Appendices A. Country Data 1. Profile Population: As of April, 1994 Kuwait's population is estimated at 1.71 million (1). Population Growth Rate (%): The 1993 population growth rate is estimated to be 3.62 percent for Kuwaitis and 2.3 percent for the total population (2). Religion(s): Kuwait is an Islamic state and the vast majority of the population are Muslim. Other major religions include Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. Government System: The country is ruled by an Amir in conjunction with a freely elected parliament, both of which are provided for in Kuwait's constitution. Languages: Arabic is the official language of the state, but English is widely used by the business community. Work Week: - The public sector: Saturday through Wednesday. - The private sector: Saturday through Thursday. - The banking and financial Sector: Sunday through Thursday. 2. Domestic Economy (Estimates in USD Millions except where noted) 1993 1994 1995 - GDP 24,264 26,690 28,025 - Population (in million) NA 1.71 1.86 - GDP Growth Rate 1995 (%) NA 10 5 - GDP Per Capita (USD) 15,654 16,065 16,246 - Government Spending as percent of GDP 54 (3) 52 47 - Inflation (%) 1 (4) 3 3 - Unemployment (%) NIL NIL NIL - Foreign Exchange Reserves "*" 4,071 4,076 (5) NA - Average Exchange Rate for USD 1.00 1.301 0.297 0.297 - Foreign Debt 6,784 million USD in 1991 (7) - Debt Service Ratio 13.3 in 1990 (8) NA - U.S. Economic/Military Assistance NA NA NA "*" includes gold, deposits and cash balances, investment portfolios, treasury bills and bonds, and other financial papers. (1) : National Bank of Kuwait. (2) : Monthly Digest of Statistics, Nov. 1993, Ministry of Planning. (3) : 1993/94 budget. (4) : Quoted by the Minister of Finance. (5) : Monthly Monetary Review, February 1994, CBK. (6) : Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, Oct.-Dec. 1993, CBK. (7) : OECD, External Debt Statistics 1992. (8) : OCED, Financing and External Debt of Developing Countries, 1991 survey. 3. Trade (1993-1995) (Estimates in USD Millions except where noted) 1993 1994 1995 - Total Country Exports 10,337 11,728 11,728 - Total Country Imports 7,115(9) 7,820 8,218 - U.S. Exports 1,060 1,009 1,005 - U.S. Imports 2,003 2,100 2,200 - U.S. Share of Host Country Imports (%) 18.6 18 16 - Total (from World) 7,500 6,000 5,500 - From the U.S. 6,108 5,967 5,895 - U.S. Share of Manufactured Imports (%) 18.6 18 16 - Manufactured Goods Trade Balance with U.S. NA NA NA - Projected Average Annual Growth Rate from World through 1996 (%) 5 3 3 - Projected Average Annual Growth Rate from U.S. through 1996 (%) 0 -1.6 -1.6 (9) : Ministry of Planning, Foreign Trade Statistics. Imports of Agricultural Goods (Estimates in USD Millions except where noted) 1993 1994 1995 - Total (from World) 1,025 1,075 1,125 - From the U.S. 60 63 66 - U.S. Share of Agricultural Imports (%) 6.0 6.0 6.0 - Agricultural Goods Trade Balance with the U.S. NA NA NA 4. Investment - (No official statistics available)