APPENDIX A: COUNTRY DATA 1. PROFILE - Population: (mid-1994 est.) 547,000 - Population Growth Rate: 3 percent - Religions: 85 percent Muslim, plus Christians, Hindus, Jews, Bahais, and Zoroastrians. - Government System: limited monarchy - Languages: Arabic and English predominate; other regional languages also common - Work Week: Saturday - Wednesday (half-days on Thursday for many offices) 2. DOMESTIC ECONOMY 1993 1994 1995 GDP (current prices 4.3 billion* 4.6 billion* 4.9 billion* in US dollars) GDP Growth rate, percent (nominal) 5.7* 6.5* 6.5* GDP per capita (current prices, in US dollars) 8,100* 8,400* 8,700* Inflation rate 3* 3* 3* Unemployment, percent 15* 15* 15* Foreign exchange reserves (in US dollars) 1.3 billion 1.4 billion* 1.4 billion* Exchange rate for USD 0.377BD 0.377BD 0.377BD * Estimated or preliminary figures 3. TRADE (in USD millions, except where noted) 1993 1994 1995 Total country exports **1,250 n.a. Total country imports **2,450 n.a. U.S. exports 349 n.a. U.S. imports 101 n.a. U.S. share of Bahrain's imports (in percentage)** 14.3 n.a. Imports of Agricultural Goods - Total Imports 380 400 - From U.S. 31 33 - U.S. share of ag. imports (%) 8.2 8.3 - Ag. trade balance with U.S. n.a. n.a. Trade balance with 3 leading partners in 1993 - U.S.: USD 248 million** - Japan: USD 63.6 million** - U.K.: USD 193 million** Principal U.S. Exports to Bahrain (in US dollars)*** - Civilian aircraft and parts, 377.3 million - Petroleum coke (calcined), 44.8 million - Motor vehicles and parts, 26.8 million - Corn Oil, 11.8 million - Furniture and carpeting, 11.5 million Principal U.S. Imports from Bahrain (in US dollars)*** - Garments, 51.2 million - Aluminum products, 14.7 million - Methanol, 10.6 million - Naphthas, 4.0 million - Ammonia, 2.4 million * Estimated figures ** As measured by Bahraini customs; figures are for non-oil trade only, excluding aircraft and military items. *** U.S. Department of Commerce statistics, 1993. Including oil, but excluding aircraft and military items, Bahrain's 1993 exports were USD 3,680 million and imports were USD 3,870 million.