Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #180
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Info-Mac Digest             Sun, 24 Aug 97       Volume 15 : Issue 180

Today's Topics:

       Stay away from Eigerlabs and MacMall house brands
      [A] os 8 problem
      [A]: Eudora Light 3.11 filters: how to transfer files to Trash?
      [A]: OS 8 install
      [A]: Small icons with OS 8.....
      [Q] Apple Fax Problem
      apple 15" portrait display
      Bad Extension problems
      Does my 7100 use a Display Card 8*24 GC
      Ethernet Card problems
      External SCSI drive case?
      Formatting software?
      Good e-mail services for Macs?
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #169
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #178
      Installing OS 8
      Mac LC II
      Mac LC II, which version of MacOS ?
      OS 8 install
      os 8 problem
      Reading MS Schedule+ diary from a Mac: is it possible?
      Small icons with OS 8.....
      Small icons with OS 8.....
      SuperBoomerang for OS 8?
      Using SE monitor w/ external CPU??

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Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 15:15:07 -0700
From: "David L. Hirschberg" <>
Subject:  Stay away from Eigerlabs and MacMall house brands


Has anyone had any luck getting an Eigerlabs PCMCIA ethernet LAN card
(Model NE-1000 PE-200) to work with system 7.6 or higher?

We got stuck with a bunch of them a year ago when we tried buying Faralon
cards from MacMall.  They were out of stock so we ended up with their
'house brand' for the same price.  We started having problems with the
cards last fall and after several calls to MacMall the housebrand name was
revealed (I would not put my name on these cards either) as Eigerlabs.
After several calls to Eigerlabs and threats to MacMall that we would
return them were sent an updated driver from Eigerlabs that could be
installed with Classic Appletalk running.  The driver had a lot of problems
(crashes, reflected packets, slow throughput) but we were assured that a
newer driver would come out in a few weeks).

So a new version never came out and the current version of the driver does
not work with system 7.6.1 and later. After several calls to Macmall,  I
was told by a supervisor that since we had used the product for several
months they were unable to exchange it and it was not their responsibility
to support this product even though it was sold as their housebrand.  They
were also not willing to pressure Eigerlabs to do anything either.

I do not mind dealing with the manufacture diretly by dealing with
Eigerlabs is a joke.  No one in Techsupport knows anything about the Mac
and I am always transfered to Ken,  the head of tech support who's
voicemail tells you that your call is very important to him and to have a
nice day.  I have not had a call returned since April.  Basically the
company is not set up to support macs and there is no mac support for their
products on their website.

So before I drive a railroad spike through these cards...Has anyone else
that has been stuck with these cards been able to get them to work with a
mac?  Does someone mac a universal driver for these cards (something like
CD-ROM toolkit)?

If you buy from MacMall make sure you stay away from their 'housebrands'
and if you want a company that can support their products I would not
choose Eigerlabs.

Sincerely, David


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 13:18:13 -0700
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <mmcneil@BBN.COM>
Subject: [A] os 8 problem

You may need to update the drivers...this was a required part of the OS 7.6
install. If the drives are formatted with Apple utilities, use the disk
utilities on the OS 8.0 CD, if not you need to upgrade your disk utilities.



Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 14:21:03 -0400
From: "Michael D. Arkin" <>
Subject: [A]: Eudora Light 3.11 filters: how to transfer files to Trash?

Original posting (abridged): I successfully use Eudora Light 3.11 filters
to transfer mail to various mailboxes, using header information such as
<From:>, but I have been unable to transfer mail based on subjects which
start with a specified character string.

Solution: place the <Subject: starts with> filters at the top of the
"Filters" list, and add the action <Skip Rest> after the action <Transfer

Suggested explanation: the messages in question were subject to more than
one filter, and were suffering from an interaction between filters.

Thanks are extended to all who replied to the original posting.


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 13:37:21 -0700
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <mmcneil@BBN.COM>
Subject: [A]: OS 8 install

My recommendation:

Save off a copy of your System Folder Control Panels, Extensions, &
Preferences including the disabled versions and do a Clean Install. You can
restore most of your preferences by dragging the old prefs back into the
new system folder preferences folder. Same with old CP & Exts you want to

Before you do the install, check the disk with Disk First Aid and be sure
to update the disk drivers with the appropriate disk software. OS 7.6 and
beyond have newer drivers.

I personally cleaned off my machine and reformatted the disk with the
latest software.



Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 13:31:56 -0700
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <mmcneil@BBN.COM>
Subject: [A]: Small icons with OS 8.....

Small icons seem to be only available in folders, select the contextual
menu from the title bar of the window. Interestingly, there is a different
contextual menu on the primary partition (system folder) of my disk than on
the second partition. The primary partition only allows the two sizes and
limited options which is the same as the desktop contextual menu. The
second partition acts like a folder with the full range of options
previously allowed in the view control panel + some new options. The
options are specific to each folder (new).



Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 17:02:31 +0100
From: "J. Eickhoff" <>
Subject: [Q] Apple Fax Problem

Dear Netters,

I have a problem with my fax SW on PB540 (still 68040) no longer
working. My PB has Sys 7.6.1 and since this upgrade in june no further
SW changes have been made (no installations, no deinstallations). With
sys. 7.6.1 installed by my local Apple dealer I also got an upgrade of
my fax SW. The old original fax SW was Express Fax bundled with my Apple
Express Modem II. Since this upgrade 7.6.1 from my dealer the fax. SW is
called "Apple Fax" and the info window tells it to be part of "Apple
Telecom Software 3.0" (whatever that is).

This SW perfectly worked until I tried to send a fax some days ago.
When  klicking the button to start "Apple Telecom Status" (this little
window with the symbol showing how the faxes build up connection,
transmit and disconnect) I get an error -35. This seems as if there is a
missing file now, but which file? I checked my HD whether any damages
can be tracked, that a file accidentally disappeared, but no problems
could be found.

Please help to find the reason for this error and please give me a hint
where I can find this "Apple Telecom Software 3.0" in case I have to
reinstall it. On the Apple server I only found the old "Express Modem
SW" with separate "Fax Viewer" and "Fax Sender" whereas my SW just has
one send and view component "Apple Fax".

Thanks for hints


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 17:21:30 -0400
From: Deborah Foss <>
Subject: apple 15" portrait display

I just got given a apple 15" portrait display, but without a cable. It will
cost me 60 dollars from griffin, but for me that is a little steep for a
old black and white monitor. It uses a 13w3-db15 video cord. does anyone
out there in infomac land know of a cheaper way or have an old cord they
would sell me? thanks



Date: Fri, 22 Aug 97 12:29:10 -0700
From: Dan Frakes <>
Subject: Bad Extension problems

Dave Rudance <> wrote:

>I was wondering if Apple was/or has come up with a program for detecting
>bad system extensions.  The only one I am familiar with is the Conflict
>Catcher which is made by Cassidy & Greene and was told by one of the
>Apple Tech's that Apple did not recognize the product.  With the amount
>of extensions I need to run it is a long and tedious prossess to catch
>the right one.

Well, I don't know what the Apple Tech person that helped you was 
thinking ;-). Conflict Catcher is by far the best 
extension-conflict-testing tool out there. Maybe he meant "we can't 
recommend it, since we don't make it?"



Date: Fri, 22 Aug 97 12:29:13 -0700
From: Dan Frakes <>
Subject: Does my 7100 use a Display Card 8*24 GC

Bissia <> wrote:

>with a little question : how do I know if my 7100 have the Macintosh
>Display Card 8=B724 GC. pluged on that machine board,
>without the need to open the Mac case =8A

There are no current Macs which use that card. It is an _old_ card!


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 97 14:18:56 -0700
From: "Paul A. Wagner" <pwagner@galaxy.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
Subject: Ethernet Card problems

"Hardie, Doug            HIM,CA" <> asked
about an "old Mac IIx with an ethernet card" that he was trying to use.

If the card in question is a Macintosh Ethernet Interface card, and it sounds
like it is from his description of two available connection sizes, then amomg
the things to check are whether the jumper, which switches between the thin
net and the DB-15 connector sets, is rightly set. It came from the factory
preset to DB-15. Since then it may or not have reset. To check it, power off
your Mac and open the case carefully. Ground yourself prior to reaching
inside so you don't inadvertantly zap anything sensitive to static discharge.

Then firmly pull the card straight up and out of the Mac. Locate the jumper--a
small plastic box that covers two metal pins and another metal pin left bare
to its right or its left. If there is no jumper, then either
(1) The card is of a type that doesn't use jumpers and I can't help you; or
(2) The jumper is lost, and I still can't help you

If you can locate the jumper, then its configuration that corresponds to
connector type is as follows:
Looking down on the card

DB-15 (Thick cable)                    Thin net
|-------|                              |--------|
|       |  O                       O   |        |
|-------|                              |--------|

    .                                      .
    .                                      .
    .                                      .
    .                                      .

where the large boxes are the jumper covering the pins, the "O" is a bare pin,
the connector sets are to the right of the page, and the dots are a crude
attempt to reproduce an illustration from Apple's manual.

When you have set the jumper as desired, replace the card, close up the Mac, and
power on. If you have selected thin net, and the diode hasn't burned out, and
the card is working at least minimally, looking directly at the lower screw hole
for the DB-15 connector should show you a lit, red LED. If you chose thick nte,
then no LED.

If the jumper is set right, the card works as expected, and you still can't
use it, then either your transceiver is working, or the problem is software.
Does a different computer hooked up to that transceiver work properly?

I meant "isn't working" in the paragraph above. Sorry. Anyway, you wanted a
description of the card's jumper, and I hope this helps you.

Paul Wagner
"I don't speak for JPL or NASA."


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 14:14:13 -0500
From: Rafael <>
Subject: External SCSI drive case?

I am looking for an external case for my old 500 MB, SCSI Apple drive. I
would rather not have to spend more than $100 for one: I don't really need
two SCSI ports.

What are some reputable companies that can help me with this?

Thank you all,



Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 15:37:22 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Formatting software?

At 1:31 PM -0400 8/21/97, Gino J. Piazza wrote:
>   Hi, I have on order a Micropolis 9.1 gigabyte AV hard drive for my
>Quadra 800. Now for my question. On a drive that big do you think it is
>better to use Apple's formatting software or is it better to use
>somethiing like Hard Disk Toolkit?

You won't be able to use Apple's software to format an non-Apple OEM drive.
You'll have to use a third-party formatter like HDT.

For the budget-minded, MacMall has Anubis available for something like $4.95.

There is a patch available that will make some versions of Apple's
formatter recognize all hard drives, but I don't like that idea.  Apple
presumably limits support to it own OEM mechanisms because those are the
only mechanisms it tests.  Turning on untested support for arbitrary disk
mechanisms seems fraught with peril.

I know many people will say they've done this without problems, and that's
great.  I just don't like the sound of it.

chazl            -  8.22.1997  -  


Date: Sat, 23 Aug 1997 14:38:42 +0200
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=22H=E5kon_Alstadheim=22?=  <>
Subject: Good e-mail services for Macs?

(sent both to the list and to (Michael Cook) writes:
> I would like to find a convenient e-mail only application for my Mac.
> I don't want WWW access.  I don't want ads like Juno has to make
> itself free to users.
> I just want an easy, low-cost, e-mail tool to use at home for
> personal e-mail use with friends and family.  Just e-mail.
> No bells & whistles needed.

The catch-all answer to that is Eudora Light, now at version 3.1.1. The
Light version is free, but is still remarkably full-featured. There is a
Pro version wich has advanced archiving/filtering etc. I haven=B4t looked in
the infomac archives, but I=B4m sure it=B4s here. If you prefer you can cont=
the manufacturer at <>, or check out the
website at <>. I am in no way affiliated with Qualcom,
but still I have to say that this product is brilliant. Eudora is best with
a full internet connection (e.g. a ppp dialup and a pop account), but you
can set up eudora to use other access methods.


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 15:37:24 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #169

At 1:59 AM -0600 8/21/97, Scott A. Gorman wrote:
>> ...I am trying to get all of
>> the information from my old LC III (also a gift from this friend)
>> using Local Talk cables and having NO success!  I have ALL the right
>> things turned on--Sharing Setup (file sharing is on), Users & Groups,
>> File Sharing Monitor, Sharing... (under FILE menu), Apple Talk is on,
>> etc...  Is it a problem with the computers not being compatible?  Am I
>> missing something?  Any help would be appreciated!

There's not a compatibility problem.  I've transferred data over Localtalk
between a wide variety of machines including between a PowerCenter 120 and
a Mac Plus.

However, before we can offer any specific suggestions, we'll need to know
specifically what "having no success" means.  Can either machine see the
other in the Chooser?  Do you get an error?  What is it?  etc.

chazl            -  8.22.1997  -  


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 16:30:17 -0500 (CDT)
From: Rick Russell <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #178

Mark Fiske writes:
> Could someone do a "Get Info" on the OS 8 Finder, click on it's icon, copy
> it, paste it on an empty folder, place the folder with the new icon inside
> another new folder, stuffit, hqx-it and e-mail it to:
... etc.

I may be booed as a wet blanket if I point this out, but the user
interface elements that Apple has worked so hard to bring to OS 8 are
actually copyrighted. Apple might be a little upset if you
redistribute their artwork without their permission.

Rick R.


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 97 13:41:23 -0800
From: "B.J. Major" <>
Subject: Installing OS 8

In reply to:

>Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 16:14:38 -0400
>From: "Norman R. Friedman" <>
>Subject: OS 8 install
>Just got a CD OS 8 and would like to up from 7.5, but basically I am faint
>of heart anytime I do an upgrade. I wonder if anyone can tell me in PLAIN
>ENGLISH - the safest and easiest way to do the upgrade. I have a Performa
>(P PC) 603e with RAM Doubler  making 120,000. I am always worried about
>preferences, extensions, etc. I back up HD with "Zip"
>Any help will be appreciated and may I say "Thanks to all"

Most important rule:  Make a CLEAN System Folder.  Then all you have to 
worry about is copying over (by hand) all your old Prefs and third party 
extensions & control panels you used before.  Make a backup of your old 
System Folder on a removeable cartridge disk before installing OS 8; that 
way, if anything goes wrong, you can always copy over your old System 
Folder to use until you try installing OS 8 again.  DON'T try and do an 
install over your existing System Folder on your hard drive, even if you 
do back it up--OS 8 apparently really does not like this and it may 
refuse to work properly this way.



Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 17:37:22 -0400
From: Jeremy <>
Subject: Mac LC II

Let me start off by saying that the LC II DOES have a 68030, running at
a whopping 16 MHz, so you CAN run Netscape (if you upgrade your RAM or
use VM).

I used to have a trusty rusty LC II, and I upgraded it from system 7.1
to 7.5.  In my opinion, the benifits of this were not worth the cost.
Implenting the new 7.5 features put a greater burden on the already slow
system.  Not to mention the added RAM requirement;  that weighed the
system down even more.

My suggestion:  keep it at 7.1.  If you absolutely have to upgrade, you
shouldn't try to go any higher than system 7.6 (if that); I really don't
know whether it is possible to run OS 8 on this machine, but under any
circumstance I believe it would be a bad idea.  Oh, and a strange caveat
on the LC II; even if you have 4 megs RAM installed, if you install two
4 meg simms it only recognizes you as having 10 megs :(

Good luck



Date: Fri, 22 Aug 97 12:29:16 -0700
From: Dan Frakes <>
Subject: Mac LC II, which version of MacOS ?

Peter Van Avermaet <> wrote:

>My question to this forum is:
>What would be a suitable, recent version of the Mac OS for this machine?

An LC II can run 7.6 or below.



Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 15:52:20 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: OS 8 install

At 4:14 PM -0400 8/21/97, Norman R. Friedman wrote:
>Just got a CD OS 8 and would like to up from 7.5, but basically I am faint
>of heart anytime I do an upgrade. I wonder if anyone can tell me in PLAIN
>ENGLISH - the safest and easiest way to do the upgrade.

Here's what I did on my home machine.

1. Back up existing System Folder to a ZIP disk.
2. Boot from that ZIP disk.
3. Delete the System Folder on your hard disk.
4. Insert the CD and run the MacOS8 install.
5. Eject the ZIP and restart.
6. Start transferring third-party extensions, etc. from the ZIP.

Note; this will whack all your prefs, notably your network/PPP settings,
whch might be a pain. I had about 6 accounts set up in OT/PPP that I didn't
want to recreate.  Here's how I got around this:

Before installing OS8, I installed OT 1.2 and OT/PPP 1.0.1 on my System
7.6.1 system, so my network prefs files [ppp, tcp/ip] were already updated
for the versions in OS8 [I do not know if the format differs at all, but
better safe than...]

After I installed OS8, I bailed out of the "Internet Setup Assistant" and
copied my PPP and TCP/IP prefs from my Zip backup into my new OS8 System

Everything's working fine so far.

Oh, one tidbit about OS8 and RAMDoubler.  On at least some machines, this
combination prevents the floppy drive from working.  This may or may not be
an issue for you, since you have a Zip.  Connectix is aware of this and is
working on a fix.  A guy on the PowerCenter list today reported this same
problem without RAMDoubler, so there's another extension out there that
causes it.

chazl            -  8.22.1997  -  


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 15:52:21 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: os 8 problem

At 8:20 AM -0500 8/21/97, Lee wrote:
> my son has problem with OS8 corrupting btree of his drive volumes.
> what is happening?

Sure sounds to me like the hard disk drivers are not compatible with OS8.

Upgrade to the latest version of whatever driver you're using, and that
should take care of it.

chazl            -  8.22.1997  -  


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 17:25:31 +0100
From: Nigel Gilbert <>
Subject: Reading MS Schedule+ diary from a Mac: is it possible?

My University administration uses Microsoft Schedule+ on PCs for diary
management.  I use a Mac (MacOS 7.5.5. at the moment, on a 7200/90).  All
the machines are on a common ethernet network using TCP/IP, Novell and
Appletalk as appropriate.

I have been appointed to beone of the University''s Pro Vice-Chancellors (a
management position) and the administration want access to the appointments
diary I keep on my Mac (Now Up-to-date); similarly, I would like to access
my colleagues' diaries to arrange meetings etc.  However, I am informed by
our technical services that there is no Mac product which is able to
interwork, or even read MS Schedule+ diary files, and I am being advised to
buy a PC just for the purpose of managing my diary.

Are they right?  Obviously the solution would be to convert the
administration to use some product other than Schedule+ (Meeting Maker for
example runs on both PCs and Macs) and this policy is likely to be adopted,
but with very many people involved, it is unlikely that there will be a
transition for a year or so.  What shall I do in the interim?

Thanks for your advice.


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 16:07:33 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Small icons with OS 8.....

At 1:29 PM -0800 8/21/97, B.J. Major wrote:
>In fact,
>there are not three sizes anymore--it's only very small & large--nothing

The list views still have the same three icon sizes.  Icon views have two,
small and large.  Nothing's been lost from 7.x, and button view has been

chazl            -  8.22.1997  -  


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 97 15:06:02 -0800
From: "B.J. Major" <>
Subject: Small icons with OS 8.....

>Subject:     Re: Small icons with OS 8.....
>Sent:        8/22/97 1:07 PM
>Received:    8/22/97 3:02 PM
>From:        Chaz Larson,
>CC:          B.J. Major,
>At 1:29 PM -0800 8/21/97, B.J. Major wrote:
>>In fact,
>>there are not three sizes anymore--it's only very small & large--nothing
>The list views still have the same three icon sizes.  Icon views have two,
>small and large.  Nothing's been lost from 7.x, and button view has been
>chazl            -  8.22.1997  -  

I was *only* speaking about the "View Options" when contextual menu is 
enabled from the Finder--*not* the list views.  I believe the person's 
original question (who started this thread) was about the sizes of 
folders appearing on the desktop, which is what I was addressing.



Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 21:04:40 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: SuperBoomerang for OS 8?

I know that sounds petty, but I really use and depend on SuperBoomerang (part of
Now Utilities). I've actually resisted upgrading to OS 8 since Now Software has
said that SB is not compatible with OS8 and that users should do so only at
their own risk.

Are they just doing a CYA or are there other successful alternative to SB?

Jamie Dananberg
Eli Lilly & Company


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 14:37:00 -0700
From: Dave Cavner <>
Subject: Using SE monitor w/ external CPU??


I inherited an SE with a defective drive. I would love to use the built-in
monitor with a (currently) "headless" PM7500 server to check it's status
from time to time and stop relying on Timbuktu. I don't have much desktop
space and the SE's small footprint works much better than the smallest
monitor I could buy (plus it was free).

Is this possible? Any ideas how I might make it work?

TIA to all that reply,




End of Info-Mac Digest