Table of Contents Section Page Executive Summary 1 II. Leading Trade Prospects 2 III. Economic Trends and Outlook 3 Principal Growth Sectors 4 Government Role in the Economy 5 Balance of Payments Situation 6 Trade and Investment Barriers 6 Labor Force 7 Major Local and Third Country Competitors 8 Infrastructure Situation 8 IV. Political Environment 10 Political Conditions 10 Major Political Issues Affecting U.S. Business 10 Relations with U.S. 11 V. Marketing U.S. Products and Services 11 Distribution and Sales Channels 11 Use of Agents and Distributors 12 Franchising, Joint-Ventures and Licensing 13 Establishing an Office in Algeria 13 Advertising and Trade Promotion 13 VI. Trade Regulations and Standards 15 Export Controls, Free Trade Zones 16 Membership in Free Trade Arrangements 16 VII. Investment Climate Statement 17 Openness to Foreign Investment 17 Investment Registration Procedure 18 Hydrocarbon Investment 18 Conversion and Transfer Policies 19 Foreign Exchange Access 19 Expropriation and Compensation 19 Dispute Settlement 19 Performance Requirements and Incentives 20 Protection of Property Rights 20 Regulatory System 21 Efficient Capital Markets 21 Political Violence 21 Bilateral Investment Treaties 22 OPIC Programs 22 VIII. Trade and Project Financing 23 Banking System 23 Financing, Export Import Bank Financing 24 List of Banks with Correspondent Arrangements 24 IX. Business Travel 25 Currency Regulations 25 List of Local Holidays in 1994 25 Appendices 27-41 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY