
Here are some quick download links. CacheGuard OS transforms a blank server into a Web Gateway Appliance that secure and optimize Web traffics. For security reasons, please check your downloaded files using MD5 checksums or/and PGP signature.

CacheGuard & PGP

Download our PGP Public Key and signature files. You can use GnuPG system to check signatures.

Administration Web GUI


Download your 30-days Free Trial version right now - CacheGuard is free for 10 users (2 Simultaneous Users).

In accordance with international treaties and conventions about intellectual property rights the proprietary part of the CacheGuard OS is protected.

DescriptionDownload linkPGP signature
The ISO CDROM Image (119 MB):CacheGuard OS v5.4.1 CDROM (md5sum c285e377048877e829ac864a7e506b80)CacheGuard OS v5.4.1 Signature
VMware (VMDK 2gbsparse) for 125 Users (196 MB):CacheGuard OS v5.4.1 for VMWare (C) (md5sum 2e4d244e3f2e24bfab2caff4d764366a)CacheGuard OS v5.4.1 for VMWare (C) Signature
The place you can download the VMware (C) virtual server softwareVMware

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FreshMeatThe CacheGuard project is registered on If being informed of new releases interests you, you can subscribe to new releases by clicking on the FreshMeat logo at the left side - Then click on "Subscribe to new releases" on the bottom of that page and follow instructions.

Change Logs

You can consult the change logs HERE.

GPL related Source Code

Note: To verify the authenticity of your downloads, we strongly encourage you to use GNU Privacy Guard. You can search for Afshin Tajvidi's public key on or get it here.

The key fingerprint is: B655 24C9 1D8A 2159 1C68 A42B BACB 58EB 75E6 AE13 and the key ID is: 75E6AE13.