Appendix D International Market Insights (IMI's) Scheduled in FY94 and FY95 A. Best prospects for exports of U.S. Computer and Information Technology to Jordan B. Jordan's Telecommunications Sector: Mid-term public-private investment opportunities in Jordanian projects C. Jordan's Medical Treatment and Therapy sector: Opportunities for U.S. Business D. Hotel and Resort development in Jordan: Prospects for U.S. Investments in Jordan's tourism sector E. The future of U.S. Environmental Technology exports to Jordan's emerging market F. Jordan's Free Trade Zones and Transit Trade G. International Competitions in the Jordanian market H. Trends in local demand for U.S. consumer capital exports I. New developments in Jordan's foreign investment regime Industrial Sub-sector Analyses (ISI's) Scheduled in FY94 and FY95: A. Telecommunications projects B. Construction materials and supplies C. Medical equipment and supplies D. Energy and environmental products and technologies E. Computer and information technology sector F. Project development in tourism G. Automobile imports and automobile parts and accessories H. Consumer electronics and electronic parts