food is excellent, with a variety to suit all tastes. Prices are not unreasonable, although they can be expected to be higher in major cities.