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[Property Construction]

Schoeller Australia has considerable development experience.

This expertise is available to public and private property owners and professional developers of varying sizes and budgets, and at all stages of the development process.

For many developers, traditional methods of property financing are not always enough. Today's property industry is more diverse and discerning, and investors need finance choices.

Schoeller Australia offers specialized services for the funding of development projects, aquisitions and refinancing of commercial, industrial and retail property investments.

Schoeller Australia also has available new construction technology suitable for harsh climates, typhoon areas, earthquake prone areas.

The technology greatly reduces construction with 20 square houses currently being built within 5 weeks.


Property Finance | Property Construction | Mortgage Banking
Corporate Finance | Corporate Consulting | Futures
Insurance | Commercial Loans | International Trade
Leasing | Equities | Investments

Copyright © 1996, Schoeller Australia Limited
All rights reserved.
Questions and comments
Martin Lloyd-Cocks <schoelle@hutch.com.au>