Appendix A Country Data: 1. Profile Population: 4.2 million Population growth rate: 3.8 percent Religion(s): Islam: 94 percent and Christian: 6 percent Government system: Constitutional monarchy Language: Official: Arabic Business: English Work week: Saturday-Thursday 2. Domestic Economy 1993 1994 1995 ------ ------ ------ (In USD million, except where noted) GDP (1985=100) 4,735 5,000 5,301 GDP growth rate (percent) 6.0 GDP per capita (in USD) 1,140 1,174 1,209 Govt spending as percent of GDP 41.6 42.8 43.4 Inflation (percent) 4.7 4.5 4.5 Unemployment (percent) 13.5 12.9 12.2 Foreign Exchange Reserves 710 450 N/a Avg exchange rate for USD 1.00 (in fils) 694 694 694 Foreign Debt 7,006 7,240 7,351 Debt service ratio (ratio of Principal and interest Payments on foreign debt to Foreign income, incl grants) 23.9 22.9 23.4 U.S. Econ/military assistance 90.5 37.8 24.1 3. Trade Total country exports (Includes re-exports) 1,245 1,357 1,479 Total country imports 3,533 3,544 3,625 U.S. Exports 449 475 500 U.S. Imports 11 15 20 U.S. Share of host country Imports (percent) 13 13 14 Imports of manufactured goods: Total from world 2,298 2,500 2,650 Total from U.S. N/a N/a N/a U.S. Share of manufactured Imports N/a N/a N/a ------ ------ ------ 1993 1994 1995 ------ ------ ------ (In USD million, except where noted) Manufacturing goods trade Balance with the U.S. N/a N/a N/a Projected avg annual growth rate From world thru 1996 (percent) 25.0 Imports of agricultural goods: Total from world 630 680 710 From the U.S. N/a N/a N/a U.S. Share of agricultural Imports (percent) N/a N/a N/a Trade balance with leading Partners in 1993: United states (438) Iraq (330) Germany (289) Italy (185) Principal U.S. Exports: - cereal and grains - aircraft parts - boilers, machinery & mechanical Appliances - electrical equipment Principal U.S. Imports: - textiles and wearing apparel - jewelry and gold articles - carpets