Country Data: 1. PROFILE: - Population: 13.4 - Population growth rate (percent): 3.4 - Religions: Sunni Muslims (74 percent), Alawi Muslims (12 percent), Christians (10 percent), Druze (3 percent), small numbers of Jews, Yazidis, and other Muslim sects. - Government system: Republic, under military-authoritarian regime since 1963. - Languages: Arabic (official), English and French (somewhat understood), Kurdish, Armenian, Syriac, and Circassian. - Work week: Saturday through Thursday. 2. DOMESTIC ECONOMY: Most of the following statistics are from official Syrian sources which are only available for a given time period after 1 - 3 years: 1992 1993 1994 ---- ---- ---- - GDP (million USD)/1 8833 9771 10450 - GDP growth rate (percent)/1 10 11 7 - GDP per capita (USD) 641 684 746 - Government spending as percent of GDP 11 11 15 - Inflation (percent)/2 10 15 20 - Unemployment (percent) N/A N/A 4.6 - Foreign exchange reserves/3 311 N/A N/A - Average exchange rate for USD 1.00 42 42 42 - Foreign debt/4 (million USD) 3544 3548 3550 - U.S. Economic/military assistance 0 0 0 3. TRADE: (million USD) 1992 1993 1994 ---- ---- ---- - Total Exports 3,100 3,153 3,300 - Total Imports 3,498 4,149 4,500 - U.S. Exports 214 267 240 - U.S. Imports 24 60 50 - U.S. Share of Syrian imports (percent) 6.1 6.4 5 - Manufactured goods trade balance with U.S. -189.6 -207 -190 - Total imports of agricultural goods 561 322 300 From the U.S. 46 29 30 - U.S. Share of agricultural imports (percent) 8 9 10 - Agricultural goods trade Balance with U.S. -44 -24 -20 - Trade balance with three leading partners in 1993 N/A N/A N/A PRINCIPAL U.S. EXPORTS (top 5 by 4-digit tariff item) Steel pipes (678.1) 11.5 10.2 N/A Soybean meal (081.3) 18.0 4.5 N/A Corn (056.6) 7.0 15.4 N/A Sugar (061.2) 4.1 0 N/A Synthetic Fiber (651.5) 6.3 5.9 N/A PRINCIPAL U.S. IMPORTS (top 5 by 4-digit tariff item) Oil (333.0) 0 35.9 N/A Fuel Oil (334.3) 9.7 19.5 N/A Gasoline (334.1) 6.4 0 N/A Cotton underwear (845.2) 0.6 1.2 N/A Garments (845.0) 0.6 0.1 N/A