Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #156
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 31 Jul 97       Volume 15 : Issue 156

Today's Topics:

      [*] Backgrounds
      [*] Cadorna for Kaleidoscope
      [*] CMTools 1.0
      [*] CoMa_Mac_4.1.0.sit.bin
      [*] CommuniGate FirstClass Gateway 1.4
      [*] CommuniGate Server 2.9.7 (w/anti-spam)
      [*] CS Recorder 1.0
      [*] Default Folder D-2.7.3 - Enancement for Open/Save Dialogs (Germ
      [*] director-game-engine
      [*] DockMaster 1.0.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] Download Separator v1.0
      [*] Espi Font in OS8
      [*] Factory 1.3
      [*] FileT&C 2.1.0; type & creator changing.
      [*] FreeBack
      [*] FreeBack
      [*] FreeBack
      [*] GenericTrivia
      [*] Gradekeeper 4.7
      [*] Grapple 1.2 - a fast and friendly string finder for the Mac!
      [*] hercules for Kaleidoscope
      [*] ImperialMing 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Interactive I Ching
      [*] kidcons.hqx, space icons, World of Copland:2
      [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.2.5 - foreign languages learning
      [*] MacGrammarTutor
      [*] MacMod Pro 5.01
      [*] MagicalKeys 1.3.2
      [*] MatchWord 1.0 - A Reading Game
      [*] Pretty Scroll 1.0.0 - a control panel animates scrolling - John
      [*] RoyalOrchid 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Sim-Cinema DELUXE 1.0
      [*] SirenAngel 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] SlapMyBack-Macintosh PS-Font
      [*] Sleeper 3.0 - Sleep mode for all Macs
      [*] space icons
      [*] Steve's NeXT Folders Set #7
      [*] Steve's NeXT Folders Set 8 + More
      [*] Switch-It 1.4.2
      [*] The Elements of Map-Making Style
      [*] TwoBoysQuestion.sit
      [*] Type&Speak 0.55
      [*] Warhammer Template
      [*] World of Copland:2
      [*] Yet Another Text Editor

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Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:08 -0700
Subject: [*] Backgrounds

These are some web page backgrounds I created for my fellow Mac lovers
enjoyment They are freeware. I can be reached at if you
have suggestions or comments.

Tara Akinlose

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/backgrounds.hqx; 34K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:10 -0700
Subject: [*] Cadorna for Kaleidoscope

 Cadorna for kaleidoscope
This is a file to be used with Kaleidoscope 1.x

Flavio Rucci

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/cadorna.hqx; 60K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:53 -0700
Subject: [*] CMTools 1.0

CMTools is a plug-in extension that brings new functions to the Contextual
Menu of Mac OS 8 :

  - Launcher for applications, files and folders.

  - In the Finder, 7 supplementary functions appear :
	Create aliases directly in your preferred folders.
	Decompress files.
	Compress any items (documents, folders, applications, etc...).
	Copy files and folders.
	Move files and folders.
	Change the creator and type codes of files.
	Open files directly with your preferred applications.

You organize the menus as it suits you, by creating and organizing files
and aliases in a special folder in the Finder.

Eric de la Musse

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/cm-tools-10.hqx; 137K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:38 -0700
Subject: [*] CoMa_Mac_4.1.0.sit.bin

Programme-Name:  CoMa for Macintosh/Atari Voice/Pro 4.1.0

Purpose:  fax & voice-mail-system, to send & receive fax, answering
machine, mini-mailbox & terminal with internal z-modem

Programme-Type:  Shareware / Crippleware

Author:  Siegfried Hartmann

Hardware:  PowerMac or 68k-Mac from System 7.5.1 or Computer with
MagiC[Mac|PC] or TOS

CoMa  has  the following common functions and attributes in all levels

 - english documentation
 - fax-class 2  &  2.0
 - network-capable fax-job-management (3 jobs in 24 hours)
 - Serial fax
 - Display of the calling-number with ISDN-modems
 - Display of call units with ISDN-Modems
 - internal editor
 - incoming pages are displayed during  fax-reception !!
   (even on 8 MHz-computers)
 - text can be mixed with graphic-logos and signatures
 - polling (receive & send with class 2.0)
 - fax-voice-number management, including groups
 - management for incoming fax/messages/mails
 - mini-mailbox with internal send & receive-z-modem
 - mini-terminal mit internal z-modem

* * * * * * * * * * CoMa Voice (additional) * * * * * * * * * *
 - Answering machine for ZyXEL, Creatix, Elsa/TriStar,
   Sportster VI/Voice/Flash and Smarty/Cybermod-Modems
 - Day  & time programmable answering messages
 - Multiple outgoing messages for several ISDN-MSN
 - Remote control / recall of new received faxes
 - Recall of 7 special messages by DTMF-code
 - Real time decoding of sound for Mac/Atari-Soundsystem of ZxXEL
   ADPCM3/ADPCM4 & Smarty/Cybermod and Law-Sound

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/coma-mac-410.hqx; 1242K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:39 -0700
Subject: [*] CommuniGate FirstClass Gateway 1.4

CommuniGate(tm) FirstClass(tm) Gateway 1.4


The CommuniGate FC-gateway is an application that provides a gateway
between the CommuniGate Messaging System and the FirstClass BBS
(manufactured by SoftArc). This application is NOT a CommuniGate
communication module.

The application allows FirstClass users to access all messaging features
of the CommuniGate System: LAN E-mail, Internet E-mail with MIME support
(UUCP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP), Faxing, Paging, File and Print services, Mailing
List services, etc.

The application can provide services to several FirstClass systems
connected with each other, while only one FirstClass system communicates
with the CommuniGate Server via the CommuniGate FC-gateway.

The CommuniGate FC-gateway application should run on the same computer as
the CommuniGate Server.

The latest version of the CommuniGate FC-gateway can be downloaded from:

To be notified about updates, send any message to

Revision History
1.4 27-Jul-97
*=EBThe RFC Headers option is improved.

1.3 17-Jul-97
*=EB"Reverse Routing" is implemented.
*=EBMessages submitted to the CommuniGate Server are now marked as sent by
  "Client Hosts" or "Own Users" to avoid conflicts with the anti-spam

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/communigate-firstclass-14.hqx; 130K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:41 -0700
Subject: [*] CommuniGate Server 2.9.7 (w/anti-spam)

CommuniGate Server 2.9.7


The CommuniGate Server is the kernel part of the CommuniGate integrated
messaging system. When installed, it runs in background (no dedicated
machine required) and:
* stores all messages sent and received;
* enables network access for CommuniGate users, maintains their
  mailboxes, queues, etc.;
* loads and runs CommuniGate modules (i.e. Fax, UUCP, SMTP, IMAP, etc.) and
  creates the runtime environment for those modules;
* maintains system activity log;
* implements routing algorithms;
* maintains a resource database and provides access to that database for
  CommuniGate users and CommuniGate modules (fax cover pages, sounds,
  voice scripts, info tables, etc.).

The CommuniGate services can be accessed with the CommuniGator client
software. The client software allows you to compose and read messages, to
manage your mailboxes, etc. It is also used by CommuniGate administrator
to configure, maintain, monitor and control the CommuniGate server -
locally or remotely.

When the POP and SMTP modules are installed, the CommuniGate Server can be
used as a messaging server for clients running not only the CommuniGator
application, but plain POP-based mailers (as Eudora and Emailer), on ANY

When the IMAP module is installed, the CommuniGate Server can be used with
any IMAP-based mail client, on ANY platform.

Before you install or upgrade:
* If you use OpenTransport, please make sure that the OT 1.1.1 or better is
* If you use MacPPP, please switch to FreePPP.
*=EBIf you use FreePPP, please make sure you use the latest version availabl=
*=EBIf you use the VICOM gateway, please make sure you use the latest versio=
The latest version of the CommuniGate System components and
the update System manuals can be obtained from:
<> or<>

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/communigate-server-297.hqx; 216K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:54 -0700
Subject: [*] CS Recorder 1.0

CS Recorder 1.0 - CS Recorder is a freeware Control Strip module. It will allow
you to record and listen to sound messages, very easily. You can specify in the
preferences the recording quality. All messages are saved in a CS Recorder
messages folder based in your Preferences system  folder. They are regular sound
system files, so you can also double click on it to listen them. It's completely
free. Have fun with CS Recorder. Email: Site:

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/cs-recorder-10.hqx; 34K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:06 -0700
Subject: [*] Default Folder D-2.7.3 - Enancement for Open/Save Dialogs (Germ

=46ollowing is a submission of Default Folder D-2.7.3.  This is the German
language version of Default Folder 2.7.3, already in the archives.  It
should be placed alongside the English language version of Default Folder
already in the archives.

Das Kontrollfeld Default Folder verbessert den =D6ffnen- und Sichern-Dialog
und vereinfacht so das  Arbeiten mit Dateien auf Ihrem Macintosh. Es
besitzt viele der wichtigsten Funktionen kommerzieller Programme wie
"SuperBoomerang" und "Directory Assistance", aber nicht die selten
benutzten Extras, die auf Kosten der Kompatibilit=E4t, des Speichers und der
Geschwindigkeit gehen.

Default Folders zeitsparende Zusatzfunktionen im Dateidialog erm=F6glichen I=

 - jedem Programm einen Standardordner zuzuweisen.
 - =FCber ein Aufklappmen=FC in die Ordner zu wechseln, die zuletzt in
   Gebrauch waren.
 - verf=FCgbaren Platz auf Volumes anzuzeigen und zwischen diesen zu wechsel=
 - in Finder-Fenster zu klicken, um den entsprechenden Ordner im Datei-Dialo=
   zu zeigen.
 - den im Dialog angezeigten Ordner im Finder zu =F6ffnen.
 - neue Ordner zu erzeugen, die Finder-Attribute des ausgew=E4hlten Objekts
   anzusehen und zu =E4ndern und Dateien in den Papierkorb zu legen.
 - die zuletzt benutzte Datei im n=E4chsten Dateidialog wieder anzuzeigen.
 - "Ersetzen" statt "Abbrechen" zum Standard-Knopf zu machen, wenn eine Date=
   unter bereits bestehendem Namen gesichert wird.
 - die programmeigenen Dateisymbole (ab System 7.1 Update 3.0 oder System 7.=
   zugunsten der Standardsymbole abzuschalten. Dadurch wird die Anzeige

Default Folder l=E4uft auf jedem Macintosh mit System 7 oder h=F6her und ist
f=FCr PowerPCs optimiert.

Neu in dieser Version:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/default-folder-d-273.hqx; 305K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:37 -0700
Subject: [*] director-game-engine

This file is for people who want to make a game in director, but feel
limited by the sluggish game-play and the hard to use scripting language
Lingo.  This is a pre-made engine for making top-view sierra style games
where a sprite moves to the location on the screen that the user clicks.
 This contains a read me, the file (in Macromedia Director 6 format), a
compiled version if you don't have Director, and the script in text
format with extensive commenting.

This code may be used at will in any of your programs with few
conditions (read about them in the read me file included).


[Archived as /info-mac/dev/director-game-engine.hqx; 1488K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:55 -0700
Subject: [*] DockMaster 1.0.4J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the DockMaster package.

The main features of this application are windows that can optionally float
above other applications, hot keys to hide the windows or to switch to
another app. This is the fast launcher, with many more options than others
added on. Just drag any application, file, folder ..... anything at all
really and it will add it to the launcher module, just click and away you
go. Drag any files on to an application icon and it will launch it.

There are 8 different types of modules:

1. The launcher module - you drag files, applications or folders to this
module and it will then provide an icon that you can click on to open the
file, launch the application or open the folder.
2. Process - This shows the icons of the currently running applications, so
you can drag files so that application will open them. Or click to put that
application in front. Or you quit the application without brining it to the
3. File utility - This provides a set of icons that have a few different
functions for file manipulation and doing batch file changing.
4. Peeker - This is designed to let you drag a file and it will display a
preview depending on the type of file. eg, text, pict, any file with an
inbuilt preview etc.
5. Url address - This is for storing address and letting you launch a
browser with the url. The url's are editable and drag & drop as text.
6. Memory - This shows the current memory usage of all currently running
applications with both progress bars and text figures in kb.
7. Disk Volumes - This shows the volumes and disk usage off all currently
mounted volumes. Using both progress bars and text figures in Mb.
8. Cpu Usage - This shows the relative percentage of cpu usage of all
applications in the last 30 seconds.

Changes for this version:

1. More options for windows, can have windows with no title bars.
2. Made Processes and memory and cpu icons hideable, hold down shift and
click on the icon to hide the process
3. Can drag windows by clicking in the tab area and holding down the option

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/dock-master-fat-104-jp.hqx; 640K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Download Separator v1.0

Download Separator v1.0 is an Internet utility designed to sort files
downloaded from the Internet. By reading file extensions, it separates
files by type: sounds, movies, text, etc.

Download Separator v1.0 is written in AppleScript and is being released as
shareware. Please see the included documentation for more details.

=Jamie Stafford           =
=University of Pittsburgh =

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/download-separator-10.hqx; 14K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:07 -0700
Subject: [*] Espi Font in OS8

This very small and harmless ResEdit hack of the Appearance Extension allows
you to use the Espi Font of Aaron in the new MacOS 8.

Requirements: MacOS8 and ResEdit (or Resorcerer).

Evert-Jan Nijhof
Helmholtz Institute, Utrecht University

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/espi-font-in-os8.hqx; 7K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:22 -0700
Subject: [*] Factory 1.3

Factory: The Industrial Devolution is a Macintosh shareware game.

Factory takes you to a not so distant future in which automated
manufacturing systems have failed and it's up to you to keep the factories
running.  You must direct various components along conveyor belts and
through pipes by clicking on control switches.  Properly combine the
components into finished products and meet your quota or you're fired!  The
registered version of Factory includes an editor so that users can create
and share their own custom factories and products.

New features since version 1.2:
- Kagi payment processing materials added
- Potential emory leak plugged
- Updated documentation

System Requirements:
- Any Mac from the SE on up
- System 6.x or greater
- 1 meg free RAM

RoundHouse Software

[Archived as /info-mac/game/factory-13.hqx; 747K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:34 -0700
Subject: [*] FileT&C 2.1.0; type & creator changing.

=46ileT&C is an useful application for changing file type and/or creator=8A
It's very useful for normal desktop usage, but is really cool when works,
fine, fast and in background, with a lot of files. Also it can scan,
quickly, disks and folders looking for files to treat...
=46ileT&C is Internet Config aware and has a couple of options to change,
according to name extension, following the Internet Config's File Mapping
=46ileT&C has some useful hot keys for changing, on the fly skipping the
"Request Dialog", by using the preferred type and/or creator set in the
preferences.  You can also instruct it to ignore during its performance,
some kind of files or to treat only some other specific types.
=46ileT&C is Macintosh Drag and Drop aware and requires at least System 7 to=

The FileT&C 2.1.0 package contains both 68K and PowerPc versions.

Author: Rocco Moliterno

New since version 2.0.2:
Added ability to use menus. Drag Manager support. Added ability to treat
only some kind of files. Movable modal dialogs can switch in background.
Added "Internet" menu. Added ability to use Internet Config's File Mapping.
Added don't change check boxes so, if  you forget to use Hot Keys, you've
one more change for leaving untouched type or creator. Added 'aete'
resource.  FileT&C always check for file to skip/treat, before working.
Removed windows zooming. Removed the annoying alert occurring at startup,
when a preference file doesn't exists.  Slightly changed desktop icon.
Revisited and improved the whole code. Linked with MoreFiles 1.4.6. Updated
e-mail address. Changed web page address. Minor changes.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/file-tc-210.hqx; 176K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:04 -0700
Subject: [*] FreeBack

About "i++" - English version (OS2.x only)
This is the English version of i++ that seamlessly integrates in OS2.
With i++ you can open packages, rotate the screen, change default store,
show a system info (includes garbage collection) and many other
actions... from every OS2-i-button. The mayor improvements since i++
V1.30 are:
- support of sub-menus
- accessing recently used packages (if they had been selected with i++)
- and new special actions and MP2000 button bar buttons.

NOTES about using i++ and SCROLLMENUS
- If you are a user of ScrollMenus please RESET your Newton after
installing i++ V1.4
- If you use ScrollMenus 3 as included in DateMan, MoreFolders and maybe
other SAI-packages and experience incompatibilities please contact
StandAlone for an updated version which should be available by now (sorry
- there is nothing I can do about this problem).

Shareware US$10 by Thorsten Lange

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/util/ipp-e-14.hqx; 107K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:01 -0700
Subject: [*] FreeBack

About "FreeBack" (OS2.x only):
FreeBack is a very simple package to be used as backdrop for all peoples
concerned about heap. It is nearly the most simple Newton-app posible to
free as much heap as possible (heap usage significantly increases with
program complexity). All FreeBack consists of, is a blank screen and an
i-button that can be used to launch packages using i++.

FreeBack is Freeware by Thorsten Lange

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/util/freeback.hqx; 11K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:03 -0700
Subject: [*] FreeBack

About "i++" - German version (OS2.x only)
This is the German version of i++ that seamlessly integrates in OS2. With
i++ you can open packages, rotate the screen, change default store, show
a system info (includes garbage collection) and many other actions...
from every OS2-i-button. The mayor improvements since i++ V1.30 are:
- support of sub-menus
- accessing recently used packages (if they had been selected with i++)
- and new special actions and MP2000 button bar buttons.

NOTES about using i++ and SCROLLMENUS
- If you are a user of ScrollMenus please RESET your Newton after
installing i++ V1.4
- If you use ScrollMenus 3 as included in DateMan, MoreFolders and maybe
other SAI-packages and experience incompatibilities please contact
StandAlone for an updated version which should be available by now (sorry
- there is nothing I can do about this problem).

Shareware US$10 by Thorsten Lange

[Archived as /info-mac/nwt/util/ipp-d-14.hqx; 110K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:46 -0700
Subject: [*] GenericTrivia

Generic Trivia 1.2d03
Don't settle for the trivia games out there=8A
make your own with Generic Trivia.

System Requirements:
-System 7.0 or greater
-Speech Manager (optional)

Generic Trivia isn't like any of the other trivia games available, simply
because you aren't limited to the questions available. Generic Trivia makes
it easy to expand upon the questions, and just as well CREATE your own
trivia game... without any programming knowledge! All you need is
creativity and imagination. For information on how to create your own
trivia application, download the Generic Trivia Editor's Manual at the site
for The MacTrivia Centre listed below.

If you ever wanted to publish your own trivia to stump your friends, and
others on the internet, take a look at Generic Trivia.

Check out The MacTrivia Centre site for more information at:

Peter Carbonetto
Kingston, Ontario

[Archived as /info-mac/game/generic-trivia-12d03.hqx; 217K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:30 -0700
Subject: [*] Gradekeeper 4.7

Gradekeeper is a powerful, easy to use gradebook program for the
You can use semesters, trimesters, quarters, or six-week terms. You can
group assignments into 10 categories. You can compute grades using total
points or category weights. You can excuse any assignment for any
student, or drop the worst score in any category. Your final exams can
contribute to the term, semester, or final grade.
Gradekeeper is also very easy to use. With the default categories and
options, you can start entering students, assignments, and scores right
away. To change student names, assignments, or scores, simply click and
type the new information. An extensive user's guide is included.

I wrote Gradekeeper because I was unable to find an inexpensive grading
program with the features I needed which was also easy to use. I hope
Gradekeeper is able to fill that void for you as well.

Gradekeeper is distributed as shareware. It is not free. You may try
this program for 30 days without obligation. If decide to continue using
it, you are expected to pay the registration fee. The registration fee
is $20 for an individual license and $100 for a site license.

You may distribute your unregistered copy of Gradekeeper to anyone. You
may include it on a CD-ROM or upload it onto a BBS or other online
service. If you give Gradekeeper to someone else, you must include all
the files in the Gradekeeper folder. You may not modify the program in
any way.

Version 4.7 includes the following improvements:
- You can now enter letter grade cutoffs and final exam weights to
tenths of a percent. All grading computations are now done to tenths as
well. This should result in more precise grade computation. It also
allows more exact final exam weighting (when you want a fraction like
1/7, you can enter 14.3% instead of 14%).
- You can now drop a student from your class by dragging that student so
that at least one blank row separates them from the rest of the class.
Dropped students will still appear in the gradebook grid, but grades
will not be computed, and they will not be included in any reports.
- When you leave all of your letter grade cutoffs blank, grades will now
be displayed as percents only. Previously, everyone earned a grade of F.
- You can now import assignments, categories, points possible, and
student scores using the Import command.
For more information and the latest version of Gradekeeper, visit my web
site at: -

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/grade-keeper-47.hqx; 209K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:35 -0700
Subject: [*] Grapple 1.2 - a fast and friendly string finder for the Mac!

Grapple 1.2 - A Quick and Easy String Finder for the Mac!
Grapple is a string finder for the Mac that is fast, friendly and
incredibly useful.  Whether you've lost a piece of email, a business letter
or a C/C++ header file Grapple will find it!

Grapple has a clear and intuitive interface.  Set up a string to find,
choose where to start the search and hit the search button.  Grapple searches
recursively through the folder hierarchy for files of the chosen type
(or types) which contain your string.  Matched strings are extracted and
in a window for you to browse through.  At the end of a search, select any
file from those listed and either view it from within Grapple, have the
Finder display its location or open it with the editor of your choice - all
at the press of a button!

Grapple has many features not mentioned here but those that are
NEW to version 1.2 include:
 - search results can be viewed as a one line summary of file information
   or as a list of extracts as before.
 - summary information can be sorted on any field by clicking in the field
   header - just as in the Finder.
 - search constraints can now include file size and modification date.
 - more customizable and improved user interface.
 - up to 100% faster than before!

Grapple is fully functional SHAREWARE.

Grapple requires System 7 or later with 384K of free memory for the 680x0
version or 500K for the PowerPC version.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/grapple-12.hqx; 433K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:11 -0700
Subject: [*] hercules for Kaleidoscope

Subject:Hercules for kaleidoscope =A9Disney
This is a file to be used with Kaleidoscope 1.x

=46lavio Rucci

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/hercules.hqx; 50K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:13 -0700
Subject: [*] ImperialMing 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme

ImperialMing 1.5 - For Kaleidoscope 1.5 and above.

 KaleidoScopie at...

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/imperial-ming.hqx; 29K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:50 -0700
Subject: [*] Interactive I Ching

The file "interactive-i-ching103-68k" contains Version 1.3.0 of Interactive
I Ching, Freeware for Macintosh 68k machines running System 7.x. It
features an English language interpretation of the I Ching by Sidney Dutton
Hoover. Interactive I Ching presents the user with six pairs of randomly
selected lines from the I Ching and associates the images which are chosen
with a hexagram. Users with a Power Macintosh machine should consider
obtaining Version 2.0, which adds the capability of saving outcomes and
reviewing choices to Version 1.0. Use at your own risk.

Permission to freely distribute Interactive I Ching in its compiled form is
granted. Please obtain permission to quote more than 100 words in print.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/interactive-i-ching-130-6.hqx; 114K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:17 -0700
Subject: [*] kidcons.hqx, space icons, World of Copland:2

The enclosed folder contains over 60 custom Kidcon icons for children of
all ages. This fun and playful set was drawn by hand utilizing bold lines
and striking colors to bring out the kid in everyone. There are Kidcon
replacements for the standard Mas OS items like blank folders and the
trash can as well as scores of toys and objects that are sure to loosen
up any Macintosh. Whether your eight or eighty, we're sure you'll enjoy
the Kidcon Icon Collection as long as you're young at heart!

System requirements:
* System 7.5.3 or greater
* Works best with a color Macintosh

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our
Web page:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/kidcons.hqx; 122K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:32 -0700
Subject: [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.2.5 - foreign languages learning

Here is the new version (1.2.5) of 'Language Toolkit Reader'.

'Language Toolkit Reader' is an interactive multimedia program for language
learning.  It features the integrated use of text, illustrations, sound,
QuickTime=81 Movies, vocabulary, exercises based on text and sound, and=
 notes on
grammar.  You use the program to access 'lessons' which are prepared
A teacher can prepare multimedia lessons for any target language by using th=
companion program 'Language Toolkit Writer'. An associated program ('Verbs &
Nouns') gives access to additional support in the way of dictionaries, and
offers the opportunity for further practice of inflection and translation
at the
level of single words.

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/language-toolkit-reader-125.hqx; 1162K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:33 -0700
Subject: [*] MacGrammarTutor

MacGrammarTutor is a program that helps you learn and use good English
grammar. Good grammar can make a big difference for writing effective
sentences. With well-formed sentences you're a long way to becoming an
excellent writer or communicator. Use MacGrammarTutor to learn good grammar
for the first time, or use it to build on what you already know. The
program is easy enough for younger users and comprehensive enough for older

The strategy of MacGrammarTutor is:  1) learn about a small point;  2) test
to see if you've got the point;  3) try out what you've learned in a
sentence. As you move from point to point you gradually learn a great
deal-almost without realizing it. The program explains what job each thing
in a sentence does.

MacGrammarTutor is easy to operate. It uses attractive screens. It has
several "just-for-fun" features. If you want, it lets you see immediate
feedback on how well you're doing. You can go through the whole program in
order, or you can work on whatever parts of it you desire. The main window
has a "help" button that explains the program. You can also find each topic
by using the on-screen index.

W. Rogers
MacEducational Software

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/mac-grammar-tutor-21-le.hqx; 233K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:21 -0700
Subject: [*] MacMod Pro 5.01

Announcing the release of MacMod Pro 5.01!  MacMod Pro is a MOD player and
editor.  It allows you to create professional-quality songs that don't
require extra hardware to play.  With the new easy-to-use interface and many
new features, it is time to download the program MacUser rated five mice!

New features since version 4.15:
* Staff editor lets you compose in music notation
* Print sheet music
* New player drivers
* New hypertext help system
* Enhanced interface and many bug fixes

System requirements:
* System 7
* Color QuickDraw
* 2 MB of hard drive space

For more information, please read the About MacMod Pro file enclosed, or
visit our web page:


Ian Mouton

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/macmod-pro-501.hqx; 1167K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:57 -0700
Subject: [*] MagicalKeys 1.3.2

MagicalKeys 1.3.2
This control panel allows you to open "magically" up to four often-used
applications, documents etc. To open a Finder item, quickly press down 2
or 3 times the modifier key (Command, Option, Shift, Control) it is
associated with. Requires MacOS System 7.0 or later.

Mikaeru Software

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/magical-keys-132.hqx; 67K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:23 -0700
Subject: [*] MatchWord 1.0 - A Reading Game

MatchWord is a simple game for matching some first and second grade words
(most are nouns from the "100 nouns" list) with pictures.  There are 5
screens with 20 words on each. Click the word and click the matching
picture and it is clear you made the correct match. This game is
appropriate for beginning readers of all ages. The cost is $5. Schools
receive a site license for the same price.

System requirements:
HyperCard or HyperCard Player 2.x

For more info. visit:

Steve Gandy
Training, Consulting, Software

[Archived as /info-mac/game/match-word-hc-10.hqx; 79K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:58 -0700
Subject: [*] Pretty Scroll 1.0.0 - a control panel animates scrolling - John

Pretty Scroll 1.0.1
(c) Copyright 1997 Johnny C N Lee, All Rights Reserved.

Pretty Scroll is a control panel which animates scrolling.

When we 'scroll' a document, by clicking scroll bar or hiting page down,
the document is not scrolled to next page.  It actually 'jumps' to next
page.  Sometimes it is hard to find the point where we were watching,
especially near the end of the document.  With Pretty Scroll, it is
easier.  Since the scrolling process is animated, we can follow the
movement and find the last point easily.

What's new

What's new in 1.0.1?

- Fixed incompatibility with Mac OS 8.

- Fixed incompatibility with Color It! 3.2.

Johnny C N Lee
A Hong Kong Mac OS Developer

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/pretty-scroll-101.hqx; 77K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:14 -0700
Subject: [*] RoyalOrchid 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme

RoyalOrchid 1.5 - For Kaleidoscope 1.5 and above.

 KaleidoScopie at...

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/royal-orchid.hqx; 25K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:25 -0700
Subject: [*] Sim-Cinema DELUXE 1.0

Sim-Cinema DELUXE is a quality, shareware simulation of the filmmaking
process. In the game, you are a producer who owns a small production
company. You decide all aspects of the movie: name, genre, directors,
cast, crew, etc. You are given a budget from your distributor(e.g.
Universal), and among other things must use it to advertise the film
prior or during its release, if you want to make any money. If your
film's final gross is high enough, you get a spot on the top ten list
among other blockbusters(Jurassic Park, Star Wars, etc.). These are just
a few of the games features.

System Requirements:

PPC or 68k Macintosh
System 7.0.1 or later
Sound Manager 3.0 or later
At least 1 MB of free RAM
A monitor 640x480 or larger, supporting at least 256 colors

For more info on this program please visit my homepage.

Shannon Schroeder, Author
Shareware in the Sky

[Archived as /info-mac/game/sim-cinemadx-10.hqx; 911K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:15 -0700
Subject: [*] SirenAngel 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme

SirenAngel 1.5 - For Kaleidoscope 1.5 and above.

 KaleidoScopie at...

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/siren-angel.hqx; 21K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:29 -0700
Subject: [*] SlapMyBack-Macintosh PS-Font

Slap My Back ('Funky' freeware PS-font by Niclas Sellebr=E5ten 1995-97) is a
version of POSH, released commercially by the same author in 1995. It
incorporates most features of the DTP typography language. Use it  a n d
abuse it.

Niclas Sellebr=E5ten
Bj=F6rn Kusoffsky AB
Riddargatan 17 d
114 57 Stockholm
Tel +46(8)665 19 20
Mobil +46(70)773 64 76
=46ax +46(8)665 19 99

[Archived as /info-mac/font/ps/slap-my-back.hqx; 45K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:13:01 -0700
Subject: [*] Sleeper 3.0 - Sleep mode for all Macs

Sleeper is a shareware control panel for desktop Macintoshes and Power
Macintoshes that dims the screen, powers down Energy Star compliant
monitors, and spins down disk drives after periods of inactivity.  This
saves energy and reduces noise levels in your work area without forcing you
to shut down your Mac.  Sleeper can also password-protect the screen and
shut down your Mac if it has been idle for too long.

Because Sleeper does not rely on Apple's Power Manager, Sleeper will work
on any Macintosh running System 7.0 or later, and does not suffer from some
of the quirky behavior reported with Apple's Energy Saver 2.0.  Sleeper is
well suited for unattended operations as well as personal desktop use. For
file servers, ftp and http hosts, and fax and BBS systems, Sleeper will
wake the drives up when they are needed and put them to sleep when they are
idle.  Sleeper is easily configurable; it provides hotkey control for
on-demand activation of its sleep features, and separate delay settings for
screen dimming, monitor power down, shutdown, disk sleep, and password

Sleeper will work on any Macintosh running System 7 or higher, including
Mac OS 8, and will spin down both IDE and SCSI hard drives.  The screen
saver feature requires a color-capable Macintosh, and Energy Star monitor
support requires an Energy Star compliant Macintosh (any Mac on which
Apple's Energy Saver control panel works) and an Energy Star capable
monitor.  Sleeper supports SCSI Manager 4.3 in native mode on all machines
and requires only 40K of memory when operating.

In addition to the standard internet archives, information and updates are
available at the following web site.  Also, keep an eye on the site for the


[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/sleeper-30.hqx; 326K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:43 -0700
Subject: [*] space icons

Abstract for Space Icons:

The enclosed folder contains 62 hand-drawn Space Icons. The Space Icon
collection provides students, educators and people with a love for space,
a way to put part of the solar system on their desktops. Every planet in
the solar system as well as most of the major satellites are represented.
In addition, many of NASA's space vehicles including Voyager, Pioneer,
and the latest entry, the Sojourner Rover have a place in the collection.
If you have an affinity for space, an interest in the planets or NASA
then Space Icons are for you.

This icon set is dedicated to all the people at NASA, JPL and
particularly the Johnson Space Center who have been in a bitter fight to
keep their beloved Macs. These little pictures are to say thank-you for
doing everything I always wanted but couldn't because I hated math! You
all have very good reason to be proud of your accomplishments and I for
one applaud you, bravo!

System requirements:
* System 7.5.3 or greater
* Works best with a color Macintosh

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our
Web page:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/space-icons.hqx; 143K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:18 -0700
Subject: [*] Steve's NeXT Folders Set #7

Steve's NexXT Folders Set #7 + More
 System Requirements: Any Mac
 Size : 460.1 KB

 These 151 icons are to simulate the look of NeXT  folders.  Which were
inspired by Michael's NeXT folders.
 I got tired of looking at the same old folders and decided to make some
of my own to enhance the look of my desk top.

 These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as
long as the readme file is included!

 If you have any questions direct them to my email address:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/steves-next-folders-set-7.hqx; 388K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:19 -0700
Subject: [*] Steve's NeXT Folders Set 8 + More

Steve's NexXT Folders Set #8 + More
 System Requirements: Any Mac
 Size : 460.1 KB

 These 151 icons are to simulate the look of NeXT  folders.  Which were
inspired by Michael's NeXT folders.
 I got tired of looking at the same old folders and decided to make some
of my own to enhance the look of my desk top.

 These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as
long as the readme file is included!

 If you have any questions direct them to my email address:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/steves-next-folders-set-8.hqx; 630K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:13:02 -0700
Subject: [*] Switch-It 1.4.2

Switch-It 1.4.2

This control panel allows you to cycle through running applications by
Command-Tab; Escape key cancels the current switching request while
Command key is still down. To use this feature, place this file in the
Control Panels folder and then restart the computer. Requires MacOS
System 7.0 or later.

Mikaeru Software

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/switch-it-142.hqx; 86K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:47 -0700
Subject: [*] The Elements of Map-Making Style

The foreword to the guide best states what it is:

  Soon after playing Marathon I became interested in designing maps for it.
I picked up a copy of Pfhorte and M.I.A. There were guides written that
explained how to make polygons, platforms, lights, etc., but nothing about
what makes a map fun. The situation is analogous to trying to make a cake
knowing the ingredients, but not the quantities. After years of studying
others' maps and designing my own, I have arrived at guidelines for

  What makes a map "good" or "fun?" Opinions vary, but there are certain
constants involved such as physics, monsters, textures, etc., when
designing maps. Taking these into account while following the guidelines
will tend to increase the fun factor of your maps. However, the guidelines
are not formulas in  which you enter values for X and Y and always equal
good map. No, these are guidelines to follow or not to follow, if they do
not coincide with what you are trying to accomplish with a particular map.
Understand the guidelines and ignore them if you need to, but not out of

  While this piece is focused on Marathon map-making, nearly all of it is
applicable to other games in the genre like Dark Forces, Doom, Quake, Duke
Nukem 3d, et al.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD -- all others, please contact
me first.

Jason Parsons

[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/mthn/the-elements-of-map-making.hqx; 58K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:26 -0700
Subject: [*] TwoBoysQuestion.sit

    In a recent column, Marilyn Von Savant was lambasted for her answer
to the following question:

                      "A woman and a man (unrelated) each
                       have two children. At least one of the
                       woman's children is a boy. The man's older
                       child is a boy. Are the chances that the
                       woman has two boys equal to the chances
                       that the man has two boys?"

Most people say that the answer is obviously yes. Von Savant has now bet
$1000 that it is no. This simple stack simulates the problem, and shows
who is right and why.

Requires Hypercard. It is freeware & may be freely re-distributed.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/two-boys-question-hc.hqx; 13K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:48 -0700
From: (Mike Bean)
Subject: [*] Type&Speak 0.55
Subect: Type&Speak 0.55

Type & Speak 0.55 - is a great little game for young children.  Kids can
type any
phrase they want and the computer reads whatever they type.  There are a
few more
bells and whistles here and there.  This is a great tool for kids who are just
learning to read.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/type-speak-055.hqx; 1422K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:28 -0700
Subject: [*] Warhammer Template

Sam DiRocco

This is a Filemaker Template to keep track and enlist your Warhammer
armies. This is only a beta version at this time

[Archived as /info-mac/game/warhammer.hqx; 424K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:44 -0700
Subject: [*] World of Copland:2

Abstract for World of Copland Vol. 2:

The enclosed folder contains 41 icons based on the now infamous and
defunct Mac OS code named Copland. While the OS will never be released in
its original form, some aspects of Copland will be used in Mac OS 8 due
in July of 1997. Keeping with that theme and expanding upon what came
before in volume 1, we've create more every day objects, techno/computer
objects and just plain fun stuff. We hope you like the icons and we're
sure you'll put them to good use.

System requirements:
* System 7.5.3 or greater
* Works best with a color Macintosh

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our
Web page:


Gedeon Maheux
Digital Media Designer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/woc-2.hqx; 118K]


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:12:42 -0700
Subject: [*] Yet Another Text Editor

New Text Editor. I'm still searching for some beta testers. Mail me if
you are interested! Goodbye! ;_)

[Archived as /info-mac/text/ya-text-editor-023a4.hqx; 301K]



End of Info-Mac Digest